"The collection is from the miost widely known and distinguished architects and.artists' in this. field. in the world," the club declares-. Extra- ordinary interest is in the maniner of reaçhiiig the finally acceptied. design for buildings, preli.niiinary 'd rawitngsl. adthe stages 'of study 1w the last, the ultirmate authority, indicating the steps toward perfection. 'I'lxe metiods .of 'reinderinig :re (le-, -finittly shiowNt the club) further ex- plains, and practically every mledium ïs represente(l in this auspicious ex- hibition. IIrs. Charles H. Dennis., wio IS. chairmfan of the art committee of ,Shawnee Country club; bas had the active -and 'valuiable coopération of Mrs. J. H. Skidinore, wife of one ofý the architects in charge; 'Malcolnm MeDowveI1, Chicago Daily News cr respondent for the Century of Prog- ress; Hubert Eurnham, and Hlarvey Sconse, in securing the drawings, and arranging the exhibition. From Sunday, January 8, when the formiai openirig will tak-e place with a reception, incidentaI music by the Swigart trio, and tea, until january 16, the drawings will remnain oni the walls in the spacioris ballroom of the club. danIce series w"' uv g.iau LU UVI - niinded of the next of these. events,." the way >s and means committee an- nounce.s. Those m-hé prefer cards toý dancing will find. tables set -up, for them ini th e louýnge. Mrs. Leonard Starkel is chair.man of'the subscription dancesý, with b-er cornmittee' including, Mrs .. Elmner, Claar,' Mrs . Conrad Frykman, Mrs. Georgie Jiff, Mrs, Chester Lawrence. ýMrs. Charles. Robb, Jr., Dr. Alice 'ruttie, Mrs. Frank Lewis, Mrs., Hubert Holdo\%ay:.' Mrs. -Paul .Rensch. .4-r. -aud Il!rs. Johnz F. Weedoil of 110 Thint irdtret, W'iliet te, at-' elo(Mc e fle n 'agenzent of their daighter, Georgs qna,; o Williamn Spencer Adreîdest Son of Coiimponwecatlth A forne v Williamn !freckcnridqe' Arderv aird Ars. ;Irdcry of Kinfqick. Both Mr.,Ardlery and -Miss Weedon attended the Uiniversity of Kentucky. IN r. Ardery was a promninent member of tbe senior- class last year, was edi- tor of the Kentucky Kernel, the col- Episcopal. Gudld Citcles MeeingFrdy Jan. 6 Two of the circles of the Womn- a nps guild of St. Augustine's E'pisco- pal churcli are meeting Friday, jan- uarv 6, tbe other two waitingý until the, regular fourth Friday of the nionth. Mirs. Henry. Fowler of 1404 Forest avenue is to be bostess to the memi- bers of the West circle, with Mrs. John W. Edge and Mrs. H. V. Green assisting. Luncheon will be served. at 1. The Nortbeast circle will ineet at the home of Mrs.. Robert Halliwell. 1133 Lake avenue, with. Mrs. William E. TenBroeck and Mrs. Harry Dodge tbe assisting hostesses. The luncb- Wednesdav- even'ng, J)ecinber Z28, at 8:30 o'clock, at the horne of the t)ride's parents, 'Mr. and. Mrs. Ar- thur B. Seibold of 522 Forest avencie, Wilmette. Dr. . Stepheni A. Lloyd, formner pastor of tlie Xilrnette Con- gregational church,, camne fromn his homei n. East Lansing, Mich.,. to perform the cerenio ny. Miss, Seibmild made, a striking pic- turc gowned. in a Lanvin chalk-white crep.e with a train V shaped like a calla il-.Shie wore a long tulle veil with' cap'and nose 'veil hleld to :the head by- silver bands tied aropnd the neck, and fastened with tiny %vrcaths of -orange blossoms. .Sheé carrie d an arm b)ouqluet of caltala hes. Miss Katherine StolP, of, Kenil- worth, .whio attended the bride. as' xadof lhongr, wore a1 gown of rcd crepe and velvet, and whi.te gloves, and carried a bouiquet of White gar- denias.surrounded by holly. Miss 1Elizabeth iHarwvood of Ev- afIst6r, as brides maid, wore a dress of white' crepe _with red velvet- bows on the shoulder and carried a red vel'vet nuif over which extcnided a sprav of white gardenias. Both at- tendants wore earrings of b)rllliants,, the gift of the bride. *Mrs. Seibold ,vas dressed in Bur- guindy lace with a corsage of laven.- der orchids, and the bridegroomis niothtler wore black lace ai(l chiffoi, with a corsage of whit e orchids. AMrs. K. I>. rPeltman, VI5. hIUWI by Lieutenant Ccovernor A. B. Chan- Hedrick, Mrs. WVilbur Helm, M\'iss dler. Jessie Lacey, Mrs. R. W. MNillar, NIr s. Ms ednisi e uir year G. 0. Pearson, 'Miss Elizabeth WI.ells at the universitv. She is dance direc- Robertýoîi, and~ Mrs. WValter Dilltor. for the Strollçr, and for the Scott. Ms velNI Guignol theater, the campus little thea- MNrs. Coolidge, Mr.EvlMs. ter, is pledged to Phi Beta, honorary Pearson and IMiss Robertson will musical fraternity for wonien, and is pour. a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, so- cial sorority. She was graduated f rom Party Af ter Service New Trier'in 1929. A pupil of Adolph lkr nomne, 210.Broadlway, ,vith a van- ishing tea on Friday afternoon, December 30, this being bier second party for the wvays and. means com- mittee of the Woman's G-atbolic club. There were twenty guests, mnaking, fiv-e tables of bridge. The tea table in festive Yule decorations, offered dainty poinsettia and tiny Christmas tree sandwicheý, nuts, cookies, and candies. Mrs. George Beaudin and Mrs. H. É. Barker poured. The, The house .w-as artisticalîy decor- ated throughout with white roses and Poinsetti as. The sun room w-as made into a chancel for the ceremnony. A screen of green and two large b)ou- Aiuets of white roses and four cande- lal)ra ivith cathedral candles .stood ai the back. At each door entranIce were two large standards of white roses. A. stringed orchestra played during the evening. ors informaily' at a r, on -New .Yea'r's eive. at 1 :30 o'ciocic, at the hc Peter Van deNorth of Place. Sou .Mrs. Lakce Forest ý7 Dupee York guests, ber mother. Jrs. Kenyon's New Robert K Betty Rich, and merly- of recently, Thursday of last f Miss Betty Rich of ose engagement to of Lake Forest, for- ette, was announced s