The beginning of a course of lec- tures in psychology, particularl% '*The. Menace of a, Stale- Psychoi- ogy," and a dramna lecture.ion "Fash- ions in the American Audience." with luncheon and the singîin" of Miss Kathleen Sauerwald. conlitralt.o, inter- Vening. cômprise, the program plan- ned for: memnbers o f. the ' Woman's club of Wilmette àat the next all-da% session, Wednesday. J anuary 1l. Dr. E. W. Balduf, lecturer and, educator. speaks ihi the mnor.ning at 10:30) o'clock,. and.,in-.hie afternoon. at 2. Harold A. Ehrensperger .will, appear before the, club. Emery. W. Balduf is qualified. bv a rich and varied experience as; a col- le' e instructor and .administrator. to. speak on educational 'topics. AI- théugh he does flot pose, as a spécial- ist in the field of child psychoàlogy or child guidance, he is said to have the b 'rod triing i psychology which 4 any successful educator must have. He began his educationai career as superintendent of schools and in that capacity frequently taugbt 1in the pri- mary grades, and was acclaimed bv bis primary teachers.,as, an expert In dealing with children on the lower levels. ' His main. experience, how- ever, covers a perîod of twenty ve ars Gu in dealirig with boys and girls, in the adolescent period and later adoles- ~cence., In bis own institution, the ' *ertieculuIaoaiprobles,is, t L he preserited to. nembers of the *Womian's Club of Wîlmnette in a psychôlogy course .which wiIl be. divided into four lectures.. Thé first tal k is to be given next Wed- nesday m.orning at 10 :30e o'clock, the. others . on Monday miornings. at 10 oô'lock, on Janiuary 16, 23 and 30. Dr. Balduf is known as a mili- tant exponent of the necessity of scientific tihinking in al fiekIds. n-e is be a liberal rather than a conservative. a critical. and *independent thinker. He lays great stress upon informai adult education as a meansof opening Up the minds of those.who con- *trol educational policies. Eacb new~ generation, he holds, must do crative thinldtîg of it w to meet the ever-emerging prob- lems of a rapidly shifting social sýituiation. He is bigbly recorn- rnended by erninent educators and psychologists. Young Motheis.Club ta Have Pro gram Jan. 9 l'he Yong -Mother's club wihold Itsý next meeting at the.horne oi Mrs.- The fine arts department of the Woman's Catholic club will hold its next regular, meeting at the Womhan's club bouse on Friday, January. 13, at' 2 o'clock. This meeting will beof especial interest to many, of -the early members ini that.>this. year marks the- twentietb anniversary of* the club's organization., The fine arts depart-, ment, when originally formed was called the '*Culture club, and Mirs. Marshall Kearney, who has charge of the program, bas planned to have as .guests oif honor the, following charter members of, the Culture. club: Mrs. C. 'Barton, Mrs. G. Browning, Nlrs. L. Crush, Mrs., G. E. Fouts, Mfrs. E. H. Jones, Mrs. A. Mees Mrs. C. Normian, Mrs. B. Patterson and Mrs.' A. Reichmann. *The féature a rti -st wilI be -Ma rie Fisher *Perkins, who will read "The Sponge." by the weII-knowýn Evans- ton author, Mrs. Harrison B. Riley. Mrs. Perkins is a graduate of Hie Schiool of Speech of Northwestern university, and is a ta'lented reader. The progran wlIhl include a few musical numbers. Hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. Harry Eettinig- ,hiaus, Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs. Rus- seill Flood, Mrs. Tanford Lanill. seling and guidanice. Hi-, talks wil center la:rgely arounld a wealth of case material gleaned fromn actual experience. Dr. Balduf asks that members brinz paper and pencil for, an open forum discussion at the end of is ,ta lk. Harold A. Ehirenisperger. an expe- rienced lecturer fortified by fifteen years of not only study but actual exverience, base,, Ii, talk on drama and unvaryig' uces. tHeis haveý many ideas about the îad to ýeater at the horne oft Mrs. P. E. Connor. S4() Cedar street. Winnetka : the -Nc- Laren guild., at the horne 4of Mrs. D. G. Ravmond, 210 Abingdon avenue. Kenilworth: the Anderson guîld, at the home of .M rs. Herbert A Luindahl. 224 Raleigh roadi. 1Keil- worth, and the '-'tewar.t guild wi1th M'rs. L. E. Mitten. 5l1t1Fiiller lane. Winnetka. the cormuents. bsciis ( ltlo ie club and for the past few, ve ar s hasý gracioumsly. entertained the club at lier lioéme for its Tanuarv meeting. Dr. Bert 1. Beverly of Chicago and Oak Park., psyciatrist, vwilI speak on -Belavior Problems.- Mrs. Dewey Anderson, -forrnerly of Wilmiette, will do0 so-me vocal nurnbers. 'l'le hostesses are to be MNrs. Paul1 St -ade. Mirs. C. 0. Grater, and, Mrs.1 wiii DeUcorne IcU UCC salad, and apple pie. avenue, onm Mondav, .anuà,ar9, .at- 7 :45 .o'cluck in the, ev-eni>ii,). Invite Business W amen ta B. P. W. C. Meeting 'lie irst dinner meeting of the, Nýe% Year for Hiie Business and Pro- fés-ýIonaI Women's club of Wilmette is set for January 12. Mrs. Florence Freund lias an interesting program planned. and al il Ximette buinessc i allun' . 1 t, pj"snt a review or' vva sh, cabbage, witb pbonograph recor illustration. mlonl 15 to -rs "Ring" Played in, avie, are sor his critics.