2d at n-frporated 'village, park board, town- iftromi snow anrd work to the iuxurious ship. etc., inth county, baving elec- warnith of the tropics, go, down the tiOns in 1933 p rior to -the Judicial elec- windig roedsresofa9i n tion où. Julie 5, to postponc by ordi- entai city, gaze (in the wide horizonrs ilance sucli election to the Julie 5 :date-. o. open seas, or trudge inà sotme unex- The bill provides that anv such ordi- lrdadltiekonototo îîance should he pa ssced at least ý75, days civilizatioii. WThich do you' choose?' hefore the, forègoing date. The',bill, it LTuca,à-Wander in 'Rome.. is, furth er p"oinited out. does liot' oblig e Franick-I Discover Greece.: 19 Beebe-Pheasant Jungles. auvy of the taxing bodies, to ..come uniderLattimore-Desert: Road te Ttirkestaý.- tle plan b)ut "permits" theffi 1to:do..so., Hosie-Portrait, of a: Chinese Lifdy. \I's. -hustn sid.tlerý ba nt homas-Arabia Feux. Nh-. 'îîustn sid hee hs nt A(,kerey-Hlidoo Holiday. hecîi a meeting. of the board for the -Ener$son-ýVkicele.ss India. discussion of this subjeçt .siice the Huxiey-Africa View. ilweting ini Chicago last wveek, nditA1eley-Jungle Portraits. Cooper-Go North, Young Mali is not known, what action, if any.:New .eal-Mexicali Maze. TIrier township will take. Plels-Bana, Gold. Suecais atenionto he act ho- ilst.ech--Tidlemater Virginia. Shécals ttetin t te fcthovr-Saxon-O1ld Louiîsiana. ever. that the New Trier township Llghty-Shanty-Boat. elections are now hield o- thesanie Diiffu.--S.nt.t.Fe Trail. date as the Villag~e elections in Win- DUikev-M Jngie Book netka and Glenco_-e and in wvhich there De ew-rsod of the L(va Sea. ia sharing .-f expense to a certain extelit. Mary Louise Hlavs, 519 Lauirel ave- Hùiwever, in the case of Wilmette nue, left 'Moiidav for New London.i a id Kenilwvorth, thie Village elections Colin., to resumne lber studies at Col- thiere are hlied on different dates. necticut college after spending hier 'l'lie Jantiary meeting of the Towý,n- holiday vacation uïtihber parenits.' >hip) board of auditors was hield Tues- She stayed over to participate asi (la ' evening, at which onl\v routine maid of honor. in the Nvedding of .Iutsiniess was transacted. Miss Ruth Xenter Saturdav evening. educators and scholars, and their dis- cussion of this subject. Dr. Sachar for the affirmiative and. Dr. ýAdier for the negative, . is. anticipated to pro- vide an evening of, rare value. Following:the debate. there will be a gener-al discussion.ý Morgan.J. Hammers of Stainford. Conn., a-former residen t of \Vilmette, was a g uest last Sunday at the home of. Mr. and 1 Mrs., Paul L Barrett, 801, Greenwood avenuie. Mrs. Stanley Smith, 1539 Wa'lnut avenue. spent the week-end in Maas- field, -Objo, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs..,Charles Nas*h. WOMAN,879 NEVERTIED -TAIES MON DMELY 'II am 87, go to church azid attend parties. and do flot ,get a bit tlred. 1 eat and ckleep weIi,,thanks, to Vinol iron tnc"-r.M Batdorf. Vino! tastes fine! Renn ,eckar Drug Companiy. Frid y aciSafurda QUALITY MKEAT SALE You cati depend on the economicai1 cuts For quality at these National Ta Co. Meat Departmnents. 547 for A . LIMITED NUMBER 0F Quali y J , IfC Pot Roast BeeF lb nLow 1 C SIab Bacon Pric 1lb WILMETTE lý4 AVE. Phones WILMETTE 444 WILMETTE 68 340