Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 7

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1w those grateful; patient f have been helld and were attended b who are almost without fuuds but 143 patients, of which 55 were new wvho remember the benefits of our cases; 4 were pulmonary tuberculo- clinics or the visits of our nurse in a Sis cases; 42 were contacts; 19:.were tinie of need. We pick up these e- adults; 23, were children;7wr nies and dimes almost'tendely -hev observation cases, and,'of these, 2 pa-. rel)resent 150 rnuch of thegr ier.tients Were ett tbruoî ln pa.st :years the selling of, seal santariuIde n ett n lias been placed almost entirely ,i. zona. the hands of. school children.- The' "The Health center referred 1,028I men od as hne oehtti patients to private phygicians.: while, year. Boy ýScouts, assisted, in the ionlly 25 patients were sent to clinics distribution of about' five hundred outside of Wilmette. Our local phy- envelopes with. seals and, letters jsicians anld dentists. assisting us in explaining the scope of our work. andl caeing f or our own patients have our affiliation with the Chicago rendered ,thie community an out- Tuerulsi isttue. Ths avdstanding: se 1rvice. Seventy patients u mcuhosista e. xpense.' w ere 'refe rre d to social service agen- Thak .où, Scuts it'wil b icies- for relief. Oue thousanid, ine yha,,IyuuScousditndllfbetat hund long - ..remembered "good turn' edadîoryon horne catis Troops 1, 3, 4, 10, and Il *were called 1 %were nmade, and, of these 91 patients jwere given nursing care. Tbree IIPoII.thciusand, four hundred and forty- *Seals were placed in all schools forw èirgt telephofie cails were made per- thos.e children who wished to buy for, tainiig' to health problems of some themnselves or their parents wbo nîay- nature. Two thousand, nine hundred not have received any seals. Our and two people came to the Health cooperatiôh is always splendid. center seeking information regarding A play, "Dannie's Christmas Seal.- health. We feel this was an out- ,was given at the Central-Stolp standing factor in our health work, schools, Miss Mildred Flaskered. the fact that we no longer have to dranatic teacher, coaching. The seek the public ini regard to health lines were original, stressing health, matters, for people are becoming habits, sunshine and fresh air. public health minded. *Imogene Kaufman, Jim Clements RBoost Seal Sale Il I I For Fvla aud8tod~ CHIPSO 2 lurge pkgs. 29c.- KW'a Mayonnase,. pin ta .. . . . . . . . CampbelWs Tomai.29 Soup, 4 Caus.....a9 BOUSE COFFE fenutmtuua. eh1B Niai, 2 Lare jars..> 9 Libbay'& Salmnon, 2 No. 3 cn .....27e MEADOW 00.0 UTTEIa Rol1b12c, The program was also given at the posed- of twenty menibers. This group Howard school *with johin Welter, of women is busy helping to raise Louise Schreiber, and Mufray Trip- funds 50 that some poor unfortunate lett taking leading parts, Bert Si- boy or girl may have a pair of glasses, nmons, Florise Jones and nienibers of tonsellectomy, a bottle of cod liver the glee club giving the songs. Mrs. oil, or a summer outing at the Wil- Agnes R. Clark of the music depart - mette beach, aIl of which are spon- nment deserves much credit. * Isored byv these members. 0f this Sales at the Central-Stolp schools îgroup of women, Mrs. A. L. Grinnell, totaled $137.67; Logan - Howard f2425 *Kenilworth avenue, was chair- schols. $ 134 .: Lurel. $157-man. of the Christmias Seat sale.ý Imnported Ibo 59e COCO' BROC VOU Yo.uaig tender and 2 lbs. crsp, ne stin~mgs2 5 34L pre valent in1 ree -hundred id arn sin id l ig ail a happy, New Year, I rely linez Cramipton Bliss, R.N., - Community Nurse." Is wei-e n in -1931., ia.iy , il 1

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