Editor's note: The staff ýof Nflw TRIFrt- NFWIS NOTns thanks t4ie student body for> its generous support. As tiiis is our.only sçhool paper. it is hoped itwili. reflect the spirit1I of the school for-the behiefit of the students thermselves and, the township at large.. This can oflly lie true if a large number of studen ts take part ln the writlng and'. ditiig of the news sheet. Studènts. send in *youir questions> to the I'nqulrlng Reporter, and ý-our jokes to the hurnor >editor. 1JeIp the staff to inake this. an ali-sehool paper ý by con- tributing constructive editorials and filir tercsting news itenis of yojîr adviser i*ottiQ* and the activities- in w~hich You are interesi cd. 1f you have any new 1 d(-ag for- Colunins or. anything of the 1ke, di-op theini n the News box. Weof the staff- wish to assure the pers;on who chances to read this plea that. ve are flot iliaking alibis for the Material that has apýpeared in the col- iui-ns so fâIr but are tl:ying to get the readers' hoU2e UP a Ilttle, before they b.'conie 111 froinm anoy£edose ofnedioc- WORTH THE TROUBLE \Vhat is the ain of education?ý It is to prepare us for lîfe, to teachi is how to meet probleins and lîow toi conquer them. Francis Bacon, thec cclebrated Eniglishi philosopher, Said,! R1eading nmaketh a full mani, writingý an .exact mian, histories make men wise. poets witty,." Iii a broad and genieral sense, this quotation shows, the 'reason' for stud.ing what 'nîany, tiiiI areC Cuse i, LJuLi i tf rLUt'.l De,~ able to)'fit .in evcry place wc must be versatile. Wlhy does oie whio doesn*t expcct to bè a professionai study music? For the love of it, and to understand it. FlIow cati you ap- preciate sornething yoti do flot tînder-ý stantd ?Flowv can you appreciate a good hbasketball gane, or play, or concert without any conception of the infinite amount of practice' the perforniers put in to mnake their contribution enjoyable and succcss- Ditier: the, leg chargedi Wait.e 'Ir Th f ie pictures will probably consist e thougt f t s makbtg, eo short films and news reels. The. price of admission is a nickel and the: thi? ha olyfilms are timed to iast approximateiy of\aVht's n YU hv thirty minutes. -The main purpose of of chcke an ~'u hvethe plan'is to provideý some, amuse- me for the. whole bird." m ent. to fil in the lunch period of r:~~~~ "Ys'i.Iar sr u those students.%who cat. at school. tnat is tflC custom M iiis restaCSLurdat.- Diner: "Thank goodniess,Idint order a beefsteak 17 Scanniai the, Ether Fan: .,"Givc me asentenice, ûslng the -,vord 'ammnonial' \Vvnn "mmn bi1ird in'a gilded cage. e The Baron: "My uncle is ase lawyer." Charley: What do 0you mean, a sea lawYyer?" Baroôl: "H-e takes cases off ships." Shie: '"Were you th& mail Witlithe chcecked suit last night?" lie: "No. 1 wore mnine." jOtto: "Is.i mv face dirty or is it my liotto:. "Your face isn't. 1 don't know 'about your imagination." The preacher told the sekton andI thie sexton tofled the bell. Sotobacco killed your father. Too nîuch smoking?" 'No, hie threw a cigar out the win-" dow 'and' forgot to let go of it."' Study Hall Impressions A babel of voices, screechi.ng, yell- illg voices . . . like Uic bird. house at a zoo. . . Iow, pentrating drone of the bell . .. a mnad scrânmble for seats ...silence ..~the. highl, etallic I Chitter-uChatter X\ithlhe close of the semnester in sight, and failure. notices ' sent, the only worries, and feéarf ul anticipations nowtV are the, tel-taie. examinations. However,. the north shore, off ers enlough, attractions to help us- forget suchi things for 'a few days. Anybody whose heel becomes loose from hIs or lier shoé, or otherwise in' need of fixing, and who would like it taken care of in a most satisfactory nannÉr, please sec W. S. Brown's secretary. The work is' always, shapely and weli done. "Service with a Smile" is the miotto of this new and popular 'department. The extcellence of the work was, it may be added, discovered by accident, rather than by intention. and J osePri bclinmau.ntr. i uv 5LUr1Vb explained it in several ways--over- strain f rom hïtch-hiking during Christmas vacation, an accident with a teacup during one of many tiring teas and a case of misplaced confi- dence, resulting from a fondness for sucking the, thumb and entrusting it to somfe one else's mouthi by nistake. Miss \Vright listened politely, but ,did not offer to set them right, 'and nmoved off, siniling to hierself. and Sinding made the score, 2-1, by oinking a free throw., Williams, Scott, andý Sinding follo)wed with, baskets and Evans ton sank a couple;. andý when the ýquarter ended,: New, Trier led, 9-r8.. Grenalade Score* 2 Greenslade of' Evanston was the individual star, of the game, amnassing' a total of 20 points, almrost. two- thirds of the total points sc ored by his teamn and two-fifths of al points scored, on eight baskets and four free. throws.. The gante reached its peak in the second quarter, New Trier scoring seven points and Evans- ton eleven. At the haif the score was 19-16 in favor of Evanstôn. The third quarter opened up wit$h two ~baskets in 4.ick' £succesion Greensiade. Sinding was taken out for four personal fouls. Preston sank one of the prettiest shots of the gaine from the center of the floor. From then -on it settled into a de- fensive battle for New Trier, with Greenslade sinking a basket on al- most every play. This was Evanston's second league victory of the season, Deerfield hav- inz heen ,Iefeated nrevniusv. It ws ton cagers, 27-36. It' was the best game the light- weights have played this year. They showed plenty. of spunk and fight but the Evanston team with the more' experience wore themn down, surged the lead to the end of the game. The' Green 'and Gray team did a beautiful ni-c f ,tpfunse work. kednn ilith benefit us, and no 'si we 'put al sincerity into ,it. dear nest1ess assemule in, L' XO entrnce.moringi107 27'. r 10 0 2 ýey O 16 4 3e ýnorning 11 entrancê.