"Wýhat do you consider one of New' Trier's outstanding points?" the In- quîring Reporter. asked of several students at scilool.. The. following are the replies: Joy Stoveër: In imy estimation, the Girls' -club and -the Tri-Ship -clubs- are by far the outstanding features of New Trier, not because they are the largest organizations, but because tliey eariiestly try to inîprove :the school.jn every possible way. They. are:,always réady to helpJ those Who want to succeed and have not thie means to do ýso.* Bill Nordburg: 1, feel that -New Trier's outstanding' point. is its, fac-, ulty.. We are lucky to have sucli a select'and young- faculty' who have moncdemt ideas and: are very unider- standing and open minded to the. thoughts 'and feelings of the studnts. Virginia Smith: One of the finest things in New Trier is the "*Echioes," * which comes at the close of every school vear. We have always hiad a very lovely year book, without which the year does not seem coiuplete. If. * the underclassien will support -the seniors, the_. book mnay be published. Let's try to have it! Priscilla Whecelock: I think one of tnrougn the G.irls' club y ou wuuiul mnake somie girl's if e a success? XVeII, here's why and how- 1' The mnoney that is made through the, taking of>-magazine subscriptions. goes toward the scholarship fund. 2. The scholarship funid will send some girl, to college., 3. To be able* to go to college, ilil)e the realizà.tion of, some girl's dreams. Proved then that.if you give the Girls' club your new subscription or ren.ewals you mill be doing yoUr "good deed."- Just drop around 'in 215-B and, get a. booklet of prices. We have' on our list practically every màag a- zine eV er heard o. Girls Heà'r a Talk on "ScholarshiPs" Thie junior and senior girls joined ini an assembly on January 5 to hear Miss' Elizabeth Packer. speak on "Schiolarsliips." Miss Packer un- pressed upon the girls the attitude that they miust take, whether ap- oplicants for scholarships or winners The Green and Gray Frosh-Soph quintet partly avenged the varsity's doub le'defeat.'of Friday at the. hands ofEvanston's cagers, ii a victory over Evanisto.i's juior -team, at the Evanston 'Townislip Higli school gym by the'score of 23-18. New Trier outplayed the Evangton teain by_ consistently, better passing, dribbling, and more accuraàte, shoot-, ing. New Trier was in possessi on, of the baIl in, the enemùy's territory most of the first haif. Voights starred for the losers Witb a total of eight ýpoints;, Fitzger.ald,, Laing and Green of the New Trier team gamnered five points apiece; Miller and Dempsey also starred for thve victotws.lNew Trier -led atth haîf, 10-5. The lineup: NTew Trier (23) Evanlston (18) B F IlBF P Adams,f 1 0 O Jones,D.,f O 1 O Fitzgeraldf 2 1 4 1Hanscomb,f O O O Laing,c 2 1 .3 Babcock,c 1 1 . 1, Greetî,g 2 1 I Voights.g 2 4 3 Dempsey,g 2 O 2 Long,,f O O 0 milerf 1I0O.4 WÔod,g O O 2 Rossf O O O VatnGr-een,f 1 O O Muhlke,c O O O Orr,c O O O mee,g. O O O Legg,f O O 1 Wi1song O O O Currle,f 2 0O0O The date of the William Beebe lecture has been set for February 20. F. D. Frisbie, sponsor. of the, Tri- Ship club- announiced recently. This presen tation will be the club's fore- most project for the coming-semester. It ,will be' remembered that. the last project of the Tri- Ship was a, very, success.ful affair,' being the ."Stars, of the Ether," a radlio celeb'rity produc- tionr in which appeared jean Paul King. Clara, Lu 'n' Em. ,tlhe Two Doctors (Pratt and Sherman), Hl Totten and nany others. William Beebe, a famous :nàtural: scientist and explorer of the jungles and tropics, will be, assisted by both motion pictures. and lanterof slides when he presents his lecture, "Two Miles Down," at. the high school auditorium. a Hie has . wri tten a nuniber of books on his observations of bis interesting lie dèscended into the South Seas in a~ diving bell to thée depth of tNwo miles and took moving pictures to record his observations. No 4loiilt., be will show thiese mnost interesting motion pictures at this corning event.' it is announced. The lecture is under the auspices of the Tri-$hip club, and will be presented in cooperation w'ith the nature study departments of the various grammar schools of the township. "It 'is a presentation ly hope that..there -wîil ne sumfcient support this coming year to put across another book. Lee Blaylock : Th'e grand book iin whicli they sum2unarize the events characteristic of the year-known as the "Echoes." This book is an out- standing record to whichi the senior class looks forward for four years. i nose she namieciare: (-onnetiutU, Itam rlJosr Chicago, Grinneli, Mundelein, Mon- fta ua osr ticello, Mount Holyoke, Oberlin, Ag- Start Their Games iles Scott, Radcliffe, Rockford, Swarthmore, and Vassar. Shie also With the two featherwNeighit games pointed out that a nunmber of alumi- played last Friday. this year's intra-, niae associations offer scholarships, mural basketball season opened. This among which %vere those fromn Bryn sport will last until the middle of Mlawr, Mount H-olyoke', smlith al Nd March with about nine games listed Wellesley. each.tNeek, the final games being Miss Packer is always very kind pla.yed duùing spri.ng. vacation. :id ev iliL t cnul nvLrI The schedule is cornposed of eight Where Are Scenarios for That Big Revue? Where are aIl those scenarios. girls, for the G. A. A. Revue? MIiss 1Snith lias chosvii several of the )est ones froin theieniany already tumned in, but there is still time for you to hand ini your prize-winner. The revue i radier new ihlea at New Trier and tryouts wuil eDe ldi for the eading uterally swept outtue lace parts. The opera will be given on earth by the teamwork ands Aprîi 22 and .23. playing ability of the facutty. if *you have any news, send it along and we'll do the rest. Watch us grow.' Jcago, but lost ta Qinaha, inter-scholastic meet. e season, - ioug over iof Chi- ch in an