fis, Wiliam Beyrer and A. C. Pear- Entertainmnent commnittee-B. L. *Keeler, chairman, W. B. Robinison, Jr, Phillip H1offinann, A. C. Pearsonl, Ir., Eari Peters, and Richard. Burns. '\[Mcmbersliip .comminittee--G. WX. Sw%%ine3,, chairmani, E. C. Cazel, E. G. Petr%, F. 1). Anderson.. Aider Tighe, A. 1). Albnight, F. Hiavacek, Lav- rence P. Schaefer and A. C. Pearson, Civie Committee Civic comimittee- Harry, Kinîtie, chaàirmian, LlMoyd HolliSter, C. 'M. Os- b0ru., R. M.jolînston and. WV. D. .\ir andi nanîce comnittee-\V. B. Robinson, chairman, D.: E. Alleni, -Ir., andl F. 1). Anderson. 'Social seýXice corninttee-E. WV. \V çrciiàrmiaiiandmi\Villiamtii'aN-' ]or.- PuiblicitY conimrittee-B,. B.Udel, uliairnian, ani P. NM. Fuicomner. * * ' ire Prev'ention com4inttee-XWi.e-r ibble, chiairniiani, G. WV. Svviiev and * C. C. enneckar. I nstaII Officers, Directors l'lie oficers and directors of the Chamiber of Commerce, who are *n- stalledl at thie first luncheon meeting Nfonday of this, week, are: A\. S. N'an [)eusen. -Ir., presi<ient: V L..Keeler. vice-prcsident; 1..1T. Clrsecretary; W. B1R, nsn merniers can start play for1 tioris. A chiance will be give ten chess problems and to contest sponsorýed by the Che$s club which is'offering thé junior chessplayer'%vho problemàs first. ,teani posi- ~nl to copy enter the Wilmette 1a prize, to solves the r.Any Nilmette boy or girl i# tthe ,6th,! 7th or th 'grades is wecioe to attend!g this« meeting, according to Rose Mary'i MclCeihan, secretary. ýSheurges that i e,%eryo ne intending ob tteMeeting cali either Dick Moreaùu or her by tele- phone, sothat the refreshment commit-, tee wiii have timie -to make arran ge- ments. Several new. members have heen. addedto -the junior Chiess and Check- er club within thie past several days. A meetinig of the club wvas held at the home of the presideixt, Dick Moreau, 157WahInut .avenue, -'Wilmette, Mon- day, January 2. GIVES DINNER Ruth Suekoif, 819 Chestnut ave- nue, entertained forty,-tvo guests at a formaI dinlier party on Thursdav, December 29, hier guests ail being collegé bovs and girls home for the i ea4ersscI4Uidation. Âvirs. ,3ia(i Played «'Invitation to the Daniçe": by Weber-Tausig and a Chopin prelude». Robert Swain of Clinton, Cotin., who attends Deniso'n university a Granvilie, .Ohio, w'as the..w-eek-end guest of his fiancée, Miss Beth Brow- er, daughter of Dr. and Mrs;. Daniel R. Brower'of 720 Fifth street. Mrs.J. Large of Minneapolis ar- eived Saturday for, a visit iwith, ler son and famiiy. ,the Judson Larges. »f 194 Thôrnwood, avenue. BERENICE VIOLE Teaciser and Pianist Studio: 114 Third, St. Phone Wiimette 1705 ESTELLA HEDGES MODISTE Gowns, wraps, suits and dresses. Remodeling expertly doue, moderate rates. S2 TEMPLE CT. PH. WINN. 3125 thorough job of groas- iuig under actual driv- i n g9 ýconditions. ,No extra charge - just a better jbthroughout. AUTO ROCKER GREASING $100 TUE OIL WELL Bob 'n' Mac Main St. et Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 WINNETKA 796 Elim St. Wmnnetka 4 and 333' T M bARKETý tous di- Quickly irered Charge Accounts Solicited fromt Reliable People J : . 1