isankers association. a-nd as a member of the board of governors of that association. Benjamin F. Troxeil, for- nier sales manager of, A., B. Lea ch & icompany,.bas been i denitfied with the investment securities business ini Chi- cago and New York for pmany years. Others associated with the coinpany are Paul, A., Jenkins,106 ors avýenue, Glencoe, widely*known in the Middle west as Chicago* sales man- ager of IJTtility Securities comipany; Thomas J. Cavanaugh., C. A. N*c- Carthy, Henry T. BRerblinger, ail of Chicago, and . Gorge S. Woicott of, Milwaukee. Mr., Berblijuger and Mrn Xocott. .were forinerly ,associated with Stokes, Woolf & Co. NIr. Wol- cott wilI head theé M1il.wauikee brahch of the new company. Paul Reveres Willý Meet on January 26~ Anmoincenient is made of the next. meeting of the Paul Reveres sched- iled to be held. in the Wilmette Vil- lage hall Thursday evenîng, Janu-ary 2(), at 8 o'clock. TfhP, meeting, it is explained, will mark the, beginning of a directed tuyof movemients and organiza- tions opposed to and advocating the destruction of Anerican institutions, [do ye spenct money for that which. is ixot bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth flot? hearken diii- getyunto mé, and eat *ye that whichi is good, and le t youi soul de- liglit itseif in 1 atness. Incline your ear, and corne unto.. nie.,,,hear. and y our soul shall live; and. I wiil make au everlasting covenant with yVOuI even the sure. mercies of David'! (Isaiahi 55:4 2, 3): The leÉson-sermnon aisco included the 1followinig. passa ges from tflic Christian Science -textbook, "Science ani -Health vvithi Key to the Script- tires," by M.ary Baker Eddy: "'jesus established luinthe Christian era. the' precedeht. for al Christianity, theol-f ogy, and heâling. ChÔristia'ns are under aàs direct orders now as tfiiev mwere then, to be Chfristlike, to possess the Christ-spirit, to foilow tlie Christ- example, and to heal flic si ck as Nveli Mrs. Frank F. Stover, 1183 Tower road, Xinnetka. Nwill entertain a bridge foursonie at luncheon Fridiv. jaiïùary- 13, at the Vista del l.ago club.. 618 DAV10 ST. EAST OF FOUNTAIN SQUARE THUS.- F1. SA. PeCI chipso- Large pks. 2: for BUTTER ELMONTE, COFFEIZI 'lit'I rdamty ýHigheit secore,, Best, Creamnery, lb. Poek Loin RoIli. No boues, no waste, 1 1 Chiekens Milk-fed. Fresh Stxitly Fresh, G n ,a r a s t ..d New Laid 1 S3RiMiPS Leg of Lamib Genuine spriug, 161/2 Young are no meili is explained. ershlip- fees or dues, Fresh, Home Made ............ do%-* I BAHA'I LECTURE -The Teaching of Bahia'ullah,. a World Unifier", xil be the subject of. the talk to be given at Fouiidation hall, Balia'i flouse, of Worshi'p (Ba- .ha'i temple), Sheridan road and Linden avenue, Xilmett-e, Sunday, Ianuary 15, at 3:30 o'clock. The ANUAL -ean-up of odds.and-ends ini floor samples, new and used Radios, ineluding the"e weII-known makes Friday Special Apple Pie Fresh home- ma&, * 12 PINE«APPLEsZ Fresh Jumbo Cuban, each. M -o-. Mr. and Mrs. Miles G. Seeley, 705 Rogers avenue, Kenilworth, wil1 en- tertain their supper bridge club Fni- day, january 13. P@1uc LOIN ROAST Lean, Young Rib or Loin ýl