Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 35

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gîven inu. rri ali o' '\"ort1iwi NV1 n ship Nwîth dog psyéhology has l.roulgllhý uiniversity before a group of literary imii national fame. He-le is 1 speak ,critics.and north shore people inter- on the "Psychology of a l)N' ind'(I ested in dramatics. At tbis tiime the efret eLVsIgos cec l artistic possibilities of the. plav and of Pittsburgh, on, February,9 the critical iplications, of the sut>- Colonel- Judy, ,a veteran of, the ject matter attracted. much attention andresulted ini heated discussion and acinwr a ie or braverv ini acinand awarded. the silver star. comminent., *Among. those .Who ex- pressed at that time, varying opinions istlattemeng ilb o and personal :impressions wcre Har- such great interest to the public at r et. Monroe, Iniez. Cunniinghiarn, su- large and of suchi an. educational. si mibr(r. le!noes ),and character in mnany of its aspeë'cts, it Clovd Head. is feit, that ail are invited 10 attendl. Delnetio R.IThere wl be no admission fee n'or1 'I'lî cha at inReal' o heay oicitation for contributions, it fortý, mîen, and.worne 1 in. th .e smalll s aiiiounced. ii(l(lle western village of 1904 wlîýere, the .story takes place. is real because R hWenter Announe of eXtremne simnplicity., Yet tie' sitiua- Names of Bridai Party' nions in which 'certain' of these -ili (iv-idilals become Inv'olved tîùrougîî Ii The Émarriage -of AMiss Ruth Cath-, Ille influences of the cliurclh and tlieir erine \Venter, dauighter of _Mr. and. - wil faïligqcreates a fot litetw ith Mrs.Vranak J. Wener, jr, 1204 Ash- soia and religious mieanîing. and(lIand avenue, to, Paul Stedmnan CUM- open, to the independent iinterpretion mins of Evanston, son of Nfr. and of eveér\ inan and wvoman. '111e M r s. J. E. Cummnins of Cedar Rapids, ('ostifiC5e of 1904 contribiite a ligll Iý oý,va, takes place Saturday evening ituiresquie cleinentt.anid the clir(cil at 8 o'ciock, at St. Auigustine's Epis- Ilmn introduiced throuighout 11w c çpal chiurch with Dr. Hubert Carle- ilirec acts play uipon.thme cliaracters ton officiatin.g. A reception %vill fol- ai>l heighteu the ceotional toile. low at Shawniee Couptrv club. Mr. Perslhall of (ilencoe. iýs a Clii- - 'iss Mary Lotiise H-ays ~'l 4-~ cago advertising mian. while prof. Miss \V enter as miaid of hionor and Irownells r e ducational and, (lx the bridesmiaids are to be Miss Kath- in connection with this letter there is published>some correspondence be- tween iMr. Dubbs and the. city% of Evanston. Included in this cerres- pondence -are two letters on whiclu f desire te comment. These letters are, the one of jan- uary 9, 1932.- from the Citv of Ey- anstonto the -president of, the 'Vil-ý lage board', and the.letter ofjanuarv 21, 1932, f rom Mr. Dubbs :to MU. Parsons,, chairrnian of the. wafer coin- init.tee of thie Citv of Eý.vanstoni. The, letter of Januarvý 9 invites the Wilmette conmittee. te meet 1the FEvauston committee, ,presumably te discuss the matter at issue. The letter of Jan uary 21' is s worded as to convev the ipeso f1bat at the meietinig referred to wiater rates Nwere discussed or nlegotiations en- tcred into which resntctd -~ in Wilrnette- concluding to go ahlead with the build- ing of an indepeudenit planit,. this letter confirinug the ouitcome of such ýiego-. ti; io. The facts are that, aside f romn the exchiange of amnenities, the pr4oceedings conisisted of an .opening statenient by Mr. Dubbs which sliut thi- door to akny iiegotiatio;is. This statement was to the effect that the Evanston cotmmittee nio doubt knewv. the resuit of the referen- This letter is submitted witl, the tbought that clarification of these points will enable the public to better judge the validity of -the Village adminis- tration's dlaim that'they did unidertake Pona -fide, negotiations subsequent to the election of. December 6, 1931,.. Respectfully submiitte, M.W. Lauer, I1114, Eorest Avenue. APPRECIATION January 3, 1933.1 ELditor, XXLLmETTE LiPE: , I want to thank vou for publishing our stories before 'Chrisftmas and. 1 wonder if you would pass on to your Wilmette :readers .the appreciation: of .the case workers- and the' fatnilies in the Milwaukee (avenue) district of the United CharitieÉ for the thoughful, generous Christmas gi fts the 'Wilmette >residents sent these families. Dailv we receive the expressions of should receive. The busy Saturday be- fore Christmas the telephone rang and 1 answered it e>pecting a last minute eqetfor coal, but, instead, it was Mrs. Bennett calling: "I coùldn't wait to cati you next xveek. The wondIerful Christmas basket has just corne (one sent by *a Wil- mette "Good Fellow") and is filled with cannmed ,goods, meat. f ruit, and former editoriai vnter for tnie 'l j u- unîe and the Chicago l)aily News. lie us . now professor of contemporary thoughit at. Northiwestern. a~ field of tiniversity instruction comiparatively ne~and one -which blas met with great demand and popularity. "Crea- titres, ijere Belo\v" refiects sonething Of flic contemporary attitude toward' problems. of religiotis and social character. Brilliant Scholar * . -o . Jean Audrey Rehfeld, 210 Ninth street, entertained twelve guests at a, lun éheori and, bridge last 1Friday. F~ove rank \Venter, iUty iwuuuns, Barton «Mullins, Dunrich Hawkins, and William HIenni ngs will ushier. Mr. and M'rs. XVnter are giving the bridal dinnier tonighit (Thuirsday,) at thieir bomne. SMr. Cuiniiis and1(l is bride will live in Evanston. Has Reunion of Former pier on *"1ti.ts. i nllere willi1) exhibît of quilts. Mfr. and Mrs. T, ID. S carif, WVashington avenue, had as houseguests last> week Mr. and John Day, and children, from Know if n.van.stoni. requireci a contract to supply. the needs of Wilmiette ini the interim. To this Mr. Parsons replied in substance that Evanstoni was then supplying Wilmiette's nieed and wýould of course continue to (Io so. The Village administration hias sought to have it appear that the mieet- ing referred to wvas the occasion of iu'gotiations. That heing the case, wiII Mr. Dubbs, for the beniefit of the pub- [IC MI 1 IIIUIY ,aKe ct-LJ i i..LA.I e Irs' 5-If the facts are as stated, does di- flot the publication of the two lettero referred to, from whieh actual effr precJate tuieir (iluîette t"oG rel- low&'"), help, because everything re- ceived is ver useful and very much neecled." There were twenty other familles who likewise were made happier with a bit of Christmnas festivity-more comi- fortable with extra beds and niattresses and warmer withi good warm com- ivirs. * v La rr.I4Lini .Lý. rJ.-resge o mi> Blackhawk road, entertained twenty guests at a buffet supper party and dance at herhome last*!Thursdey.

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