VE].Y L in Hub 235 or >ds. Ph 5. FOR RN-UN PS 'WILL SUBLEASE FURNISHED. OR uiifrnlshed beautitul 3 roomn apt. ln The ChirneYs Apts., 549 HiIi terrace, ,'inetka. Ca l Winnetka 2198 or see janitor. 57LTN!5-ltc FOR RENT REDUCED, RATE ON attractively furnished 4 rm, and 1 rm. .ipartmnents. Conveniently located. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or Wulmette 2427. 57LTN25rtft 00 iFOU RENT-HOUSES C1-ARMNGBRICK, COLONIAL.,!t. rmis, 3 baths, 2-car gar., oil hi.. l>evely garden and tre".. Lot, 12Ox2OEJ, $150. We have coniplete list of furn. and un- furu. hoùqes -on the North Shore. Mrs. Fuller &. Wm. Pickard lilS, Chicago Ave. G~j1~ 7220 60LTNý35-1tc' O Y$50 A "MONTHJ. A=TR 6 ËM Winnetka home in ehoieyegb2 Ilot-atir ht.. gar. IlE1NSEN* REAL Ty1 CO., 660 Center St., Winnetka 834. 601,TN35-1 tc k; ROOM.% MODERN HOUSe, 2 .BATHS. -il hleat, garage, 2 mnontjis' conces- ~i~~Call Winnetka 1558 for annoint- nient. 60LT3-ltl) il,., ROOM lIeUSE, GARAGE, FtUR- mwae heat. Very gond trainsp. 6041 Veýrnon Ave., Glýenco(. $60.Pescl si FOR RENT-FUWt4. HOUSES_ %VELL FUIEN. 5 R.M. *tESIDENCE, li. W. heat, oil burner, . Pittsburg water heater, frigi.daire, insulated -ibinet stove, ail new very cornplete, ,,onv. to. ail transp. Reas. Call owfler, Wýilmette 1476. 61LT35-ltp '72 FOR SALE-HOUSESI "1EVA.4NSTON-ENGLISH TUDOR brick Evanston home, 4 bedrms., *2 baths, attached garage, 70 feet -f frontage, screened porch. In- v.estme'nt $30,000, priced at today .s narket;. See Mrs. Didrlkksen, 522 DIJNING ROO'M SET, SU nut. 8 me~. Excellent conÉ sacrifice for cash. 62 Wà Winnetk'aIlL.' )LID, WAL- ' Ave. 86LTN35-1 t(eI 89 WANtED TOBuùY-M. I WANTED -STANDARD- PING PONI, TABLE 5x9., Pli. WI'NXETKA 1712.I 89L25-1ltp WildatsWill Open Big Ten Sehedule in . £1ii g7i iL uiasn witnh, in North western'-, chances in the forth- coming Big Tenîi1)asketbauLiace..wiIl be given a thorougli testiing over)the next wevekeniiigaines %with two of theéir strongest opponents. Illinois and Pur- dPe. Tr h kl'tcaits. iIopenx theif conl-- ference schedule agaiust the Illini Sat- uirdayt at Urbana, and then wvil1 corne ho,,me 10o meet the Boilerinakers Nfonday night at the Northwestern gym. jIf the Wildcats, cati get 1» such a ilhurdle the.\- will be iii a position to niake it toughi for future Adversaries. 'l'li Illini got off to a slow. start due to i the iliness of several stars, but ini re- cent engagements have beguîil 1 live up to Advance notices which figured them as the. putstanling dark horse of the ctinference season. Purdue R.inked as Stroingest Despite a surprising setback by, Pitts- burgh i ast Nveek, Purdue stili ranks as the strongest corttender ini the forth- coming scramble. Consequent>', next Monday,'s gaie between Northwesterîî and Purdue will go a long way towvard sizing up the relative strength of these. two cîuiîntets. i.Both tcams lost one of their five latere ii Aue rana payable Numer Date Due 141 Dec. 31, 1933 141 Dec. 31, 1933 141 Dec. 31,1933 141 Dec. 31, 19,3 141 Dc 31, 1934 177 Dec. 31, ý1934 177 , Dec. 31, 1934' 177 Deei 31, ý1936 Dec. 31, Dec. 31# Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec, 31,1 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 1934 100.00 1934 1935 1936 1937 Dec. 31, 1933 5 D 6 Dec. 3-1. 19à33 Dec. 31 1933 Dec. 31, 1934 Dec., 31, 1934 Dec.,3, 1934 Dec. 31, 1935 Dec. 31, 1935 Dec. 31, 1935 Dec. 31, 1936 Dec. 31, 1936 Dec. 21, 1937 Dec. 31, 1937 Dec. 31, 1937 Dec. 31, 1937 instaiflment Numnber 9 *10 10 Serles j year Jv;i Bond N4umber 6 9" Amount $100o00: 100:00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ..G 4100.00 9 H 3 100.00 10 I4. 100.00 7 8 76 7 F7 3: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4é. , Dec. 31, Dec. 31, De c. 31, bec.,3et 100.00 10.0 100.00 100.00 ~100.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 * 0 100.00 100.00 D 4 E 3 F. I G. 1 H 1 T 2 45 C D D E E 70 48 59 NEW 'vv-Lýi Di J..r - ----- 5 acres .west of Deerfleld. . Sultable for 239 pouncis bas been workiflg country home, chicken. farin or nlursery . siîxce the close of the footbal McGURE & ORRand will iiake his debut as a 216Pak Ae.Gleco .when Northwestern ieets Cli 85LT-,-5-ltC Patten, gym, January 14. 5nalso assume the. duties of golf coach , n at thts spring. Payseur is an experienced the Di golfer, hiaving competed iin a number Iowa.. is the golf le Co)untry e