Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 22

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dore Thomas, founder ofthe or- chestra, whp died on January 4,;1905. Theodore Thomnasi ,%who has become known as the "father of the sym- phony orchestra" in the Uinited States,' came 'to this country. a boy violinjýst,. in 1845. -Ihrough' bis own efforts he rose ini his profession. he. made the flrst trajscontinental, tour with :an' orchestra in 1869.- His first toui vwas made on horseback through the south wheni he was but 14 years pld, . giving violin concerts in hotels and inns. le later becameSof' the first violinists in New, York anda completed his education.' t isa familiar story hoWý he wvas persuaded. to come to Chicago "and establish an orchestra, here. He was a familiar figure in music iii this citv- -as early as 1854. In -1891 hie tounded- the present Chicago . Synmplony or'- chestra. In 1904 lis dreanm of a per- manent home' for"his orchestra- ,Or-~ chestra hall-was realized, though hle died a few days after the dedication of the hall. At the concert on Fridav after- noon. Dr. Stock will play the mie- morial programi consisting of a Fàtust Overture' by Wagner, Beet hoven's Symphonv No. 5 in C inor. and the Strauss Toue Poem. *"Ejuii Heldeuile ben." monumental work1' was givenl its United 'States premniere 1,1--t spring by the Philadelphia orchestra' at ,which tirne Miss 'Vreeland sang the role of ToVe. Harpist to Be SOlOis er they made extensive researcn In- to the literature for two violins and have se cured a numbr of 'interestiug wok.Both wereé boru n America and have stu.died in Amferica. Their concerts last seasofi %en press, no- tices rarely accorded anyone but ;in- ternationallv famous a.rtists.* These- sanie artists are. giviun' .a prograrn at the Keuilworýth' club, on' Jahuary 22 under the auspices, of the North Shore Chamnber 'Music, associ- ation. MUSIC AND FOUiÏTAINS Dudley Crafts *Watson: wil1 giv e his second Mus ic-3icture-Svmpho.lv% in the theater of the Chicago Wm an s club Sundav. January 8, a t 5] o clock. This prograni. entitled *"Gar- des and - Fountains,"., represents the' culminat ion* of, the poetrv and ro- Saturdav evening in Orchestra hall, manc e of life, expressed ii-i the love- the flrst Chicago appearauce ot ies fountains and gardens of' MaryXX iman ud hr g oup Fur.dpe. England and. America and twelve dancers wîll take plac. XIls in the music of Respighi. Revel. \Vigmau echeý,%îng the solo daie as i Tschaikow-ki, Delius. Goldnmar.k beiug' passe briugs a group of dancersCapne adStaisv in a cy-cle called "TheWa' dealing >reg with. man's. redemption .hrough love, faitlî and intelligence. GVN RA RGA These' dancers have beeniM train- Walter Eichinger; organist,. a memi- a hcaUcdo girl, Miss ZroILK V The prograrnas announced by Miss GIVEN PREMIER W\ignian ýconsists of eighit dances in, Fritz Kreisler's new opera, ~is' a cylenamd rspecivey Htnn a- givenits world premier .at Departure; The Gate, Songs of the I --ienna on Deceniber 223 and scored night; Dreains; Shadows; Pastorate! an instantaneous success. II: Interniezzo, and Hynin I1-Return. They played their first Amierican e n- gae itin Ne,,%York on ChristmasPi isI Ti- ises to be a turillinai uiiay ij i mnany varieties of Spanish dances. There iwill be spirited gypsy. dances, boleros, and the flamenco; ceremon- ial, dance, sword and stick dances as .well as a imatrimo'nial one.' Escuderu- will be a sisted, by Carmita and, Car- mela-, and also by -Luis. fayýor.al, guitarist, and A. Guro, pianist.. Alf ,wil 4 b in bright colored costumes of Spain. Following, is the progr amini full: Escudero and> Carmita 2La Vida Breve (Froin.the opera of the saine name) M. de Falla Carmela 3. Plaza, de Toros (Demonstration of the modern bulifight, ending 'with Buierias dance) Romnero Escudero 4. Austurina . . Romero Carmitaà 5. El Laberinto (based on ýlabyrtithine -onpoisitiions characteristic of the late nineteenth ceiitury) Escdero, Càtniita, and Catrnra 6. Balles Bascos (dances fi-dmi the Basque provinces> (a) Auiresco' (ceremnonial dance) (b> NMakil(dance of the sticks) (c) Espata (dance of the swojrds) (d) Fandango (national dance uf Basq:ue) Escudero and Carmita. (Senor Escudero coliected thes'- dances after many mo)nths of o1b- serving the Basques at fiestas and in their public squares. They are usuii perfornitýd by. eight or twelve peoPle doing the sanie steps, anid have never hefo-re bhen ta Intertnxssio n 'Zambra (guitar solo> Luis Mayorai Goyescas (darlceý in the spirit f the Goya, with miniature castanets> G;ranadus Escfud.-ro and QCarmita Alègrias * Carmela* Rhythms (without miu.Sie) Escudero Bol-ro (authentic bo-r , f the- eiz.hteenth century. Mo rtfra * Carmita the local sïngerm engagea incitine Lucie WVeston, Irerne Pavloska, and Luelta Feiertag. by MNr. and Mrs. Ossian' Coçk oi'j nda begi Chicago for a nationallv kuown riconi- t January1 poser, Harvey Enders. J home ofJ ning Thursctay morning, 1at 10:15 o'ctock at the r. Roland D,' Whitman. LIGHT OPERA A season of 'light. opera at The Civic Opera house has been noted as on the tapis by some of the dailv- newspapçrs.

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