Two. of the t roops at St. France; church gave a lovely Christmas party to which the sisters were, jnvited. The girls demnonstrated mnany phases of Girl Scouting and presented two Christmas plays. Terefreshm1ents were served. just right," as the girls who were working on ".Hostess badge" took care of this matter along with the general, entertaiiniing at the, party. Several Christmasbakt were also arraniged by this group of girls and given to, thosé,*'less forý- tunate." Troops 1, 4, and S hiad their Christ- mas party with, the children. of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid so- ciety ini Evanîston. A ýgrand timie was had as scouts and children played togethefý and what eciteiuet there was when Santa appeared. on the~ scene with a gift for every child! The niost diffcult part of the after- noon's activities Nvas to get the Girl Scouts started home! Girls of troop Il gave a dintier for their parents during Christmas week and presented an interesting dramna- tization sbiowing liow Clirstmias is ob- served in mnany lands near an.d far. an inspiring Christ "friendship, circle." as story TRAINING COURSES OPIEN DUIRING JANUARY The following training couý*rses will be started during the month of Jan- uary and will be held in the Girl Scout room of the Methodist church. FIRST CLASS - Monday morný- ings, 9:30 to il1:30 o'clock for six week, bgining'January .16, This course is open to ail Girl Scout lead- ers. interested in, learning the mate- rial in the, firast class req uirements and int ways of presenting the« first class programn to the troop. SCOMMITTE E MEMBtRS-Mýon- day afternoons, 1 to 2:30 o'ciock for four consecutive weeks, beginning, Mondiay,.i aury 23.Thijs cou1rse, wiil give commttee memnbers a thor- oughi understanding of tenderfoot work and a general insight into other class tests. It will also deal with the relation of the committee miem- ber to the captain to the troop. and to the commuinity. The local Girl Scou t comn reet at 9:30 o'clock Mond rig, January' 9. Miss AI .eional director, %vill at1 :ee Iwil member of the ali-state team. Only one-other: boy picked on the ali-state team had.. had less, than tbree years' experience as a member of a' high, school football eleven. Preston was. piaced at end on the a-li-state team. Wmn& Odme Honora. lu >addition to winning the ali-state, honor, Preston also was selected on' the Chicago Daily News ail-Ch icago area'first team, as weli as on the ail-. Suburban first team selections of three Chicago evening newspapers, the News, American and Times. Seven of the eleven boys- onth ali-state, teami are fromn downstate and four are from Chicago area. Sarn, Whiteside, Evanston Hlighl scool cen- ter, and Joe Ellis, Lake Fores t acad- emy back, ais made the team. Namne Ffrat Members of the all-state first teami and their positions, are:. ends, Pres- ton of New Trier and Sweeney of Trinity High schooi, Bloomington: tâckles, Sierra of East Motine and W'heeler of DeKaIb; guards, Green of Onarga Military academy and Be- rutti of Benld; çenter, Whiteside of Evanston: backs. Ellis of Lake For- S.VanInwagen have arranged the evening's program. Refreshments will be. served by the mothers of the kindergarten, first, second, and, third grades.. The > Logani-Howarcl Pre-School. group wili postpone its meeting one wreek. this month in order to make. way for. the P. T. A., and wiil have its study class on Tuesday evening, january 17, at 8 o'clock in the homfe.of, Mrs. N.' P. Linde,. 1638 Central avenue. This- meeting will be devoted to the psychoiogy of Iearning and habit train- ing as outlined in the Ohio Course of Study and ParenltàEducation for Pre- School Groups by Jessie A. Charters. There will be an ail-day meeting of the Babies Friendly Thursday after- noti, jannary 5, at the homne of ýMTis. Stanley Smith. TIhe Adolescent Study class wili meet at the H-oward school on Tuesday mortiing, January 10, at 10 o'clock with 'Mrs. Rollo' Gullickson leading. Realize Boy's Dream: A Real Skating J-ike Bride Christmas Eve A Christmas eve bride wa Miss Gina Rudd of Great Falls, Mont., sister of Mrs. Alfred P. Lee, 1210 Central avenue, who was wed to Clar- ence E. Wilcox also of Great Falls at St. John's Lutheran church. The ceremony was perfornied at 9:30 o'clock by the Rev. Herman W. .Meyer and was followed by a sm-all reception at the Lees'. home. Mr. and Loomis, Sayles & Co. Donald L. De. Golyer, an executive of la Salle street investment houses for mnany years, and a resident of E vanston. lias beconme associated with Loomnis, Sayles aud comnpany, investnient couinselors, it was an-ý nouniced this week by E. E. Shieridan, president. Mr. De Golyer is a past chairnian Miss Marion Ortseifen, daughter of Lawson, Bill Carpenter, Albert. Mr. and Mrs. George Ortseifen, 337 Fleischxnann and Raiph $tarr. are Essex road, Keniiworth, is to play one members of the Kay-K club (for-. of the principal roles in a revival of merly the KZK club), recently or- William Gillet's Civil. War play, ganized at the joseph Sears school "Secret Service," which will be. pre- to fester outdoor activities. Ail of sented at the Loyola Community thea- the boys are in the sixth grade. tre, Chicago, january 9, 10, and Il. The group skated on practically Miss Ortseifen is weli known in littie every lake and stream between thieatre quarters along the north shore Kenilwoi th and Lake Geneva. Mr. W. Newey ot m r. & vinia. Mrs. were- I of Harold E ohn Ill, was a g G.Morgan1 ýkwitn of Mooseflart, st ilast week at the W. me, 925 Forest avenue. Th e James ers avenue, e families atdiir ie holidays with his di Mrs., Edward .F- Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Gapen, 919 vood avenue. Elmwood avenue, left by motor -o-- yesterday for Florida and will be Crowleys, 717 Rog- gone for two or three months. They -tained both of their are driving to New Orleans and then on Christmas da.y.. along the west of Florida. v