movedi. Kesîlents living in the neigli led in the Illinois Naval reserves anda borhood protested.- The Lake avenue was assigned to duty on submarine stop also was eliiinated, as well .as chaser No. 329, built at Milwaukee: the. shelter at Lake. avenue., In place The ship sailed fromi Milwaukee to of the two stops, Forest- EhnWood the Queenstowni, Ireland, submarine and Lakethe North Shore linetrains. chaser base. At the close- of the ýwar îÔw, stop onlv at Forest avenue*, Mr. Mr.. MacLeani Wilmette. Kinne explained. There is an lýopeni He was 1a .mnember of the Masonic shielter at Forest avenue. now.,. and order and of the Veterans of Foreign this wiIl be left there when dIe new Wars. hleated çhelter is hjlt, hie said. Hie is survived by bis widow, Mis. Because of the fact that traffic on Bessie MacLean, two sons, Graham L.ake avenue, whiélh 1i s a ,th rougli and Robert; two brothers, John A. * tret i havi er than. on Forest ave- MacLean of. Wilmette and Alexander nue,, atnd in order to serve better thé W. ýMacLean of St. Louis, and one residents who -forrnerly used, the For-. sister,_ Mrs. M. C.- Beymer of Bar- est-ElmNNoôd stop, Ilhe railroa(l (e- rington. cided to have its trains makie the one The funeral services were hl stop at Forest avenue radier than ai Monday afternoon Burial1 was at Lake. it was explained. Cinder p)athis.,Memorial Park cemetery. wvhichi are lightedl at night, have beîî___________ placed on l)oth sides of the tracks NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY froni Lak<e aveniénorîllîth tForest, Miss D)orothy teacon, 251- tunil'er- avenue for the convenience of per- land avenue, Kenilworth, entertainied sons -,vho fornierlv used the I.ake sixteen guests at a buffet supper avenue stop. dance New Year's eve. PLAY AT TAVERN Mrs. Walter D. Launder, 230 Ox- Bobbie McCloud, 1338Knwrl ford road, Kenilworth, entertainèd avetne, Kenilworth, anid his orchestra last Thursday at a srnall luncheon for. played the old year out and the, niew, Mrs. George Birkhoff and hier guest one~ in8 ai Th88.*~e I8lI8 T~ , Iavern- 81.itsur -- wWkob--taU bid-Bls Mfemorial Park cemetery. u M. et~a HOLD OPEN HOU SE le, whanu Aiv FePmat 3 lMdgs D. u vtsunm . g i a1 Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kemper, 1120) >aD Cm' T¶W .Clestnut avenuec, held opeti bouse "0." bl MM LMM @Bd » N4ew Year's day. " b'l'IDERoCA&ZEL. DRUG COMPANY Servi. g North. Shore RoidenIs for more là«n 21 year Wilmette and Central Aves. Phonos: Wil. 40-401 Free Delivery in IVilucUte and Ketdlworth Opien Sundays until 10 P. M. IR IPGEAvENU iI P HAIRMACY Aff11.1 cd wi:Is Smder-Cazel Drag C..-J. B. Sq)..', Mgr Ridge and Lake Ave.. Phoné Wilmette 316 Mem ber WUmiette Chmber of Commerce WINNETKA 796 EIm St. Winnetka 4 and 333 MARKET Charge Accounts Solicited from Reliable People 1~~ I I ont in, ai %-niinýntys , -i a.verii,