Thireshold Players of' Glencoe are producing the play. Miss \Vatsotilhas just returned roui a two yars'. stay in M unich, .,where shle studied voice aid(ramlatic, under Marceila, Craft aid, piano 1111(er Herr Professor ScliidI-Liindcr. Prior, to that she was interestcd ini (rain.atic work at M\iss \VCaver'?s scliooi at 'rarrLytowîî. Ail-Star Roster Thle production. is attractig an ail- star cast chosen froîi sorne 'of flic best d'ratm iatic talent oil the. north .shorre. Elias Lymnan, Jr., of Evansà- ton xiii have the maie Icad (?f the Rev.. Andrew .-Baldridge. Mr. Ly- ma i is a ssistanit to Presidenit Walter, Dili Scott, of Northxvesteri uni-: verbity. He was born and raised iii Buriington, Vt, is an Oxford grad- tiate and a Rhodes schiolar, and lias liv'ed ini Evanston thee past' fer years. His dramiatic activity lias been car- ried on with the former North Shiore Theatre Guild. In "Dear Brtitus" lie \vïs cast as XVili Dearthi, was the man servant in "Thie \I-ait with a Load of M.\ischief," the ju dge ini *Ice- l'Bouind," and also appeared in1 'En-ý chanted April." Mrs. Mehlhop In Cast Piaving opposite 'Mr. Lymian Nviii be Mrs. Thomas P. Mhhpof Gien- clemners otter. Just one quality ..the BEST. It ýis n0w possible for. the ENTIRE, North ýShore. to enjoy this exceptional quality. Our sere- ice b as been extended tla phone calli wiIl bring r truck andi courteous service man. Thc North Shore 's Largeat and:)à Mot Populcir:Cleaneras JINTRIODUýCTO]RY substantiai parts in *'Smilini' Thru" and "Death Takes a Holiday," and additionai work Nvjth the North Shore Theatre Guild. john Betak of Glencoe, previousiy cast by the Thireshoid Players in Merton of the \o%,ies," *'The Queen's. Hu,,banid," and "Meet the \\If e,", wiil play opposite Miss \Vat- .sot as Raiph Eckart, a younig news- entertain at a cocktail pýarty ning: for some of ternor ANY 2 CIARMENTS Also Any Three, Garmenta $1.00 seVe- Shore r FIRST, GARMENT CLEANED & PRESSED e