anid W'e read, with k eeni interest.,the> steps taken by a nortb shore'dentist to reduce the pain, of dentistry. for ýchildren:. As we, learined of the, in- Reduciug, terior decorations, on Lii e'à Pains walls and ceilings of this particular - dent- itsoffice, and. as iv'e co ntinued to .read of the'dozen or mi1ore ing enious devicescon- trived to cause youing patients to forget ail that tbeyý had ever beard, about the dentist froan older pepple, we vveïe filed ~with a:dniiratiodn and alIo With the desire to miake life copmpletely l)aiffless. Evcry tiniee we go to- our dentist.lhe hiurts uis. Eitber hie lhanîmiers on our teethi, thuls shocking our soinewhat sensi- tive nervous sysienm, or :he explores the boue beneath pur guans, t.ouching a nerve here and there in the l)rocess. 0f course, mye understand that it is ail for our good and that even the Lord chiasteis,- those *A fewy- days ago, the life of jack Scar- naacacaine.,to 'an end. For 24,years lie had been iu thé,ernployof the North, Suces r4 Western !ra iw a y. .,A,.ùccestul, For 14 of those years lie:had been gateman L» at the Central avenue crossing, in Wilnette, one of the busiest: and Most hazardousof north shore cros- sings. Every da), from 7 in the morning until 3ý in the af ternoon Jack,guarde.d that crossing With such. care that not once.-did anaccident, or:even ia near-accideut,' oc- cur during the hours when he '.vas on vat ch. Everyonie wh-o has frequntly, crossed the tracks pli Central avenue wvil1 testify not onlY to. the care shown 1w ,thiis zeal- ous public servant; but also the spirit of happiness which shone th.rough ail his ac- tivities as gateman. Hé was particuliarly cautious in guarding the passage of chul- dren across the tracks, and this care and cheerfulness appeared even ini bis treat- muent of dogs. 1 resolve that I will exercise in the open air at least 15 minutes every day if I have enough am- bition). I resolve that .1 will keèp ail. these reso)lutiotns (provided it seemus best)., -Fil Ossifer. CITY MARKETIN4G > ialkioig home fJrom market, A, basket on iï,. Il'alking doicu a city strcet- WhV/o coild miss it. c/tarmn!) Garbage 'in the gut! ers, Childreit iiithe suit, Death, bchini>d the shutters, Threat amd. noise and fun.. S/z Ps. sailed* t7ice arbusid thé world To Pile nzy basket fi<l/, . zcdho comidbuy of dates and tea Life goes down t/he sezver Or sings above the street, Anid. »arket fn!-': adveuture Or eise it's, duli defcat. -Josel)hline B. etzler. Lea J. Orr, Wilmette Political genius, is doing something novel in the way of promoting inter- est in the old bridgre game, HeIp. nht§., the cpnsolations life be rendered yfr n. \VVfyc 1painiless? The Winnetka Wonian's club has just celebrated its 25th atnniversary. For a quarter of a century this club bias been' Women ~to the women of Wininetka Womens anoutstauding example of É,«,l..L.- what women's clubs al nver uehnîtions and exanuiples ot success,. but conteu(1 that the best definitions .and examples of success are 'to be found in the lives. of sucbl men. as Jack Scar-. navacca. Wben we Deatbs May didn't regard read the beading, "Traffic Drop Below 30,000," we the, possibihitv as in any de- -Mct 4 ulit, uports icreasec i ls siy r school claimied widespread attention. Just another version of BABY BUNTING 1933 Bye Baby Bunting Mothér's gone a hunting, To find a frock of rabbit hair For Baby Bunting's sister fair. eof national and world condi- ,membhership in the club.brouglit no .one that it rg iwas flot W was an affairj o believe past. .-ý -. -c -.-- as .>uu a guess as any. An.d the correct procedure this season as: "Happy New Year!1 Here's hoping you have financial reverses (prettY subtle, eh, wbat?)"' -.Mique.