Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 3

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tion" and have beeîî extended the courtes%, of the use for this,,purpose of the Girls* Club rpoomiin New Trier J-figh school. ýThe meéeting wlii convene at 11:15 o clock,. and Matthew . Gaff ney. superintendent, of New Trier Higli SChooi. ivili extend greeti.ngs,. The- tariffiise is si ou wilI he lei hv. yFisu" P. Ilhutan .uf the politicai .co1l (iepartili.lt of N'orthwestern un iver-, sity. . \Mr. ilolin.anii s a. inter of the suercan ,Co olic associati&uî anri was ,given a grant from fthc Sociagl- Science. Research couco two vears ' intensive study of' labor conitions.,.especial13l ini their rela- tion to the, shipping industry. The first year was spent in, Europe ani i the second ini the Oriétit. Gives llistory Of Tarif M r. Hohiman wvill cover the fo-ilo\v- ing points in the discussionI: (l ) fistory of the tariff 'in the Unitedi States; (2) IToN a tariff is marie: 43) What arc the effects of a higli tariff poiicy; (4) Tariff and inter- national- trade; (5) N--ewr tariff re- fosrms. Lun11cheon xiii bc at 1 o'ciock and \vill be prepared in the highi sch*ooi cafeteria. andi served ini the teachersI lunch 'room. Reservations mnust be noon. However. by, requests froin various individuals it wvas decided to hloti te event ini the eveni-nc this vear to enai)le more spiectators to %vatch flie races. Plan 14 jEventsý There i»vili he fourteen events Mn ail, Nvifl at ileast one race free~ age grou.p. ac.ording- to th'e schedule of events announceri' by'Daniel 'Nt Davis. (irector of recreation. There Wvill 1)e a 2290-yard dash for boys andi another for girls under 12 vears of age. 220-yard racesý for bioys andi girlç, 1!2> e-rs 'of ýage, and, for boys and girls 13 years of age. There 'will-be a 440-Niard race for boys and. girls, 14 andi 15 years old, and an additional one ofS unknown distance for boys 12- and ' 13 years of age who do siot place in anv of the previous races., TI-ree featture eveats of the eve-, ning wvll be the three races for men of %vhich two are open to outside competition. The Golden Skates derby is the outstanding .race of the evening and iy a onc-nîile race open to ail men and blovs over 15; vears; of. ag e and is a race for a pair of goiri- skates donated I 1 W iiniette drug- gistS. "~Blue Streak" Event There is aiso a two-rniie race for 'men and bovs over 18 vears for bieki aivarded' the Order of. thse Pitr-pie'Heari by the War deépart- nient. Mr. S/sats, :eho was a cap- tain in the 13Isf inifanttry during the ,op-dd war. ivas ioussded in thse .lcitse-Ar<jIoiiie offensive'on Oc- ta ber 13, 1918. The Order of the. Pur pie Heart is awarded to vt'e- crans of the WVorld zwar who were wounded ini action. Postmster Shants f rcvious)y had bren dec- orated with the Distinguis/sed .Service cross and the French Croix dle Guerre. The gaines ivili begin at 7 o'clocl and wi!i continue until 10 o'eclockt with a new gaine starting at 8 O)clock and another at 9 o'clock. Since thé North Shore leaguegaines provide' the strongrest competition of àliv of, the 'leagues sponsored bv the Wilmette Piayground and. Retrea- tion* board, charges for admission have been made' sisice the 'seasos! opened last Novem b e r. The entire gate receip ts and 'pre-ticket- sale for tomorrow evenîng's gaines 1i1l be turned over tothe.Community Cbest whîch bas as its beneficiaries tbis vear the Wilmette Boardi of Local Charities. Infant Welfare and Arden Shore Restcamp. Advan.e Sale Large Contests amiong teain captains and school children, and ail means of publicity have been empioyed by members of the recreation staff to 'furtier tetet sales in rde* tbwt the donation to the Chest may bc as large as possible. Every advance sale of five tickets carnies with it a compiimentary ticket for the seller and by titis means the pre-ticket sale bas been highly satisfactory. For the benefit of those who do flot pur- chase their tickets beforehand, it is announced that the doors of the H-oward gymnasium wilI be, open at 6:30 o'ciock tô afford thein an op- portunitv to buy tickets at that tinte. luiclheon menu. * Hear John O. Reese 'J'le afternoon session, vil1 begin at 2:15 o'ciock and thie leagues feel very fortunate in l)eiflg able to pre-. sent to tlieir memnbers andi guests. Johin(). Reese, director of thie Sar- gent Coniittee on Publi c Expendi- tore. Mr. Reese will bring a rather de- tailcd report on what work this coin- ince lias done and has plans to do. As this is nc o f th n1most in- "Sile- -ng- kats -un-s-d by 01vvInetVka. 1 ne roster of the Chaider'sWIng sk astfun Sheconby uary 9, at 3 o'clock at the home of Hfoffmann Florist teamn wiii includ: andtrd placofe vnston. ecofNI rs, Frank Donnersberger. 543,Earl- R. Leonard, C. Thorsen, R. Horn, J. anhd thrd placuee nners wll ech i ston road, Kenilwvorth. Miss Ruth Bagnali, C. Schroeder, L. 'Witt, F. thler three oetzee ments wllreeve [iclter, who will be the speaker, %%-il] Rush, C. Davidson, R. Walters, C. si~eranr brnzemedls.discuss "The Needs of a Fifth Grade Williams. L: Wolff and C. Pederson. Since the entries close at 4 o'clock Pupil." Assisting hostesses wil l)e The roster of the Vagrant team bas tiext Tuesday evening. m embers of Mrs. Robent T. Markham. Mrs. A. flot been announced as vet. the recreation staff will accept en- \V. Withrow. Mrs. Theodore Susen. The second gaine will be between tries while on duty at the two school Mfrs. Henry A. Marten, Mrs. George Hiff Boilers an(] Bahia'i,>anri wiii be- gymnnasiums from 7 to 10 o'clock each F. Lundy, and Mrs. James J. Guinan. a 'îc.Paigo h ii evening this week and entry blanks zi glfllok Pai ivillI k, ,nrov..,dan A enl +,st1 nt the It Bolier teatn will be B. McGnwan. E the cQmrmittee on publication of th( 'Winnetka league, will be preseni with material on tariff questions. in the vicinity ot the Indian Hill1 sta- tion who own rifles were questioned. aà,sn, cean cruise. z

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