De preseVnV1I. * Cook Cou nty coulicil %vill meet Fri- day. january 6, at 1 :30 o'clock at the * LaSalie hotel, Chicago. Mrs. R..L Ebbert,. 211 Seventeenth street. wilI be ho stess at our regular meeiting MNonday nighglt, Januatry 9. Legisiation of .particular jnterest to> * thé legîoii and auxiliary wili muake up the program for the evening. * .\though Dcebr is Reliabilita-. tion a iohtli, child welfare .Work lias been Just, as miuch in the, limeý-iight. at this time. On. Decenîber, 28 Dr. Beatrice H-awkinis, Departnient ehild weIfare chairmanl, accompaiiiecl by *Departmfent President Mrs. Melville Mcestone, attcnded the Christmas Part%- whichi is given. annitallyby the departmnent, for Worid war -veterans' children at thie Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Childreii's school at \ormal,ý Ill. :There are approximateiy 575 of theseeclidren at the school. Ail but a few of them are sponsored by * auxîliarv groups who sent individual' Christmnas gifts and contributed iwnev to icoverthte exp-eTre of 'the~ parti'. lîeChild \Welfare, committee lrôvi(ie( gift.s for. unsponsored chl- dren so tliat al ýývere remnembered. ,Tllie programi of the day consisted of a children's- (lance review, Mickey Mous'e pictures ani(iByrd's South Pole picture. Ice creai CLIPS, pop- corti balls, and drunisticks. werej serve<I an(l cadi chiid upon leaivingl J U1....11 vy ibulft.t8> tfl tucurý 01. ,Lte Huerter unit' of WÎltnette, acted as Santa Claus and presented ail chil- dren with popcorn balls after the> party..Child welWae chairmüeni,junior activities. chairmeén, and , junior auxiliary. presidents -of each unit in the district were> present and they, together wth the other guests of the day, made an interesting tour of the. institution. ýThe Seventh district will sponsor a luncheon and ýcard partyr at 12:30 Monday, January 16, at the House Within, 9, West NVashington street, Chicago.. For reservaionis cal Mrs. 0. G. Daily, WiI. 173 fot later thari January .13. ANNOUNCE TROTII 'Mr. and Mrs. George Abraham. Skinner of 419 Keéiey street, 'Evan'l ston, announce the engagement of thieir daughter, Louise Jeanne, to Raymond Henry Geisier of Evanston, formerly of Green Bay, \Vis. The wedding wiil take place iii the spri,îg. Miss Elizabeth Potter, 925 Ctîest- nut avenue, left Tuesday for Oberlin wiiose son. Harvey. returîîed M\onoIay to Graiîviile, Ohio, where hie is a stu- dent at. Denison. un iversity. THOMAS DECORATING CO.* Painting and Decorating .1.1033 MAIN STREET. Wilmette 2378 .Cuaiios Motuw Compag>ny Complet. Automoble SIielalIzIa, ln Forde 725 main st. Wilmette 266 De PAOGL'IÀEtYLO 1Jeweler . ExPert Repairing Watçbes, docks, jewelry, silver- ware, opticai, beadi restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE 1061 FINISH-10 LBS.$.i g hirts Free! FINISH--NO -STARCH 10 lIbs. $1415 ECONOMY FINISH. 10 LBS.$I5 Shirts 5c ROUGEH (Shirts lOc') HYDRO (Shirts [ DR Y golIb* se lb. WET WASH, S0 lbo (Shirts tOc) NEW l AS YOU LIKE IT ýSFRVICE tShirts 10c) se lM. The Banik Pays 21/z%, WE GIVE YOU 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY SHOP HERE FOR QUALITY, CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY! Quakçer Oats at Sc-Artichokes at 5 cents apiece-Celery at 9c a bunch -just a few of the prices w. have quoted recently. Hard to beat theun, isn't it? Especially with delivery. We nuake no boast of ianderselling everybody-but we doý underseil many-And we offer you the. finest foods-witli deliv*,ry. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EJtJIES-Shlpped b yE>u bruin 1'honda, 1JF u>' t ........................... ...... ..tian S-Large size, inu seeds, ine fur 39 c ey WÉEET <oie Ibc amti, DI Ite MEATS AND FISH SI LIVER-Genuiie, bake or f ry andi ba*ç0n, lb ........................ ... 37c BEEF-TJiere's none better than tis À À À,d. A À À . . v FUI il