Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 34

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biles. Lommissioxîer W aiRer fixed bis bond at ý$lO,000 and the govern- ment agreed not to push the local charge against hiii if he:would agree not to fight extradition.,toc Florida, wherë he was arrested f Our years'ago for Violation of the -Dyer act. Foster agreed. After his arrest in Florida Foster was released on bond and fled. Hie was arre sted ini.,Oklaholia tivo years ago and held for returni to Florida. Released on bond, he agaiti departed. Trapped by Car Crash The Winmette automobile accident which .resulted in Foster'sarrest oc- curred in front of the F. G. -Waggett home,. 1604 Wilmette avenue. Foster and John Brady,, 501 Illinois road. Wilmette, riding in a car which thev had taken witbout permission from a local automobile concern where they were employed, crasbed into Mr. Waggett's car parked in front of his homne. Later the same evening (Saturday, *December 24) the Wilntette police arrested Foster and Brady. After the routine step of sending inger prints to the United States bureau of iii- vestigation had been- taken, federal agents found that Foster bad sold the Wihuette automobile concerni where he was emnlnved a cair hie hadI, been arrested on tnree previous ac- casions for drunkenniess or disorder-. *ly conduct but who had no auto theft record against bim, was fined *five dollars and costs on a .disorderl\- conduct charge in , the local polict.: court and was relegsed. cUSMUiI wliII IiiIUW meUIenateI. Fete James MeGlrelgors Durinig Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. John J.:Ames of 500, Maple avenue, ý Wilnxette, enter- tained lfteien guests at dinner' Sun- day -n. honor -of Mr. and. Mrs. James Mc.zGregor of Oskaloosa, Iowa. Mrs. McGregor, is th e former Maxine Lili of Kenilworth, who with her husband is v'isiting ber parents, Mr., and M rs. XVilliam>,W. LiII 6f 119 Ab- inRzdon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Richard'Oli-ver Kru-. ger, 229 Laurel avenue, Wilmette gave aitea Monday ini honor of the McGregors. Mi\fss Henrietta Underwood of Chi- cago wý%as ho5tess at a luincheon and maitnee 'frtii Wdéd'dvIfor Mrs'. Ml\cGregor and on Thursday Mrs. Williamn Colwell enterta'ined at a bridge luncheon for Mrs. McGregor. On Stindav Mr. and Mrs. Bvroi Cooîi of Evanston will give a tea in honor of the M.\cCregý,ors and on Sat- urdav, Januarv 7. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert'A. Leitz %viIl entertain. at a din- ner dance, in their lionor. On Mon- day Mrs. -Thomas Washhurn. for- merlv. of .Kenilwortli. will give a and Mrs. Burt A. Crowe of 234 Ra- leigh road, Kenilwortb, received scho-, lastic recognition at Lake Forest academy during the fal, trm whichi ended December 17. lis name *wag on the Lake Forest prep school's sec- ond scholastic honor roll for the en- tire term. Roger is preparing for Williams 'colege. -He returned to Lake Forest this week to resume his studies. ployed by the Curtiss-Wrighit con:- pany, and is well known at the air- ports in this viciit.iescrdid with being. Colonel LIindbergh's. in- structor, but is better knôwn among bis 'friends las being a 'great stor', teller. Winsto'nwstaserdt thi dsrcfrom SaItý Lake. City. He flues a Monocoupe.>. "Duno y"Bent Surprises' Friendsat Sky Hairbor Arthur "Dunny" Bent of, Sky Har- bor airport surprised bis friends at the airport last Friday,. when, in à casual conversation over, thephone,, he. remarked that he w as: to be, mare- ried Sunday (New Year's day). Major R. W. Schroeder was ready witb the usual cigar. "Dunny's" wif e li ýtbe formner, Etignia Scott of Geneva, 111. The marriage took place at the bride's home there. FPlies From Detroit to Curtiss in Stinson-R Howard Warwick, wh'o was for- rnerly a student at the Curtiss- Wright Flying school,. arrived at Curtiss airrînrt near (GJenview last Uninese btucients Learn to Fly in Mercury Chick Don Wong, who owns a Mercury- Chick in partnersbip witb Elliott- Staples, was busy during the holiday season giving flying instruction to Chinese students at Curtiss airport. Wong holds a transport license. Hie learned to fly at Curtiss field. Whîle Wong was tising the Mercury Chick, St-aples was in Boston for the holi- Léegion in tio oie '~~IÇU~L~II ICtine mi- iing the Century of Progress ex- position opéning on june 1 will be discussed, at a meeting Of the' Legion's r-ecently appointed national committee on -aviation in Indianapolis on: January 16 a nd 17, MNýaj-. R. W.,Schroeder of Sky Har-, bor airPOrt is a member of thisý coIn-I mittée .and will go to India-napolis, tle, Legion's national headquarters. for the meeting. Mai. E. V. "Eddlie" Rickenbacker, the, famous Worl<l war, ace who wasý credited .with bringing dow n twenty-six eieiny planes, is chairni of the conmittee. lu aditono discussing plans for the.air meet, the committee also %vill outline ýa national- program On a .via- tion for, thie American L4egion. The American Legion air nicet at. Sk -v Harbor airport Iast Septeiher was so successful that Légion officiais began discus'sing plan~s fora siilar meet on a national scale to be held during the wNorld's fair ini Chicago. The Cook county council of the Legion ivas the sponsor of the miect at Sky Harbor. Legioni posts throughout Cook and Lake coiiit:c., cooperated iii. niaking it a success. Kankakee Rotary Club to der also is sclneouled to appear be- fore the Rotary club of Kankaker, III., on.Thursday, January 12. H-e wilI gve other talks later this month. Instails Belly Tank on J. L. Hecht's Airpiane Lou Gordon, the mechanic who wa', with Amelia Earhart on ber first flighit across the Atlantic, recently in- stalîed a belly tank on Jr. L. Heclit's finsfo-CiaoNe ersev-e. uays with ±irs. bciiaui> s motiier, Mrs. been stayinI frindsfron Cicao.;NewYea'sGeorge B. Hall, of Vevay, Id. the Warren Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pollack, Mr. and Mrs. Elnier Claar and nue, return 14()6 Washington avenue, entertained children, 1301 Cbestnut' avenue, vis- Mri L. Kresge, jr., 2615 Black- bc*ne at, P a number of guests at an informaI ited Mrs. Claar's mother in Milwau- hawk road, entertained sixteen guests spent the h party NewYear's eve., kee. over the week-end. at a dinner party Iast Friday evening. attending b iStewart, who lias it ber grandparents, "sts of 1115 Lake ave- Saturday f rom hier, ola, Fia., wheré she. ays. Miss Stewart is hwestern.,university..

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