Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 1

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Prof. Charles E. Merriam to Address, Mass Meeting at Highý School Tu.esday Prof. Charles E. Merriam, hliad:of the political science departmient of the Universit-v of Chicago, %who b as spent thie last 25 years ini the study (if the financial and governmental prol)- lens of Cook coùnty, m411 speak ou "Goverrnlnent -of :the Metropolitau Region" at 'a mass meeting to* be held in New Trier -High school audi- torium Tuesday evening, Januarv 10, at 8 o'clock, whichi is 'Open to al residents of the townsh.ip. Ponder "Metropýolitan" Problem The meeting is under the auspices of the Winnetka, Kenilworth, anid *Wilxpette.Leagues of 'W\onen Voters, the Winnetka W\ýomian's Republicani club, anid the WVinnetka Xoa' Democratic club, aiid has as its pur- pose the consideration of questionts growiug out of proposed legislatioîî ivhich, it lias been explainied. is de- signied to render goVeriirneiital oper- ation iii Cook couinty more efficient and les, costlv hy elinination oi sul- pertluouis and overlappitng taxin'g, agencies. Traffic counts, and observations nec- essary for an' -ýanalysis of traffic con- ditions' on Main street at the Lake aveftue, 'Wilmette avenue anidCenitral avenue railroàd crossings in connec- tion with the proposed installation of traffiecontrol signais at: these inter- sections will, be, made by the State highway department. Trustee: Arthur Lee reported at the regular meeting . of 'the, Village board Tuesday niglit that lhe had- re- ceived a communication, from E. C. Xenger, district engineer for. the State .highway .departm ent, ,notif y- .ing him that such a survey would: be mnade. Mr. Lee, in comtmeinting on the matter, indicated that there is a strong possibility that the 'state wil install traffic lights at the 4hree in tersect ions. Main sreet is a state highway, atid the traffic o n this street lias beeni much heavier since the compfletion of the stretch from Elmwood avenue fiorth to the Kenilworth limiits. The street is part of the new through higliway extending from M.,cCoriick -boulevard in Evanston alonig the wes~t side of the Chicago and North W~est- eril railway right-of-way to the interest' will, be charged. If paid localIy additional- inter- est and. fees will be s avcd-also,, payments to hoiders of special as-, sessment bo»ds can.be miade more Promptly. -Edmond H. Kerr, Village Collector, Village Hall, Wilniette., ic. of C. Holds Luncheon M onday; Installs Offleers Mernlers of the Xilnette Cham- ber of Commerce were reniinded agaîn this week - that -the regular mieeting of the organization to be held -nextIMonýday wiii té a lundcon- at Week's diinig room, 1129 Central avenue, instead of the usuial evening meeting. This policy of liolding~ luncheons instead of evening mecet- ings. will be followed throughout the year. Dr. Alexander Carr of Chicago, widely known as a humnorist, will be the speaker. Officers and. directors elected at the Decemiber meeting of the Chainber will be installed. Closed Caucus Enacts, Early Bird Role in Selecting Slate of Candidates Village President C. P. Duübbs w111l 6~e a candidate for r-lcinat the annual Village election in April. That f act was revea led this week in a letter, a copy. of which was directed to WiImLMIÈ FE, offerilg. informùa- tion of ýa closed, caucus. or r,, cent_ gathering1 6f ýWilmette citizens" at whieh "Village affairs for,1933 came up for .consider-ation.?" The. letter re-. ccived by -\Wmu ETE Live, i ndicated further that R.-rE. Ricks.en, 1006 Michi- gan avenu e, vas chairman of the. mteet- ing. Ettablish Speed IRecord Somethiiig of a 'reeôrd ~has beeti es- tahlished in'the local political affairs *with the. announcement of Mr. Dubbs' candidacy, silice not in a score or more of vears-if ever-has a caucus to select a \Vilmette political siate been lield -three mnonths or more prior to clection day. Chosen 1w the closed caucus to be candidates with President Dubbs on what is terrneI -The Village Ticket" ed to uring us much lugult u*u'iis.ve&y important subj.ect ; one that should be of vital intcrest to every suburbani resident. The sponsoring groups especially urge the men of our north shore towns to attend thiis meeting, since the presence of Professor Mr riam talking upon such a subject. should be- a real attraction for themn. Mayoralty Candidate_ superintenuent turni took the State Highway ot highiways, %whO in mnatter up with th departmient. Books on, Architecture on Exhibit at ,Library S r lie 1 s p ec îa e public library has a of ifs books on archi- ,e books comiprise a B3radford L. Keeler, 'vice-president ; W. B. Robinson, Jr., tresaurer, and J. E. Worthen (the retiring presi- dent), T A. Cize,.Leo Michel, Rich- ard Burns and G. W. Swiney, di- rectors. Xinners of the Chanibers annual commercial Christmas lighiting con- test will be announced at fthe meet- ing next Monday also. Floor lamps are f0 be awarded as first and second lage trustee wlbose term expires thIIU spring. Hie was a candidate on the ticket 'headed by President Dubbs two years ago. Stacy C. Bennett, who was also elected Village trustee two years ago, was taken by death cluring the past year. leaving a vacancy on the hoardl which has flot been filled. Announce Siate The Ittter announcing President Duhbs' candidacy read: talces the place of- . . t.Umberger ot Winnetka, who resigned because of the pressure of his business duties.. R1ace, Keligioën, ýandi willI be: I ouse cf IR rnity." Congression ýves in1 of Il11r

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