Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 18

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By L. W. Bemain help'of Henry W. Wýales,-and others' Prominent men. and women 'of the omy, asked the 9 attorneys in severai (.S7crelar3-, Northî Shore had talI<éd to the Sheridan road prop- north shore have given liberally of their cases, to "lay off. » *PrpetvOwer A~o:aio&) ertv owncrs. Identical putitions were tinle to help ini the work of protectinig Throtigh the action of this association, ProPrtYOîte 1rs ssoiaton) Sent to Governior 'Enmerson f rom ail the homes. Civic organizations have the miavors or presidents and other The North 'Shore Properiy Owners 'of these' residents of Winnietka, except 'sent ini resolutionS indorsing thé actions promnine-nt officiais of these towns, as association started suddenlY 1ike a six who could flot be f ound. The. peti - f this association. A month ago, mem- well as others came in and testified. vigilance coiiittee of the (ld frnirtiontîs w'ere as.follows: hssardseininetters of paise, Plie cost to aiiy town, in attorney days. T'le. troubles that made, this P'iio vith their 1933 niemherships. fees would be 50 small in comparison association nece.ssary have sniouldered Th jnia rben hasca o h of f.pvmn elcmn for several vears. Millions of dollars 1<> thei'Go v<'jor, State .egiç1ature, iTh la wricil na rhems a s flosocandt tie coésts of aet elcemet in property values are at stake, as well anidIf ighîçay .4utlzoriti'x of ie tnlasoreonresfoos: andcescreleatvlus that as the safety and. happinless of home Stale o!f llinois' TRUCK CASEScolscreybntidati. owrrers and thelir c hîdren. e ieseaaeitesaetrc'us These powerful trticking interests,,are "Believlng that the use of ,Sheridan i oi , to spend a fortune if it is neces- Up thre northî shore of l.ake.Micliigan, rn satrubhgwyfrbt have applied to, the Illinois Commerce avt e n verv loyal citizen of <rom Chicago to Lake Bluff,, is.-a nar- present and- prospective trâffic Is a& Commission for à fricietmno the north shore should a once john, row strip of rolling 1 vooded beauty verse, to the interests of the north s h ore. Sheridan road and mnany oither, streets. with th s 1scail ndhl nti unexcelled'iii the middle west.. Promi- secians, and te r vetstreet Inter Somte have amended their petitions to' fighit ta protect the safety and value of nent leaders ini Chicaguland were -early vent this route everý belng adequate or only mn short distances, on Shemîidan .their homes. attracted by- its, scenicý grandeur, and- safe for miod emfih igh s li ee ( tifrie- a ic roadl.'If thev are allowed to muti on any j1 had buit wonderful bornes and garden thatamde autfomotive higlmway street,, the commi'ission can almost h)y tc ria RadDngr there. s~~~~~hould be located west of the north %aeo ad hneýte oSei ,pritn foti en idet there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~shoré villages ane imnedlately acces- 'aefahadchnetmto hr- Aprstetffti engnaet The ha mit oiy prsered iresile a sch illge ii acordwit dan road,, Ridge road, Greeii Bay rad widen and straigirten Sherirdan road and natuml beaty ofthe r1 muohv i~dern high%'.ay planning: andî con- or anv othier street. HnIthbaird hil and thi*e wonderful I-ub- Thsree trutinh[usasoia1(ill 1saknthe posi.-'bard ravinie. A little widening lhere and planed îan . oe e. 