sénts an illustrated lecture. wfether members of Wilmette Po-st uae poured. Features among tbe 'view to be or not,. are especlally* urged to at- Mr. MacLeish studied in Paris with soawilbth fmsCrlbdtend.. Thet Admirai is an.excellent Pierre Vigniale, water colorist.- Hi's Caverii in Eddy county, Newv Mexi- spaead elwrh ern. *orkisrcgie by critics. as de- co, said tobe tîhe Iargcst. cave i Several weeks ago a picture was picting American tbings in' an Ameni- theword.printed ii~IMr Liep, showing cani way. Many, of bis pai tings ComradeB F. McNaugbton being were made on the coast of Rhode StatIs Estrn chol awaedteOerf the Purpie Islandi, but there- are, also a. number ,Thé appearanice of, a.: lureiboy. Heart. Harvey Hopp was also shownl of scelles. of the Fox River valIley and' *wvearing a tcîi gallon biat and high in'fthe picture, and its caption. stated of the north' shore., The 'Vassar heéel boots attracted, much attention that Comrade Hopp was also a House exhibit is to 'be the first, since in. one of Virginia's preparatory Purpie Heart. Tfhis was erroneous he gave up architecture, to devote his schools"e wrote joseph A. Bursey in -while Comrade Hopp bas received entire tîrne io'painting.: a magazine article on Mr. .ivingston. several other decorations for valor, Tbe artist's mother graduated froin The student body was aNVed but ad- be is flot a member of the Ordér ofT îninng.'Tb facltyvieed he stua th Purie ear. Xassar in '78, and was one of the first inirng"*Te, fculy vev(Ithgita- hé Prpl Hert.presidents. of the Chicago Vassar tion ivth alarm atlmmediatelv passcd, We regret to report the passing of clb.His sister, ,Miss Ishbel,*is. of a, ruling that ail students should bc Comniade Walter S.;Maclelan, achar- the classof 1920. restrained froni carrying deadly weap-: ter: member oi Wilmette, Post, Fn ____________ ons. on tflec campus. Young Carl day, Decemiber 30. He died follow-L Livigstn ws sarced. Instead of, îng a prolonged ilflic ss and an opea- e'uchiWfgrIoe a six gun, tbey found a Ilight hunlt- tion at Hines hospital. He was Is Basis for Sermon ung knife with an. eibt inch blade. . brie aae aJt MemoY Z t arI-. Lion ?eudïtwanger's ûovel, «'Jo- iN -ich the youngster calmly explained cemetery, tbe services being con- sephus" willI be the basis for the ser- he bad brought to sharpeii bis peil- ducted by Wilmette Post in conjunc-mnb ab hre .Sumna cils tio wih th Evnsto unt oftheNorth Sbore Congregation Israel Fips a Coin Veterans of Foreign Vars. Past Sundaymrig auy8,nth "A ei yerslatr t te nivr-Commandens George Leal, of Wi1 ytemle orn inlnJanry Venotn "A ewyeas atr a te Uivr-mette Post and G. W: Gardiner ofatemplesat Lncoîn ahe Vrnon sb sity of Virginiia, Livingston was cali- the Veterans of Foreigi Wars pre- aves. ilec Wen the sem n su- ed upon to choose his career. He sided. jecsthI e: "Whenof Roe."e VT-e met the crisis as a truc westcrner. Vice-Commnander D. J. L.. Walther nessed f uc-o the seof rmes hes Dnawing a coin frnm bis pocket. Ilie is visiting bis folks in Oklaboma progrannof usicasfo theserie:a flipped it into the air.- "Tails. l'in Russell Johnson is temponarily carry- Tov L'Hodos........ ..... . Sulzer a lawyer, heads, Fi'm a docton." He ing on as Vice Commander. Borchu ..........Riogers matriculated ini the colleze oif hux_________ Ilnnstered by Rvato this fai, which cost New Trier a tie' for the Suburban league -chamupionship, -and the local, boysý hopé: to show their Evanstoni rivais a'thinig or two on the' basketball court. Thie will be a dif- icult task. Evanston's *heavyweights boaut a' 52 to 19 victory over Schuùrz, as wel as a'40 to'30 *in over Roosevelt, -the teamf that lost to Downlets Grove in the ,finals of the University of Chi- cago's annuai Christmas week 'bas- ketb*all, tournament.- Thus far ti season the New Trier heavies, have won three games and lost four. New -Trie r's lightwrights have tost four- games7-tô Lane, *Hyde Park, Maine and M orton. Evanston's lights have a' better record. R«ach Quarter-Fimals -New Ti4erwas eliminated fram t1t University of Chicago 'toiurnament i the quarter-finals by McKinley, 32 to 27. Jack Sinding, forward, who, in the earlier tournament games, scored eleven points for New Trier against Englewood and ten points agaist Proviso, was able to account for only five in the McKinley game. At the end of the haf New Trier was Ieading M cKinley. 15 to 12. The the Guadalupes, investigating caves.1 dligging up boucs of prehistoric ani- mais .ini., the creck bottomns, a thi iing he'd much rather do tban practice law or mianage bis father's vast cow ranch on which thene wene 15,000 punercdHerefords. Joins ArchaeIogista "Livin.gston found that instead of being a millionaire, as he had beexi before the 1920 crash, be was penni- on \\Vediesdlaý-,, January 11, at 2 bevssrins o the ±Regous scflool o'clock. The tiie lbas been changed will be resumed Sunday, January 8, from 10 in tbe morning. Mrs. Roes- it iS aniiouiced,. ing wilI read andl discuss "Oiir ENJOY WINTER SPORTS Tims."Mr. and Mrs. Robent Tarnant and VISIT IN MILWAUKEE family, 1250 Chestnut avenue, spent Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lonergan and several days between Christmas and famiiy, 1631 Elmwood avenue, spent New Year's at tbein country home Christmas in Milwaukee. On the fol- at Lake Ceneva, Wis., where tbey iowing day they bad a Christmas din- jed wtepos. O Ne Orne Point Advarntage The. New Trier- Proviso game in the second round of the tournamient was a "thriller." New Trier won, 26 to 25, after traiiing at the haif, 12 to 11, and at the end of the third quarter, 17 to 16. Friday night of next week New Trier meets Prôviso ia Suburban Icague doubieheade atMaywood. e In the tournament 2izai ewe much of it unexploned.- The Nati Geogzraphic penetrated onle of .Ij names. bomle tay i elend, Livingston says." reach IMiss Donothy Pett mnette' was hostess at-1 last Tuesday evening, Mm ~Ernrst rer of Wil- cester road,1 bridge club today for New with ber son, airles. ianti, 235 Lei- h, 18 leaying ra short visit.