Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 14

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Once upon a time thère was' a littie dog named' Spot. His mas ter's name was M.r. Browvn. lie was, very cruel to Spot. One dayf Spot deci*ded to run away, se early onie >morniug, he ran out of the house and into the fortet. The next day everyone, thought he had been stolen and searched for, hlm. When .Spot got,:into the woods he found a safe place to sleep in a bol- low tree, ,and a place to get.fresh water.. Spot thought hie.would like *' this kind of life very niuch, bu t soon bie becamne 1onely.. , One day lie met a dog f romi a near- by: farniand pers.uaded him ,t o.,ive with himn in bis tree house. From that time they lived,,happily together ln th.e pleasant Woods.-Patricia Crawvforci, Mrs. Joues' 4th 'grade. Pictures of Composers The 8C home room. is the music room. You can tell 'when you enter, because above the' blackboard. is a row of composers sucb as Harolki Bauer, Percy Grainger and Ignace Paderewski. They are all modern composers. On the back. of the bul- letin board there are ail past coin.-t posers' and pianists such as Beethov- en. Bacih andI TMozart. t is ver ini-,1 Girls Start Cage Drill; Practice Fundamentals Last Wednesday, January 4, we started our season' of basketball. No games were played according to classes but it was rnostly leamning how to shoot and pass the bail. The girls who are out for the school AM>ys li> in iV 2ie.inL1g. Mrs. Jünes' roori elec'ted new chairmen on Frid'ay afteri oon. Sev- erai girls were absent, so -the' bqys elected boys for most of the offices. ]Reidar Skog.was miade room 'chair- man.; George Leal, captain of 'the boys' lune, and Alice Kresge, captain of the girls'. Sonny Benson andý June Rushmnore have: chargeý of the clôset doors, and; John Allen and Curtis Brown are chairmen of boards and .paper. When. the girls ;'orne back t'hey w'Ill probably have' ail the 'offices.- Bud Sutherland, Mrs. Jones' 4th. grade. Stolp W iesInispired by Interesting Subjeets' In grammar we are studyingcom- positions. Miss Perring gave us a niwmber of subjects,of which ve ýrç to choose one a.nd write a story about it. After we have made an outline, we are to write the story. Somne of the subjects are: "My First Gun," "When the 'Ice Broke," "Too Late," "Queer Tracks in the Snow" and "Caught ini the Act." I arn goinig to write about "'Caught in 'the Act." 1 arn sure we are enjoying grammar this year.-David Kendrick, Stolp 2A. more p'erfect records tnan the girls, althoughi there are more girls than boys. The 'boys have four while the girlIs onlv have two, so the girls had better get going 'if they expect to win first place. - Leslie M.,atson, Howard 7B. PREPARE FOR GAMES Thiis season the lightiveight basket- bail team will probably have two Th e Howard school' student coun- cil wishes to. thank the children for the cooperation in helping the un'- fortunate. Wilmette families. Mrs.' ýStopka, the school nurse, received mnany calls- from- the people asking beïr to 'thanik the children. These'fam- ilies saidit ýwag the best Christmas, they had ever %had The Howard school supplied ,sixteen families. Howe ver,' soon, they w,,ill run out; and beginning ,next ,week, miore Icanned foods are want ed.- Louise Schreiber, Howard '8A..- Five Peewee Quintets Active',atlst-.Practice The Peewees held their -first drill in basketball at' Stolp school Saturday, January 7. About tWventy-seve.n boys attended. We first had1 practiçe ~in dribbling and in push-up shots. We then were divided into five tearns. The first team .played the second, and the -third played the fourth tearn. Then the best players from the third and fo'urth 'teans- played the fifth teamn. We have ver.y good material and hope to win ail our games. Mr. Stone is our coach.-Bill Roberts, Howard 7A. A .f, k 1£LL. Aý page is si LUlyear. roin the 8Ai class. Each week the 8A articles arc cut out f rom a JUNIOR Lire page and are 'pasted in1 a scrapbook. The school year is only hiaîf gone and' we have exactlv ninety-seven articles,.XVe hope to have twice as' many by June.. -jean Macdonald, Howard 8A. STORY IS. DRAM'ATIZED Hloward 7A began dranxatics on The schedule for, homework at Howard' school is as fo1Iows: Social science ... Monday night Engli sh......... Tuesday ýnight Arithmetic Wdedynight Spllng . Tursday night.. Music ..Thursday or Friday' night Assignments are m ade one week inr advance. General science is Monday or Tuesday night and is also as- ,signed one wveek in advance. ThisPr7ogram: .gives .,the. pupils plenty 'of time, as only one study is given for one evening.. There is also a remiedial period in, the. momnings. -Louise meyer, -Howard 7B'. Dancing Mayý Continue If Twenty Pupils Sign Last Fri'day ~was our" last danicing lesson. Miss Stade wishes to con- tinue with the lessons if she can get about twenty pupils. If possible she would like to get an even numnber Of boys and girls. If the lessons con- tinxue she will 'try to get the use of the gym at Howard school. 'Miss Stade may give 'an hour and a hall or two hours 'if she 'can get the twenty pupils- and have the gym. The, price will be the sarne. Corne on, boys' and girls, and see if you cat' take lessons.-Virginia Marsh, Hlow 1'ueblo, Navajo* Indians One Saturday reccntly we went to see an interesting exlîibit of Pueblo and. Navajo Indians, demonstrating thieir chief mneans of livelihood and craftsmiansjiip: rtg weaving, bei.t rnaking, pottery bead making, sand p)ainting, and wor.king in silver. The trader in charge of the e,'Ihibit told us that there is as much difference gaines -ere tW DC Seifert, HoWard 7A. pîayed.- c. jaov uo~.V. U i. am.*su y able we'IlIaIl be gla H{oward 4th grade. are waiting' The lightweights are improving n play gaines every practice. Our stars are Pete USED TO WINNING .e fifth and Ray' Eric Samnuelson and Harold At basebail time we play Mrs ,hen' wc are Borre. Our new star is Bob Coch- Jones' room. About every turne we ohn Brandt, ran of 7A and we siirely are proud of -play Mrs. Jones' roomn we beat théîu. bim.-Bob Lonergan, HJowardç 7A., --Frank Welter, Howard 4th gae

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