Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 12

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Prelude- Cantilene -Pastorale ...I-i îg Anthem-Hark, Tjark MY SOUl. Shelley' ô1fertory-Berceuse.......Faulkes Postlude-Graiid Choeur........ Saloinie Choir 'rehear."al Friday evenlng nt 7:15 o'clock. Confirmation elas, meets on. Monda y afternoon at 4 o'ciock. The Womans soiety Nwtill hold it$ January ýwork meeting atthie honie <of Mrs.,:Frank Havon, 241 Laurel avenue. Wilmettew on Thursday aft ernoon.. Ja nu - ary 19, at 2 o'clock. We invite 211 the women of our church to meet with us. The, Senior Luther, league Nvll 'meet at the -churchThiursdav evening. Jan- uary 19 at 8 o'clock. * Plans are now under way to organize a Juior:choir. If you wlsh, o b bcome a niember or this choir pl-a.se cati our director onf nmuic.. Mrs. Jackson. WII- mette 356, or see the pastor. On Suinday niorning, January 22, xve ,willi hold a special Yotung People's serv- iee. This service will b.. sponsored by our Luther league. Lord, let uis to Thy house repair To hear the gladdenlng sound, That we miay find 'salvation there, *White yet it nmay bc found. There let us joy and comifort reap: There teach us how to pray. For grace to ehoose, and strength to) keep The stralght, the narrow way. And so Increse our love for Thee, Sunday, January 15, willi be the sec- ond Sunday after Epiphany. There wtll ha Holy 'Communion at 8 a.in.; Chur-lh schools and Bible lasses at 9 :45. and, morning prayer and se-rmon at 11 o'clock. The 'Women's Assoclated guilds will. hold their annual business meeting. Thl- day, January 13, beginning at il a.m. and. witb luinchean at noon. At Ibis meeting. officers will be elected for the year. served uy tme ladies of (theNortIIwes c~ircle. Reports of the vartous orgafli- zatIonr of the church willl be heardl and new offleersq will" be eeted. This will be a perlod pf good fellowsbtqp. of re- newed vision and courage. and -il nmcm- bers and frlends are urged to attend. Reservations for the dinner mybe made through'the chcurch office. The week-dany activities for boysand girls are qcheduled as follows:. Tuesdhy-3 :15 pn.-Blueblrds. Tuesday-4 :00p.-ir Scouts, ranip Fire Girls. Tuesday-7 :2.01p.nm.-Troop DNo. 2. Boyý Scouts.> Thursday-.4 :00 .m.-Juinior nhoir re- hearsal. Thursday-7 :15 p.i.-Senlor choir re- hearsal. Thursday-7 :30 p.ii.-Tro&pp No. 1. Boy Scouts. Friday-13:15 p.r.-Br7own les. Saturdav-9 :30 o.nm.-Cubý Pack No. el3. Saiturday-7 :10 p.mn.-Senior Camp Fire First Presbyterian Womian's club rooms, Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen. minister Ou Sndy orig orhi srvc ta held at Il o'(lock. 'We invite you to worshlp with us. The ininister' will preach on the themne, 4'Earth'sPre- atives." a lesson froin one of the search- lng and Ipspring words of Jeýsus, Our Sunday sehoolmet at 9 :30 o'clock, with lisses for aIl ages. Our Bible classes for'. adults meet during the Sunday school hiour, and w.e invite you to studly the Bible xvith us. Junior chut-ch, in care (if Mrs. Stan- ley Peterson, takes <'àre of the èhilldu'e.n wvhle their parents are at chut-ch wor- ship, at. 11' o'elock. * Though It I. after Christmas, there fi stili a place for any broken or. dicard- ed toys whlch may be a great pleasure to poor chlldren. The Chicago Christian Industrial leaguç Is aikking for them. willl* repaIr them, and place theni, wherie they wlll be apipreciaàted. Yôu.m.ay eal Mrs. R., R. Marquardt, Wil. î 388., who wlll arrailge for their collection. Kenilworth Union Kenllworth avenue and- Warwlck road Dr. Herbert bý. Wlllett. minister Dr. Willett's subject for Suniday, Jan-ý uary 15, wlll be "rrienneîrs and Punish- ment."