'leprsn1IHeunes ed citizen rit Win- tioth at trucks slîhould 'not hc allowed a lîttle- stmaighitcnîing, tlîre is poposed, generatiaru secs a caniopy of wondemful 'net'ka, Illinois, and owper of -projperty. apastrrih hs tws o n w it te ieai f Pri<~t mapfle, clmi, oak, aslî, and hickory onadrs of whieh appe;irs un-dermiy t )s hogiIis on n1ai ihteutmt'i-*o aizti these curved roads along the bluffs and signatuire, hereby register iny opposi- str-ects, but shiould lieotuite rouliiu andi a tirrougir artery. whicli %vill gr'eatly tbin to ftrrth(-r elangt,, or devêoo- oùtside' of thesë .to%\.11s. inOia e e edand thé e lesit of through many ravines,. These oid trees mients In Sheridan road at this time. hs m nces pè are a living monument to tire great love* andl express my belief that Illinol 4 hee rcking conîpanies hiave emi-, undesirable traffie. Thiere is also a for ntural beauty of our forefathers. Stýýit(e soute 42 anrd United States Route lydsildatauy usnec ssuom reitcettre nalmu Il sh4oild 1hotransferred at the carliest with powemful. pohitjcal (conniectioiis. demand yctiestua lestt e Carry on Tradition practicable date to a more appmronria-to Thev are in the figlît ta stay. move bothi î-arkers f rom Sheridaxi road Th hlde fths aîîu.~ location west or the <iporate limit.9-af Te have notn co hie attorneys for jin tire near funue. Tis s igienn Th hlrno hs anu i-the north shore iuuiiipalities. For the i hyfi r W sritnn neers have carried on the work of build- roregoing reasons ani for the further th is association thaàt if anv case is de- wouid (-f coureý spoil .nnnich9of the ingbeatv ntother hmesandesttesre,"'ýon that ýwidenirig or chianges ln nied, it will lie refiled tînder the nuw beauty, and tlÏe cost for the expensive grndebeautyiintog.their hostes andsestates for twQ generations.grd odlagy ttr3Isntrl commission, to Le appointed bv Gov- prapert\ and lceal fees would add a heaiuty whlch is known and loved Becnatumtle Iattita lias been thiroughout C'ook andi neighb)oriig coin ernor Horner. gýreat burden to tire taxpayers. ~eauc~î d3ti-S'. I arnse telyooe o ans'Fn Rci crtr"SkkeVlby ue-iha peservcd and the entire section is prac- ~h changes in i Sheridan > oad throtigh id RchTrtoySk ieVlySur-gwa tically f reu fromn factories, noise and the Huhhît)ýrd ll ian Ravineýs section Our attorneys inquimed as ta u T)tewst n'i oe ko snîoke, itliras attained great iame and ;'s \Vouid tend to nm reasethie speed thie\ýintendedto be si persisýtenit. Thé To irev est, ii t ie open.roteis value as -rusidential propertv and 1iras :11](1 don.itv of tht 'nigh traffic withilnî Pi ra )ii ul.Thsasca'nla sýse these .,ettled residential districets. 1 e- rlepl.ied tis is icir territory.'irbmd inul.Thsasoitnbsa.ite prouce hijî axe.. ucs tlat tssrîn'esbe rômtîyand butter of tireir client,,,d pended onii village and city, officiais and property T'ire quiet residential character andi .de1hit thins pI wilIlbe earrie<j lic.'ir being able to rui).throughi thé nortonr in gettiîîg togetlluvr so fliat tins tire !afety of the people lias 'In recent lot.** . .i sore.,isascainia enrp&ima< a r peivfnse.Auie yeams been endangered hy tire ever- selitedl in, every heaing. Eacli one of <emiaid will thien- be ruade to chîange rncreasiîrg flow .if tirmougli iigi speed "Truck" Menace Looms thiése cases lias iad repeated huaings 1ho-thu state rnamker 42, and i Uniter(l States trafic wncI n beng .atedtihîtino \rtl al tre' toulesfortu f tue,. y after dav. and veek after week. :mr 41, from Siierldan to thîs ýroute the ireart of tiese home districts: thre Iuck of tlhe nortluh oestrd(enilvji"le reasous wirv %u sirould belli parallel to the Sko)kie V;dluv electric Thins iistake iin outing.brings dan- chiarged and pot nch \\use. Five rfgî îeecssaea olw . he hetrui r, ilflo j n i.Out.side trucki1ng service is liot the sguand 1better satisfied be- gem-, trafhic jaiwadnuu a ir f<>iC hiln1mepowverful, tîrrotighi.iintcrstate trucklines iîteîîedî < the lt%%c) Ttmiai iviro îaîd catino i oga rcross in u fta ttire apdfra franchi.Ne to rru lroads, cause thev are. nct hîampered Lv own beaches, resitlents have troti)le gcttirîg freiglit over Shecridan' road.anîd many ans pak indtxs o in e:wfoth soe n o , rfi.Almdr odeiier out of their (Iives or .ontt6 thraug-li. other streets. Thir ne freight car nrryt1k- -r-reof theiîr ýdnuije fr(îigt agree tlat traffic slîouild Le rotited stretslik Shrian oad trcks %ith(,le o moeanie s vwouiid ~(Th, i rks w ii p ry u t.es aronnd, ratier than thîmnlgli townis. streets rike Sheridantmoad. tr onks, witr 1 nc o tmore ovn n(ý land.) Sheridanr road lias five hîrndred cen- Block- "Straightening'! Plan ra iruithsýttn nreua b nrhshr a en ryn rnest scliextule, dav an(] .niglht. Sonie of the "igie ioth oreta Il ,k ts ie îyliîi- * e t private residence.s. It iràsq heu ireproertyownrs tîdteîîy naishv lray sat to1mu id gradçe ,SeparatiOn . poblen.Ni,,,.a lhuniedl and fiftv sharp cirves and realiged plans weme being nmade to <oprate, and it wilI take unmnnîui a p It uS Piaiioop- ta give foi, noting ltho .jcorners. Maûy of tuie intersections are straigliten out anmd iden Sheridanx ioad!position to fflht theni, Jefome th ue f the éity streets, with ne) gu'trds comiplicated withr steep gradies to ra- anutersres.akctire eosug.'u ota ive railod ie~e~ sosmmtdh anl alier tet Ihse runistaken nois Commerce commissioa, wliere t1eiri hber tires. (1lýo 1r h iwi btutdh panstndwoividestovmue of hmed i bi eutyapplications are heing passed -on.ii.The vibî ation or these huge trucks~ dense slîmubbery. Thiis heautîfiul quiet sivo tai ltw rpsd Plans vere îilso hbemg pisied Ithatanid trallers i uniiuig at high qjped wîîî iesrdenitiàl district is ino place for mn- tedt piltegetetata- il othîn, rid equire the exipe.ndi( j'ui exanmple, tostraigliten out, wien m udtendandpoi he tetet ttrc < g-u ,th and eÙei fr:],h-Iî tr~cs ng irt uglutrafies fr ueirt Ars grade fiuhbard 1HillRavine. Concrete i tîî,ýtat is,, te vicw of ULake Mîchi hilre nf thrOu'-inds 0if dl1l ei ruis liieo itse wiilljs ere talire substitiited for tire gan. 1:It WSproposefi t4,stamt wdgtopoirehcnmtefç PeilmtXVIa hrar fay0 n~avelus iatra beut~~ arid'iii the lake at Iv astnda a~nos iel h),ution, ts hi 5ocationl has qioted "Thre price marelos atual. baut. her. exteniithi i 0,pptheiorthiqi1ae tuta ite lc40oîftlu4l0n and digrta life 'jq11 of ireedom i s eten1vigila'nce" If tihe i<ca c'~c ran2~îos p t at etresehue.'t vdu.beauit4, safety ami resideniaI character inirtlirshiore werc gsked to ppovof It 'cai e ry i)\Iotu$is iat civic orïe Nw O<erting of t w;,ondlerftil imrtir shore 15 Vo ire 7thesc plan,. saVed for the'fi4tire, the rope own- Alinopst loca:4ç.l efforts s. Silice the Illinois Commercetcommis 1 phïw fs~um~r rinial ' al-'d fýononuÇtU aeclîîanted, er tmuckig carîmpanytire Th eian W o fhad VS an ,cup ae club of aHigJrac k ad tleCf ainriai ofthesctioup1ýlcts o ta7 Wîîlt compan,arsfIe i plc-re m mpe n ftei rni wer alo oin ar i nian oterresntaivs o oganzaton an pom-bvtire rednrtruan sconary, Cransdthe TeCagreet markers eaery hupln- places, for exaniple ; iniWilmette, where huent citizens f roin Lake Forest, High- pelirie not t a pdlicrary tion il yad t, cig aitrkeMri hnerue. tir rsienîs f eauifl ichga Ind aravnlia, Gleuicoe, Huirbard make it very difficult to fight. It was also proposed to erec .t numerous avenue, wiich overlooks thre lake, were Woods,, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Wil- c amping grounds and many refreshment asked ta sacrifice their tirees and front mette and lEvanston were present. After Danger and comfort stations along tire route. yards in order uhiat an increased stream sevrai; meetings, a permanent Board Tire môst serious danger in, these' Tis. tremnendous addition of traffic oftrffc oud as tei hmes. ofDectr a omd ndi a ae sth tiueo o of rafie oud pss hmir ome. aunecrrs asfaredamiitwascass s te atitdeof ocattwns ori would came at a titne wiren the, cross

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