POKLOIN ROAST, 14c I . . . . . . LEG of SPRING 2c LAM4B, lb.22 .RER ROAST of ÉF c best cui, lb. BEEF,. 30,: CHICKENS, fre.h 23 dr.ssed, lb. ..... 3 SREAST off VEAL, lb ..........15 HILLS BROS. COFFEE 3Ibi .u Ridge Avenue, Wihuette Free Delivery Service Phones Wlmette 280-1-452 w i Blay road, Kenilwortli (F~redericlcJ. Mot); Publix 'Cleaners, 1105 Cen- tral avenue (William Kaplan), and Harrison's' Dixie tavern, 1401 Sheri- dan road (Monroe Hlarrison). Additional rnmberships have been taken out by the Wilmette State. Bank, the Village, Cleaners, the Shore'Line cleaners, Hoffman B3rothr ers Coal, and Lumber comnpany and the ýPublic Service company Of Nort.hern..Illinois., DINNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs., Louis Brock and Miss'Virginia Brock,. 601 Ridge road. Kenilworth, enitertainied eight guests at dininer on Ftiday evcing, M1ýr. aijd Mrs. Sheppard jones of Park'Ridge. Mrs. Stade of Chicago, Mr. anIi rs. .WiliainM. Kiney n~d Mù,,s ;Nad 1 w Kînne, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Scoeieck of Kenilworth. Mrs. J. J. Large of Minneapolis, who is visiting lier son and daughter- in-law, Mr.. anîd Mrs. Judson Large of' 1942 Thornwood avenuie, enter- tained somne of lier 01(1 friends at Iîïwceo iiand bridgzeon \Veçlnesclav. akery Taste"- Tri-Ship club room for a progratu of stunts and for gaines, sucli as. ping- pong, chess and billiards. Refreshinents will be servéd,. According to -H. H, Herron, one of tihe two freshmnan class sponsors, this will be t,ýhe first, time that such an event lias been held at New Trier,'for freshman boys and their "dads." Thef programnsfor the three otherý similar get--togethers W.ill be, varied, Mr. ,Her- ronr said. TChe, plan for ..holding; these, affairs is sinilar to that of the mothers' teas which have been'held by the fresh-I nian girls' advisor rooms.> Prairie Pires: Lead List of Pire Cails Prairie fires were responsible for Cight of the lime runs made by the Wi1me'tte Ff-e leartmtnf1the week ending Tuesdayv. January 10. The prai- rie fires were extinguished at the fol- lowing locations: janay6atCet riut avenue and Ridge road; January 7-226 Tenth street and Elmwvood ave- nue and Twenty-second street; January 8-901 Linden avenue, 208 Eighteenthi strect and Wilmette avenue and Eight-j eenth street'; January 9-2109 Chest-I nut avenue ai-d Eouirth street and Lin-J New Assistant Cashier The new assistant cashier, Ilarry L. Stone, is no stranger to the commun- ity. He is both well known and, well. liked. Hie bas filled with credit vari- ous positions in the bank and his pro- motion: cornes a s a recognition of cap- able service. The new set-up: of the officiais thus puts the Wilmette State bank in--posi- tion to servethe ýcommnunity1 even bet- ter -than it bas done in. -.the past. The ful list of directors and officers fol- lows:- Directing Personnel! lJirectors-F. D. Anderson, W. W. Buchanan, Lyman M. Drake, Phillip H1offman n, W. D. Leary, B. F., Lewis, Jr., J. Alden, Sears,' Frank J. Seng, 1Charles .N. Stevens, Judson P. Stone* Henry Taylor, Jr., S. A. Wheelock. Officer-judson F. Stone, chairman; Hc4'. 1)nderson, pésident; 1'hîflp Hofmann, vice-president; W. D. Leary, vice-president and casher; J. Alden Sears, vice-president and trust officer; W. B. Robinson, Jr., assistant cashier and assistant trust offcer; Harry L. Stone, assistant cashier. Youth at College Is Congregation Theme phone Wil. 2998 Gre. 6132 av...15C1 Saturday Mr. .and Mrs. C. J. Nylu-n.d, 1034~ Forest avenue, and their son, Melviin, returned tô their home last Frklay after spending severai . days with Mrs. Nylund's mother, M.rs. S. E. Rowcliffe of 'Melvin, 111. Oîn New Year's eve the Nylunds hiad as their dinner guest Mrs. Edward F. Jans- son, and at dinner on the following Monday the-ir. guests were Mr. and, Mrs. C. S. Grafton of Glen Ellyn, the Ulencoe, 'ýtn(lay morriing, januiary 15, at 10 :45 o'clock. The prograni of mnusic will be as follovs: Tov L'H-odos .....*r Borchu .... ............. ..Rogers Shiema..... ................ Rogers- Veohiavtoli........Traditi<)nai-Shapir(- Michomoceh............. 1......RPogers, Keduisha.................Rogers Let the. Words ............ Shapirp ,Antheiii-"Zu Ruh Zu Ruh !"................Wolf-Shapiro Solo: "Thie Lord Is My, Light'......................Alletsen MA- T ... Tt .-. Islw price. Spt, w4.ppd cream (ied ... eadi Remer4ber the Pood Darrela ______ THE PUBLIC IS COIDIALLy INVITE!> TO ATEND THE CHUItCH SERVICES AND VISIT THER]BADING ROOM- D vIIN