process, an ancient art,* requiires five or. .six steps for compietion. An er- ror cannot be retracted, so that accu- rayis al-important. . Mr.' Herbert. proves.. bis výersatility by exhibiting a group, of ýwatér colors at the sanie Four' Ingerle landscapes constitu.te the backbone of the show. Smoky mounitain - subjects appearý ini rich shades and masterfulý contours, while ."Along the French' Broad is entirely delicate, aIl but. masses. of. flowers iii the foreground shimmering, in haze.. Mis~i1asis the artist of eight of, tIlhe, ojî s and, water colors., Noted as she is. for her. paintings ýof .,sail- boats, other subjects such. as. "Little Yeiiow 1-buse" and "Market in Leiria" received much attention Sun- day. Both Miss Williams and Oscar SoetIiier> who ex'hibits a 'rifral land scape, placed second and first respec- tively in the recent show of the Ail- Illinois Society of 'the Fine Arts held at the Stevens hotel. MIr.: Soellner wvas a,%arded the gold medal for "'Hilltop Barn" and Miss Williams the silver medal for "Tidemnili. Vil- lage." The beautiful 'Soellner landscape called "Passe" which is ini the XVil-i mette4 exhihit. is mie' of .a gro1iD of,, ton N,\héeler, 1FredeAijck lelleniier, 'Jessie Arms .Botke and Susan Ricker Knox, eachi one worth'y of 'comipli-, ment. "Mo\1onfishi" by Jessie Armis Botke is not on canvas but on wood and cieverly combines metallic colors with oil paints. Chifton Wheeler exhibits' "Barnyard in Spring" done in a bold, fresh, personable style. .Mrs. 'Chester Lawrence and Mrs. places on' the school's second scho-1 lastic honor roll, whiie the names of Herbert Fiack and Earl Reebie were. on..,the third honior roli. The, boys, returned to Lake Forest 'this week, for the:opening of.the, winter term. CHESS MATCH TONICHT, Thie celandic .Cbess club of Chi- cago is journeying to Wilmette' this evenlingg (Thursday) to play theé\Vil- mette club at. the Lindeni Tea room., AIl visitors who would like to watchi the match will be welcome, it is an- nounced. Al, ganies start at 8 o'clock. i SAVES fuel comfort, E D1~ROOM- 114 8 Central Avenue E Open Daily (exceptîng Wedneuday) 9 A. M. 'e. 6 P. M. -Wednesday 9 A. M. t. 7:4 5 P- M. ESaturday 9 A., M. t. g P. M. The bible. and Wocks of Ma ry Baker Edd and ait other authouiUd Chri*stianSciencëe Litterature may be. read, borrowed or pçrcbased -at tbe Reading Room. TEE ,PUBIL!IC 1 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TIHI CHURCH SERVICES ANI) VISIT 'THE READING ItOOM Mme PA.TRONIZE OURADVERTI.SERSý OPEN LA UNI The Economy opened for busin( Place this week., ýss at No. 3 Electric E Mansy o: ber local dea fers. arc aise featu ring these firep, e heaters 1 for the fireplace: is a SPECIAL OFFER