~ The church' service is at I The Wednesdàyý evening mee ting for Bible Study. and, Conference wilIl be held January. 18 at 8 o'clock at Di,. il- lett's, residence. Al Interested f riends are. invjted. The Womnen's guild will m-eet Mon- day miorning, January 16. The hours *fteetig-a-efrom10 to 4 4 k~The wornen are asked to come in for as nîuch tim-e as possible. The invitation is flot only for memibeYs of the gulld and congregation but for any one in the village who i.may bc interested. The Sunday school will mieet a usual at. 9:45 o'clock. Ahl children between the ages of 3 and. the high school are cordlally lnvited to visit and to beece regu lar members. Metkodist Church The Organ Prelude-"In the Cathedral"......Pierne-Dickinsûn "The Guardian Angel" Pierne-Ga ul The Choir Anthem-"Sanctus" Gouniod The Offert.ory SolIo by -iýJr. C. Rolin Smith Tii. .Organ Posztlude-"Piece Heroique".......Cesar Frainck j "El Christob" is the title of à play 10ý t be presented by some Philippine play- er-s from Marcy Center at the joint meeting of the High School league and 1Young People's group this Sunday ee ineci Gooas nnower ifor aM er and Friendship Fluse. Batist Churcb W%'ilmette, and Forest avenue>,- CGeorge, B. Allison, mînister "*A Chiurch that Cares" 1By populjar request Dr. Alli son. Nvill continue. bis series of sermobns 011.t)w' early Genesis s'tories each Sunday niol'ning, during Jaiiuary, at tht ,I1 o'eiock ivorhip. The*,subJec.t for niexi Suîtiid.ay,. January 15, isi "Jacnb-a D:î Ail departients of th. church sbo eOnvene at 9 :30 o'clock,.nmaking it pos- siblefor every niember of the fainjiiy t0 be engaged in worshlp and ,ins truc- tion at the saine hour., During the- sermoil-timie there Is a kinder-g.artte'î i)ei<.d fr ilte snle boys and gir-ls. iii (hitige <of NiýssNettie Kaufunan. The v(,r-t best ôl)ittunfty fiût' Ùî'i nîenbers and friends to enjoy Ciiristjiiï fellovvship and a discussion of oui-(Chi- ti;n beliefs and chu-rch activitits is al the mid-wveek meeting on Wednesday WI ç o'clel<k. The two topica;, "Whait (hvs Means to Me" and "What the Bible Masto M\e" have pr-oved ilost in- spiraýtionai to ail who attended, becaiu-, of the ma.-ny helpful contributions imd- .by seeri-Pesent. Wedlnesdaiy, ,ia-. wiry ]l%,* is the e<tirteirly business ineet- ing of the chui-ch.* This will he pru- <eded at S o'cýlocýk, hom-ever', by ie third topic ini our seies for th e month. "What My Cbulrch Means 10 e. Thtese 1jr5tJSU-J tIIie LL . U,).:30[ICAL <unday v e iing. The program i s. in charge ofÇ tb.- Stewau'dsbip comîmission, Tom All 5iul will ho lic leader. TomorowFriday, .lanuary 13, thr. .wonn will hold their montbly mee-iting at the chut-ch. Everyone la aasket li note the change in the lime of bbc- pré-. grain. Mr. Bickhami is te b. the spea;k- er' and ibismessage vwill 1w given Iar ON~.FIFTJEEN O'CLOCK instead of 1 :30. T.uncheon 'will b. served vorv proînptly at 12:30 by the memnbers <of Link F, M'rs. G. D. Allison, chairmaîî. The devotional Is to be given by.'Mis~. ~n ** * Sehumann Il ages aire1 welcome ln )l. which meets a-i fol- ,Junior, Inteirmediate, cl departments at 9-:30 i jaua 3 <z, zb.,anaU the, University of CI -"Mrsj. laylet- s Flor- vvîuis s xatner and relatives in iOrleans.. They returned to mette' Iast SuPnday.

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