Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 16

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The dental clinic is open each ;Tues- day morning f-rn 9 o'clock iuntil 12. The Howard school dental clinic is held every Thursdaymrorning f rom 9 Helen Booz, 919 Forest aventie, .I- tertained nine-gir ls at a su pper an d sluniber -party, New Year's eve. 10 ciefray the expenses connecteci with the playing of these gaines a sinaîl admission wviIl be charged, M r. MNurphiy said. The Highicrest boys' teami had two, ganies scheduled for this week,. one %vith the, Sharp Corner school on MIonday 'afternoon and. another on Thursday. Tle girls' teamf was to mneet Morton Grove Tuesday after-, noonat Morton Gro'v-e. co-pilot on theé Unitited Air lne . run Arrangements with the Century of lietween Cleveland and New York Progress have just been concluded City, *visited old friends at Curtiss .uîudr the teris ýof ic Pal-XVau-: feld Iast Friday. joe, wlio attended kee Airport, Inc., is granted the ex- New Trier High schoo.I. is considered clusive concession for operàtion of one of t le, most capable pilots in thle> heaVier-than-air aircraft, except, au- business. His brotherý, Ronialdo, 'istôgiros,.,durinig the Iperiod of -the now a student at New Trier and is W.vorld's fair starting june .1. also, interested in aviation. Due to- lim-itations of space, no landing field is 'practicable, but. ac-, .cording to Duncan Hodges, mnanager Friend of' Fisher Stops' of Pà,17WaUkeë" the, space' provided *-at Sky Ufarbo r Airport, fo îr the concession is centrally loc.tedI within the fair ground proper, f rom An ýold friend of George -F.,Fishier. Erickson.drive to the lakeè front just of Sky Harbor airport,, Dr. McMur- south of the.General Motors buildin. rav of Eagle River, Wis.,.%%,ho served and it is, believed that this, space wvill in the saine, air squadron 'as Fisheri prove an> ideai location for. a sea- d.utng, the World war,. stopped at plane and amnphibian base., It is. an- Sky 1-aibor last -Nveek- on his way' ticipated that, -during the period 'of to the .MAiaini Air races. Dr. Mc- the Xorld's fair, the wvaters.adjacent MýNurray .arrived.at Sky Harbor in his to the permnanent: ranp 'on Eighth Laird froni Milwaukee. At Sky Har- istreet will be so congested by visiiting bor lie was met bv Pilot Grandy, who îwater. craft as to preclude the use acconupanied himi on the trip south. .of the ramp or harbor by aircraft. Consequently the faciliti~s, provided, (in the concession ivill flot on]\, ac- Moss, Faust FI> Souh commnodate ail aircraft visiting the: for Air Races at Miami 1W-orld's fair, it is believed, but \vill J. L. Moss, Jr., vice-president of probably also serve as Chicago%, oil JPal-WVaukee airî>ort, and -Chester ;eaplane base. F'aust, one of the private plane own In addition .to. providing service ers who keeps his slip at the Pal- facilities for .visiting aircraft, shuttle \Vauee hangr, eftWednsda ofplanes to Chicago Municipal airport last week in Vr. Fatist's Stinson for \ilb prtda rqetitr thie Miamni Air rac.es. At M~ianmi ti ais, it is announced. Airline pas- wvere. to be guests of tI, C. ,,,,.,seneswl thus be provided with city of, l's fair. .IncrPorated A. B. Van Deusen SPECIAL -li1ul iiet<,p.wot 1 conservativeîy estimated that fifty frthe Stilîmnan farnily, 'last week million01,peopie mwill visit the Century flew Alexanider Stilînian east, where of Progress. If even as smiall a per- lie. is attending school., Young StilI- centagey as one ont of five. hundred man had corne here to spend the holi- visitors uses the.sightseeing service, dlays withi relatives. The trip back one hun<lred thousand passengers will east was made in the Stîlluan Bel- 4e carried, lit is pointed out. !aiîca, which is kept at the 5ky Har- If the Pal-W\aikee imanagemlent bon airport hangar. needs additional aircraft to handle this potentially enormous crowj of Returs Prm Tn to ifti- illtionvisitors, it is inteiided to R et rn F om T r p o .rmi -idiidual operators of. suit-- eor e F. Fishier of SkY IHarbor J airport is vacationing in Florida. He CURTISS MANAGER ILL letthe Friday before New Year's Ralph Hall, mnager of Curtiss' and planned, tô be gone about a airp)ont, M'aàs confined to luis homne at mnonth. Mr. Fisher's nother went the North -Shone hotel ini Evanstdn south witl lîim. They are staying hast. week because of an attâck of on Key Largo, ofF the Florida coast. inlenza. 11 1 1 IVE WJLL ACCEPTI >,l 1930 TAX WARRAiNNTS on NEW TRIER, HlGH SCHOOL, NUMBER 203 .WILMETTE> PUBLIC SCHOOL,9 NUMBER 39 VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE at face vaue or* 4liitcd ti un n . n f rI n ana.. .l GQ' J. 8 Siou in payllicla ut

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