Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 19

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or advertise it as (iof t tue throtigh Aeoln agrad Noise i routes to the fair.I Arol*e a0e n Outer Drive in, Lake Michi.gan i Xe *nderstaid. contracts are, to be1 let. withi several air lines to hring pas-r A planit i being nirged to build a drive sengers f ront Milwaukec to A,' Century e iiiLak. Mchianoppsit Evnstnof Progress. These are to "*follow the and to e,xtenld this up the north shore Shore uine." t,> the state lhue. 'Théieoriginal cost of irehshe coidabec - this, road wvould be aî)proximately a Teehsbe osdrbecm huniidted, tinies the cost of a siniîar ,aitonth1orh ohre abulo road living aeroplancs. Even farmners out to l)cilg hilt he koki valeythe west complain thiat cattle ini the'r alid it.is îlot niee(le(l. ic The upkeep of aniy road over water v kbrsaelrisdiia fott is constant, and su serio us that it Wo.UId sauee~le erîlns~as5 o raise the taxes. l'lie, lake ini one day that the3 narrowly miss the barns. In washied out the cotire shore drive in Chicago,. at the mnanv air shows,. we I.in~lnhave heard thie, treniendous noise madle l)ar. Te pesct mehod 1 %%enseealacroplanles fly together liutildingi piers ont tutu the lake at short. intervals, as was (otiein LuJincoln, par 1k at low altitude. 01 is terrihly expensive- and will'. need re- 0Of, course, i f a coni.stanit seriles of, place ment: and* const ant repairs. large passeniger aeropIla.iies. are to fly This, road wold niake. the shore low over te ake Shore in the quiet water stagnant andi unfit for l)athlig. residential.,district represented by this It would spoil the view of the 1ake[association.* it would lie a serions mat- shre hihis (Alle (if the principal ai- 1tér. Thiey would wk babies and tr-actionis. It w~old miake local control cauise sertus annoy\ance to sick people. <Ibaches ip\[alc. n,,,unsigîîdt'rhY .wôtild al,() likey fi -at iglit; as ctits wold have to lbu made througli th,*' xvell as in the day tire: hiý)lî lulffs ,t< puit lu cross connecting A Cýentury )i Progress h las agreed r,'ad,ý at gre-at cost. fliat this association, as the represen-, Would Decrease Values tative of the nortli shore, \vil] be noti-! Conîpiletenit real. estate nieî have esti - fied and have a voice ini the hieight and maitedi that it wojul(l (ecrease the value dlistanice out o\-er theý lake recîired if f laku front landl for taxation hy overthvaetsina cntcs.Ts ~~~~)~~~ 1ucn.Tt os vudhv o wil applv to Iines thiat land inside the ,plrc.a( over otlier property in. tîiese Fair grolinds. t Rel. <al estate ealers who are lie- South Park Board, -,nuwtun1io rowrvale ' l 'lie. indcicati ons are. however, that taiI. In ditUUionII 1.0 LiI, ilail>' ruli- inent .civic leaders who are menibers of this association have written. to the I'llinoÔis Commission on Future Býoad Program. That corrission is about to give a report to the State Legis- lature, that, is, a prograin for the next' ten years ini road developtiient. The officers .Of the :North Shore, Propcrty Owners association are.: Wlil- liamn Sherman May, 7presidenlt; Edgar Crilly, vice-president; John H. Hardin, vice-president; Gordon, L. Pirie, treas- urer, and L.. . Bemnan. secrctary, %vhose office . is at 120 Southi La Salle street, Chicago. The. executiee committee is composed of the following men., WVilliam Sherman Hay,'chairman. 'cot . uad, Lake Bluff. Philip- F. W. Peck, Lake Forest. R. P. Sherer, Highland Park. Alfred K. Stehxii , aviiuia., 1-arry C. Holloway, Glcnlcoe. Arthur Fisher, Hnbbard WVoods-. Henry XV. WVales, Winnetka. James C. Murray, Kenilworth. Hector Dodds, Wilmette. Arlington C. H-arvey, Evanston. The chairmen of the local inember.. ship commnittees for north shore towvns are as ~follflxuQ Peck, Clow, Highland Park-R. P. Sherer, Sam- uel S. Holmes, Samuel M. Hastings, George W. Childs. Ravinia-Alfred K. Stern, George 'Wallace Carr., Glencoe--Harry C. ýHolloway, James C.,Youngl,,ove, Arthur G. -Cable, Bruce, MacLeish'. Hubbard Woods-G ordon L. Pirie, Walter L. Fisher. Xinetka-Wil.liam Sherman Hay, E dgar Crilly, Henry, W, Wales. Kenlworth--James Murray, Her- man Hintzpeter, Warner Cary Lewis, C. L. Fredecrick.ý Xilmette-Charles WV. Wrigley, Wil- liam KixMiller, Hector Dodds. EVanston- Clayton W. Shertnan, Arliington C. Harvey, Robert L. Scott, Ralph E. Cburch. The Advisory board is comnposed of thle following, men: Edward H. Bennett, Lake Forest; Ayers Boal, Winnetka; Abel Davis, Glencoe; B. J. Denman, Wilmette; A. B. Dick, Jr., Lake Forest; Max ]Ep- stein, Winnetka; John Fleming, Lake Forest; Charles M. Hayes, Winnetka; John P. Hooker, Winnetka; E. B. fimi tnley have nu eiwcii:amiare oiu. - - ,- .- -aci. gOn a rowd litied wIth Chicago Attend Many Meetings jJames C. Yourtglove hatwrs.'rie* aythy o otxvntto This organiization anid iork o rad, Gec e:Warr Secure Norman Thomas ADOPT SON You Car for Lecture January 24 Mlr. atid Mrs. Clayton Scainin. 318 Norinan Thonmas, ivell knowii lec- Oxfordl roacl, Kertilworthî, alopted a the Sprii] Itirer and twice canididate of the .îonthl-ol(l bov fromn the Cradle kP Sociilîst artY, for the presiden-lcy 0, EvanIstonI. United States \\7111 speak, at thîe Nortbi Slhore Cong-regation Israel temple, . enl A. n Wear Them Now and Righ.t ng! These Fascinating'No..eI fi Into NeL.V .sueý WIEB JLDT'9SiEVANSTON On Davs Street, WiImtte 100 S2 . la sali 4,, .TRA .'their homes -ana.moy . W,ý 1 1 ti

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