cago, at a miass meeting 'Fuesuay nighit at tie- New Trier High school auditoriunm. The, meeting, Was arranged under the auspices of theýWinnetka, Kenil- Worth and Wilxnette Lýeagues, of XVo- mien Voters,, the Xinnetka Woman's Repubican club and the Wnnietka Woiani's- Democratc club. Clarence Randal, president of ýthe Winnetka loard of education, acted as chair- man and introduced, the spýeaker. To" Ma"y Governit Pîý;fe5ssr Merriam, wvlo is the au- thor of- several'bctoks and Who has spenlt the last 25 years ini the study of financial. and governmental prob- lems, paricularly in., Chicago ýandi fs environs, first ýpoiinted out, tli teti- dency toward -an increasing nuiuber, of governmiients, ail with power to rai'e noney, bhQrrow it if ne cessary. andl spend it. In the c ty of Chicago. lie, said, there are 27 separate gov- ernrnents, including the seven most important ones-the city, thie board .of education, the three large nark boards, Cook county and the Sani- itary cistrict-and twenty othiers of less importance. H-e pointed out fiur- thier thiat there are 419 separate g-ov-, ernuiienits ini Cook counitv, and more thian 1,600 separate governinig bodies in the, region within a 50-ile radius of State and Madison streets. Meerriam'Proposes. anlong other things, ,a* complete consolidation Qi' Chicago, Cook countv' and the $an-. itary district, joint 'citv%-Èounity au- thority, a' unified judicial svstein and independent statellood. The'respoisih)ilitv for improvenit, in the present, conditions r ests witlî ail res idents of the. Chicago area. Ile, said, regardle-ss of the typ)e of coul- muntnity in .NIich they live'. Following Frofessor IMerrianX talk the. meetingý was turned inito an openi foïrm discussion and t.he i- ence was given: an ôI)Iortunity to al-k ques tionis concering proposais tliat haye been made for .a m.ore efficient and Iess costlv governmenltal sv-stenî for Chicago. The meeting adjouried prornpty at 10 ocl'eoc, PICTURES IN ART SHOW Frances Badger Reichrnann -ind Helen J. Taylor of Barrington, for- merly of Kenilworth, each have* a picture hung in the current exhihit- by artists of Chicago andi vicinlity whichi opens at the Art institute to- day. Coing ont to shop is flot so alluring as it wam ini balir weather. Especially, when there are packages to carry. Why do it? W. weI- corne telephone orders. We are glad te deliver. Our prices are con- sistently LOW. Those Iisted below. are .but a sml of theý many good things. we lave for you-afl equally attractive ln price. FRESH 'FRUITS AN.D VEGETABLES GRqElEN BlEANS Boit them, wjth a ffnaiI onion for amost delectabie 1 flavor, qt.... ...2c FLORIDA ORANGES Thin skinined, emali but full c*f juice, youù can't beat tbis price, think cf ik! 3 doz. .... HOT HOUSE STRAWBEIefY RIIUBARB It doesn4t havé to 1je péeled, just 'wash, cut up and 12c cook with sugar, lb... BRUSSELS SPROUTS If served with drawn butter, ad; bit cof lemon 19 ROMAN BEAUTY JUMBO None, better, none'big-23 ger than'these, 6,for...23 BROCCOLI Trim 'and peel the. stalks, daen cook in boiling sait 9 water, lb. ........9 GROCER IES EASY TASI< SQAP FLAKES Reduce home laundry expenses by using this attractively priced soap. 5-1b. pkg.. 25c ALL. GREEN DE LUXE ASPARAGUJS Tender to the ed À real delicacy whether served in. salads. or as a hot pi ration uncler conditions suti as these? Professor 'Merriam surmar- ized thein under thiree heads: 1. Difficltv ini obtaining adlequalte 2. Highi cost of operationi. 3. Difficulty ini formutlating a iinited t programn for public service. $400,OO00,MO YearIy Cost The highi cost of governument unuLer the present arrangement. was a poinit FOULDS MACARONI om SPAGHE1TI Keep it on hand for impromptu 0 )od drink. They it keeps 'em A le i ry the for breakfast. ' a. treat just as, they are - cornlakes. No. 21/Z tins ......... 3 FOR 77e -o witm 27c GOLDEN DANTAM CORN A very fine variety -and an indispensable 'vegetable to have on ariy pantry sheif. 2 No. 2 tins..........12 ROGERS copnsollclation of the park systems. the school systetns and the Sanitary districtwith the City of Chicago,