The New PERMANENT Framnes the Face SofflIy Came h and jet us- do your har ti. new way, to match thé. new tyles. If païd. in TRADE-AT-HOME CERTIFICATES oi$5.00 Phonbe Yonr A ppointment. Today WILM1iTTJ 4517 ÀALlIBIGIIT fleauty Shop 1 167 Wilmeffe Avenue took the sanie point ef view. Teni groups of organized, Wilmnette people were, willinig 'to, namne men and wôi- en to serve in trying to picek a village-. wide, ,non-partisan xnenibersnip.,for the caucus. Fort.unately, tihus far this ýparticular plan bas noe-t heen Put into ieff ect and thus bas net iost face, with- the rank and file of, the vcoters. Yet it is obvîou s to maniv of ihes e voters, wlho know'ivhat once mcore has failed iii Wilmnette. that thée peeple who mnt things political in thiis coin- muniitv- 'do not c'a re for t1ieir sensi- I)iiities.., The administration knom, they are strong poiit'ica llv. that: thev are backed with, lots, of .mnoney aiid1 long exp erience ilu11 polit icai. adroit- ness. Doubtless thcv sa,*,-tf) thei j selves theY do not coistitute «a ma- chine. But that is flot the p)oi;ît. 'Twô fttmàiwýr 1-iituj Wilmiette citizens. as a wvhole are notoriouisiv uiiniterested in c ic mnatters. That is iiitil 'a cnrvr~ issue lias arisen: theni there is fre- quently, a nasty figlht which dîlstinýc'tlv- hutr'ts the comintunitv as a place ili M'wichi to Jive aiid ovn roery Soînetifies these issutes are senrotis and sometimie., olv trivial. Often It is obvious froni the nuiiierowi 'fighting for a possibly. lost cause, how- bits of corresponidenice that have âtp- ever ýmuch, th.ey ýmight. believe in 'it. It. peared localiy of late that. 1r., Dubbs ih ea ovrcm a al over thinks lie negotiated with Evaixston again. Few men Iin tiliese times have alter the. election, of Iast December. the leisure to d evote to, civýic :affairs It is just'a§, obvioùs that num-erous. when they are smirched' with smali- opponients, of the waterworks i(lea town politics.' Possibly some few think lie did. flot negotiate. The ques- would, have been tempted to go on a "tion'of did or did not is flot beling Harmony ticket before the Dubbs et ai. arguedhere.It is eiiîgstated as -1 nominations were announced,bupr- Politicai issue,.that will not doiVn. ably flot now. Yet with- ten civic or- The anti-administration men, and anizations, in 'Wiictte deli berately there are. nany suoh are saying very floutedby the administration the 1-ar-, hiarshi things on t his score. mony. grouip couldý easilv argue 'that TheLak Frnt ~,.harn ony like iiberty niaybe worth fighting for. The lake, front case may in due sea-. What is the net of it? Apparently son become .a cause celebre in zoniig the administration'docs flot knlow how jurisprudence. It may be doubted"quite -Or does flot; care to compose its differ- honestly- wbether any private corpora- ence ivith' the opposition to the:'lake tioiî, such as oie to operate an incmi- shore site for the waterworks. Irre- erator plant, garbage disposai plant, or spective of w~hether or not the plant s the like tot-14 "have üatgued s*own b llybuilt soinewbere, this attitude on the for sîîlarrezning~flitspart of public servants has made a lot half. .W\hethér it is .good law or not, of people .hopping mad. This writer the writer lias been told that aithuugh has always thought tiiose. differences. ail citizens and property owners miay could beü conipos.ed amical]\. Mean- think they have an interest in , the ýNhile. there is no other leadership in beach, stili it is oniy the Shawnee club jsiight save that of the Village hall. One that has leg-ai redress in the courts C.11 only guiess whether or îlot some Now, thiere are many people ini Wil gr1oup wil] be piqued .cnough by numer- mette w~ho would like favors at the "( isputed points of public poiicy hands of the zening board, who cannot that wouid make campaign arguments, see the difference 'between rezoning to sacrifice themseives in another rough their Proprty comme'rc-~il he,.-p .t __ illicit flats, which is also a zoning matter. Once, more, the case is not being argued here, but is being state-d simpiy as an outstanding issue that. centains something very serious to al advocates of strict zoning,. and niuch dynamnite politicaily. ý Ini these circunistances' if the ad-ý miniistration either expected a fight ori i dfiîtirintenderi 'to ru, tx4lv .,nll bors of Americà. tomôrrow -e-veéning during the installation' servicesin the club' roons, 1415 Mapie avenue ' lu- staliing officer will be Mrs. Louise' Gallitz of Wheeling, who wvill be assisted by Laura Wilson, ceremeo- niai marshal, and Louise Steffens, instaiiing chancellor. Refreshîneiits and. a social hour wili foliow instal- lation of officers. *1 UN ~WTENUU *t REIÇNECKAPSI WllmetteWflm*tt.28-29 ~~1 ils m--mn, ~ri AVENUE