was conveyîng the boys and girls of Middleton to their first Suiidly school, picnic of the season. "An apple a day keeps, thé ,doctôr, away," was the Reverend's favo rite health quotation. The unusuai de-. mand for apples 'in, Middleton,.coùld be safely credited to the tiinister's constant, application iof this naxirn. During the long, happy journey to the picnic grounîds the children sang songs, told funny stories anrd. played hàrmless pranks. on each other. Dan Newton and Stanley Traverse liad been asked to sit.-in ýthe. traider to protect the food supplies, including the cider, frôrn possible Ioss or.damn- age. Stanley ýTraverse happene<l to. be a rival of Dan's for the attentions, of Elinore Bartlett, Caýrl Bartlett's sister., There's no denying Stanîley Nvas jealous becawse Jior.e, had.on xnany occasions showiî a real iinterest. In Dan, and as is usually the case under such circumistances, Stanley didi't like it. He had even said to soriùe of the boys -"sone. day l'Il show hiim who's who !" Once during a rcckless moment while the boys vvere on a hike to Cinnainon Island, 1)at %vas itnfltteiced to *"shoot craps"' with Stanley and had lost five dollars, for which Stan- ley hield his 1. O. L. This \vas a largre suni for D)an to owe anyone. caugLt Dan sflooting craps., Statiley v as a littie older than inost *ofthel boys ini Dani's crowd. He wvas of large stature, taîl ani powerfully huiît for bus age. He w~as knownl as anl atiete . andi a crack champion boxer, and as .sncbh ad won the praise ail(] friendship) of inany of the I)03'. It wvas -whispered ab)out that his fathier kep.t a Nvell-stocked vauilt of imported liquors Ilu the basinîent otf hi home. . It wvasI ttudoubtedlv jokes on you; corne see y-onr kiUIdle in a cider stew ! A"Yoi fool!"' exclainied Dan, "you'il getý it for this! 1III tellI'the miiister as' soon as We reach thie piCnic grounds P' "You dare tell and T'Il l)ust youir head !" threaténed S t ailey \with a. vicions look ini his eyes, as bhis power- fut chest heavedIand bis, hard muscles seemed: to.expanid to double their size. 14111 tell yonir dad ,yýou owe m ne fivé' dollars, for shooéting- crapst l'Il tell Elîinore voni're jealous; that you did ityourself, to throw the blame on me. They'll ail say you were with mne andiconl(l-ha ve stopped hit f you had, tried. If you're wise. you'll keep youir mouth shut;- nobody will know how it happened. WVe cati say every- thing was ail right 'white were wvere watching the kegs. Then we'll have a good time watehiug," the kid. sstag- ger ail over the place! Ha!I Ha 1" roared Stanley, conteniplating the ef- fects of his -practical joke. "But mind you! If you snifch, l'ît catch you after school somne day and -!" He hadl gripped Dan's wrist and twisted it with a powerful jerk. But thec bus stopped' and the snpeintend- ent shouted, "Everybody ot !" A little later when an ideal picnic spot had. been selected and the bas- *kets and hundies carefullv stored your glasses 10 the, briun!" he shonted. "Now Iet's drink it down! Here's for a happy day to you al 1" Dan groan- ed ont louti. "Oh, .what shah I1 do'?" he said. as he lifted his glass in -the air and canght the threatening stare of Stanley, who -w'atched Iilmi froni the opp)osite side of the circle. *Childre,, hat 7woud vou do if voli wcre rn sponse to the question : x..nîîuren, whiat w yl ou (do if vou Nvere Dan" This "Deeds, of Dan" serial is pub- lis hed evcry week. Everv child is in- vitfd to write iin each. week anda- swer ilhe question., one. dollar awardt is giveti for everv letter pnbl- lishied. In .Order to I)e coiîsidered iin the conipetition.1 letters must reach WlIL- METý'TE LFE hy the first, Tuesday fol- Ioing the app earance ofthe "Deeds of Dan" story. Letters about the s1tcry in this -issue sh ould reach XVit- NMETTEýL,îIF on or :before Tuesday, jantjary 17 . ,1 ' Ellen's i ' pi7e-wiinn ing letter reads as follows. 1514 Forest avÉnue, Wilimette, 111. Januai-y 9 9 1)(-;iMr. liurst: take 111yt1ekê4t. 1.wolild ask ber to watcb 'ecal the chariot races qo s'hp coul?! tellinie ail abôtnt them. While %waitintg foi- N'an 1 wouid trY to 'i-e th.p chnriots exo in and! ont of the, main tent. Even if 1 shouldnt get a chance to talk to the drivers, 1 coul?! get a close-ut) vi f the chariots, hre Then alonmu -vith Nan's accouflt and! the rereading of -Ben 1r" couli! complee my <s5ay. Tiespreetfull Y, Ellen rStelle joles.. (lent otf New i scliool, iin conmme of' Dan" epiod lishied weekly .ini rècted the follh to the editor: E. W. Weber, e?!i 'Wiliiiette Life. Duar. Mr. IWeber: New Trier won ' 26 to 25. Proviso will be seeking revenge for that defeat, which wvas admninistered iii the last quarter after the Maywood sçlhool hiad held a lead xnost of the, way. Jark Sinding, :New Trier, forwa.r],, and Mizeni, who plays forward for Proviso, wilI renew their poin-t-gettinig rivaleyry. Each triade teni points in flic teurnainelt. gamie. îNew Tr ier's lightýveight tearn, whicli bas met with. successive reverses 1tliis season,. hopes that Pro iso will oblige and submit to defeat. Thelghsa- though they lost to Evanston, last Fri- day, have been improving.' Evanston handed the, New Trrier heavies their first Suburbanr league de- feat fast- wee.k at Evanston. Newv Trier's inability to stop Greensiade. gave Evanston the gamne. Grèenslade scored eight field goals andý four f ree thirows for a total of 20 points. Evanls- ton wona, .34 to 24, .after holding a 19 to 16 lead at the haif. In the third quarter of the gaine New Trier scored onfly. two points, a field goal' by Preston, while' Green- slade was dropping thern in almost at will to run the score to 30 to Il ii, Evanston's favor as the quarter ended. Scott. center, led the scoring for New Trier with seven points. jack Sind- ing; New Trier's star forward,. went out' on personals iii the third quarter. flier Township r-igh iiting 011 the "Deed' (es whicli are pub-Aew Trier Swimmers 1' WlVIM&É LIFE, di- M etO kP r .N x owtng communication M e a a kN x TwNo of the strongest contenders for JanuarSr-3 1913. I the Suburban league swimming cham- itol',pionship this vear "- New Trier 'and Oak Park-mill mneet at the New Trier r(,f Noveber2,, asîdie natatorium Saturday afternoon of this soine of*the "Deedls of week at 2 :30 o'clock. fn?! that 1 have neyer Oak Park defeated Evanston' last îing" ~vihI you dope? Traverse 1 What have You don't mean you'll let Legion a January 'rict, American ary 17 at 8 o' ;day afternoon, fLearning," and re dsrussed