CH..rRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: T HE. .TRUE.VISION". MR. CHARES V. NN, C .B of Pasadena, California Memnber of the Board of Lectureihip of thé Mother. Church,, The Firsit Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetta TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17,.1933 at 8 O'clock In* the CÇhurch Edifice, Cenrtr'al Avenue, and Tenth Street TnÊ PÜgLtC Is CORW~ALïv IMNr1¶ÉnTo, ArtÉIND Ainplifiers will transmit the lecture to those seated ini the Sunday School toom. Those unfamiliar with Christian Science ,may reserve1 seats by applying at the Reading Room, 1148 Central Avenue.' Reserved scats will be hlid until ' 7:50 on the evening of the lecture. - t Item Step-On Kitchen Cans ;Pairs. of Scissors ( sizes) 8 1 Electric Toasters Regelai, Price 'I' I 95c! 15e$I.soà Sale Prie 79C 5 5C 9 8C Several punblic meetings have 'been held, the lboards of civic organiza- tions ,were -consulted, a , nu.xnber .of citizens contributed4 suggestions, corn- mittees were forme'éd, and the plan W-as perfected and adapted. Briefly. the plan! las operated, and is 'scheduled to operate as follows: 'Týo. ciizens Were chosen by the Fniajor.ity of those present'at the pu;b- lic meeting. at, which the 'plan was adopted. Their' dutv was, to selectý two members of a "Caîl Comamittee." These two latter chose a third mem- ber an.d the "Caîl Conmuittee" wmas conîpleted. It proceeded. to perform its tasks. The Call conuinittee acquainted e veryv civic 19r ganizatioli in theé il lage ivith the fact that the Plan wvas in operation and issued the "'Cal1.' In accordance with the Plan, each oraiainsletd w nmebrs to serve as inmbers of the "Creative 'Cornnmittee.ý" Out of' fifteen civic or- ganizatioüs in the village. ten nmade repfly by ap)poiintinig inembers; of the Creative commnittee: Five organiza- tions, i. e., the two Amercan Legion Posts. the Womeni's Auxiliaries; of* the twýo American Legion jPosts, and thce\Vilniette Feckeration of Churche~, did not see fit. ta make tliese app)oint- ments. .Accor(litgl,,,mitfi ten organli- This 'Creative coliiiiittee~ is naw perforing iiits duties. Its task i'tol select four menhl)ers froin eachi of the twelve voting precincts oif Wilmette, Snia king a total of forty-cdght citizensi toconmpose tlIe convention itself. AS soon as the Cali conuinitt(ee nthiitý.I Creative commnittee perforrn :thîe ir duties they are disbanded and have no further voice in the operation oi theé Plan. The Conventionî, as forrned above, is 'scheduled ta incet on or before control. Its, principies are ciesigned to obviate that pregtiant evil. Possibly, however, it is considered 1w "The Village Party," or rather those ivho sponsor> it, 'that they are. plaving "smart politics". in gettiig underwar.y early enough to for.tify ýagainst any eventuality. Two years ago the present admin- istration made. mucli capital of tlîeir. contention that their then oppon - ents had , used coercive ,rnethods iin picking their ticket. "The Public MXelfare Party" of.t.hat tirne, obtained manv, vote§ because they, promnised to establish the principle * of "Openi Meetings" on ail questions. It is a sound principle and, slould be care- fùllv adhtred to. It is just as 'sotnd a principfle iini nominat ing candidates for public office in Wilniette as it is in the administration- of \Viimettc Public -affairs. It is tliis principle that inspired the pronmulgation of the, Harmnony Plan. ~The- 'eesire of group's to "'boss" or to-.Iiol4 the elements of controi withiln a liniitîed group is flot a character- istic that can affect any beîiefit ta anv comun tv.It leâds, more often thail otherwise, to the abuse of privileges granted at. the poils. If the citizens of any communitvl would enjoy their full constitutional rights. of suffrage they wvill give ats inuclh careful attention to the pritnar% or nominative function as to the final or electivé funiction. Most of the er-' rors niade in thé election of ail ahii- ci ais iin tis couty, have their in1cep- tion in the indiff erence: of voters to Pri.mary noiniiiîations. 'If con(lîtiOnis arise under which voters have Io accesto caucuses ivlere candidlates, are nômiiiint (, tliev hve niosýt cer- taill, been deprived of a privilege that siloul(l be liighly valucd and of the ol)1ortunit\- to perfornm a diitv ahat is theirs andl theirs alone. Trhe, Harmnonv Plan is furthcr dù- sîglued to naine candidates wîîo, bé- çatiseý of their sterling <tuaities., woulinlspire no apposition. rihere areniaivnien, and xvonen in \\'Il- 11el f, vuin t, cit*li ý 1.- i - -Cf 1219 WILMETTE AVENUE. WILà of the Plan. [t is unfortunatý that a group bias seen fit, in a 44star-chamber" session, to organize "The Village ,Party" bc- uluties r aweftii-oie ,ma- Yours very truly,, Randolph W. McCancllish, 819 Sixteenth stret, Wilmette, 111. Amt. 17 rýi