-The, N ational Automnobile Came of COmâmerce wants to lino, andi in order to -finid ont there, is being staged an. "Old motor car contest" in connection .with the 33rd National Automobile show to be. held January 28-February 4 at the historic Coli- seum in Chicago. A baid'some, diamond-sgtuclded watch is *tbe first prize, and letters of entry in the Coli- test way be addressed -to Lafayette a.rklei- president ' of the Chicago Automobile TraTe association, 2324 Soutb Michigan avenue,, Chicago. Enttries should be ini by january 20. Tlhere iill be bonors for, the *rtîni- tiers, p, too. Off ered Free Rides It is just Possible that tbe automio- * .bil.e whichi wins the contest mnay have been exhibited at the. itst Natùional Automobile shiow ever held in Chica- go at the Çoliseum in 1900. In- * cidentally, the 33rd national show, ii being presented at the saine place, dlaims the record for a continuious exhibit by one industry in one build- ing, Whýere scores of de luxe sedans and limousines and sport roadsters of 1933 models will soon bc on display, *then only a dozen or so primitive machinesý enticed -and sornetimes velt!e subjèct will be -PolitýIcs and Young People." This is an extremely iiiniely SU-. ject andon on which Mrs.; Roos- eveit is most capable of speakingm. As.for being close to the youn g peo- ple, sh:e has five of her ovnýand mlore- over has continued to teach three days-a week at the Todliunter school- in, Neiw York wbere she is part oivn- er and assistant principal. Then naturally one wouid expéct the wife of a statesmnan to be ab)le to combine a, subject of "Politics" and "'Young People.", However, Mrs. Rooseveit cal! >caim comp etence iii the :prob- lemns of: politics flot l)ecause she is the wife of Frankl Delano Rxoos- eveit but because bher owni lterests and activities.- For yeàrs sie lba-, beeîî actively interestcd ii furthiering welfare., legisiation and labor legis- the legislative comimitte.e of the Womenl's City club ini New York and finance chairman of the vonien's activities. of the Democratic State conimittee. As Mrs. Roosevelt is, well knioil for her charnîing and friendlv per- sonality and for a directuiess of man- fier ivbich appeals to, ail those witlî whom she cones in contact, Januàrv 21 promises to ie. a red. letter av Mrs. that "there are two ways either 1. oeliminate waste. essential service and ii thoughtful peopfle will want tc the former alternative.". to ÇCut, or cnt naturally o secure Namne Kenneth Lawson. on National Bowling Gro up Kenneth Lawson, leader in Evans- ton sport circles, bas just beentmacle a member of the National 'Illinois Kniglits of Columbus Bowling as-m sociation as representative of the north shore area from Howard ave-, nue to Waukegan. In this capacity hle 15 assisting with arrangements for the state K. of C. tournament to be held at the C. Y. 0. headquarters in Chicago beginning 7Wrn1. t fltuC51MIHt~Yrn IY lo- lWC- encds. Iminediately after its close the committee will have charge. of the eleventb national bowling tourna- ment of the K. of C. té be held from- March Il to April 8. Mr. Lawson is a member of New- man council of the K. of C. and is also treasurer, of the Evanston Sports association~. Early in December Supervia gave her only winter recital in IMris at the Teâtre de Champs Elysées. It was one of the.most popular.conce r ts of the season and Was atten ded b y nuiber of. persons of distinction. An intcresting accounit of the. recitai was wvritten by May ,Birkhead. for an American newspa per:, "The bouse was pa cked with an audience which, comprised maRy, notabilities, musical, and mundane.' Mine. Supervia, ini addition t'o wear- ing several of her better-known and very -striking costumes, -rendered a group" of songs of, the folk type in a kind of peasant garb, accompanied, by Amalio"Cuenca on the guitar. For, somte of -the. other pieces, the Seven Songs, b-y de,,Falla, she was accom- panied on the piano by Ivor Newton, an Englishman, who will play witlh her on hler Americaii tour." *.Royalty in Box A number of' Conchita Su countrymen were in the ai In onle. box were the Span fantas Beatrice and Christii two daughters. of former Ki< fonso, while in another box Spanisb Ambassador. The .wa wie1I rrcived. antho n ýervia's lience. h In- a, the .g AI- as the Dncert viitg Nv ~as repui LV to have been uncovered ni a hia,- now i Indianxa; .and in Iowva a man 1, said to be stili running a car of 1905 make; and: a pre-Spanish w,%ar car exists ini Aurora, fil. Here and there other cars dat- ing arotind 1900 bave been discovered, * giving rise to the interesting question, -Who Owns thie Oldest Car?" Çontèstants inav be résidents of LEAGUE TO PUSH ECONOMY PROGRAM Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde, chair. nman of the comniittee on education for tbe Illinois League Of Women Voters, foresees "a. big legisiative order" in . prospect at the coming session of the General Assembly. 'Efficiency in Government looms large."' She feels that this emiergency turnes Wlas of the crinoline type. of dark purplish red satin over white striped in red and green and a tiny black pancake bat surmounting a red and orange bandanna draped across the back of ber .head. "After the concert Mme. Ganna Walska, who owns the Týheâtre des Chamnps-.Elysées, gave a reception stage. More front outside to attend the as nosi tuas,, h aa Nortfii re e.xpt 0 Iew nm 1prpose ýrs were 1j cre is.ai. j.j4m.ýz, l' 'l- 1,ý