Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1933, p. 6

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SNext Sundav at the inornlng worshlp service at 11 o'clock Mr. Hlndley will preach on- the subject, "Liquld Assets." The -mu« iscal 'program for this service. wlll be: Prelde-Andnte" . CsarFranck Anthem-"'$end Out Thy Llght". ý .. ....:. Gounod Offerty-4'Postorale" . ..Guilmant Quartet-"*Be Stijli, e tili" ...Scott Minnor ....... César PFranck At 7 :30 p. m. the .Wllnette Sunday Evenlng club, Mhirh mneets ln this ehurch, wIll present Carl B. lvingston. noted cowboy explorer and sclentist, ln an Illuetrated talk onn OWonder Caves and Canyons -of, the Carlsbad Country." The January luncheon and meeting of the Woman's GIlId wlll be held lu the ýchurch Frlday. January 13. at 1 p. ni. Lunchenwill beseried by the Worth End Crl.Foïllowing -luncheon there will be sewinz for local eharltfes. provided by the Crescent rirele, and a program nt which Mrs. Northan willl Gage, of Evanston. wlll sing. The regula1' week-day activltles for boys and girls are scheduled as follows: Tuesday-3 :15 p. m.-Bluebirds Tuesday 4 p. m.-Girl Scouts, Camp Pire Girls Tnesdav-7 :30 p. m.-Troop No. 2. Boy Thursday-4 p. ni.-Junior Choir, re- hearsal Thursday-7 :15 p. ni.-Senior Choir re- hearsal Thursda.y-7 :30 p. m. - Troop No. 1, ser ME~ETINGS Thursday, January 5 at 2 p. mý.-Ladies' Aid and Mlssionary Thursday. January, 5, at 7:45. p. M.- Senior and Junior Walther, league Saturday at 9 a. m.-Classea for tho 'Christian education of children Monday at 7:45-Choir reheftrsal Tuesday at 7:45-Meeting of the voting miemibers of the congregation, Wednesday, at 4-Claises- for chiîdren The- Ladies'. Aid and. Misslonary 50- ciety %lili have lis ftràt meeting of the. yegr on Thui-sda aftfternoonl at 2 o'clock The meeting as usual will be divided Into. four parts. the devotional session, the educational, - business and social. The >9lst, Psaim wiIl be studled. AUl members of thé Senior. and the Junior soclety are expected te attend the Joint Meeting on Thu rsday. Visitors are welcome. The meeting will begini at 7 :45. T'he *m1xed cho>ir' ofourcrokis about~ té. prepare a flamber of hymns by Bach which, are to b. aung at the lenten services. Next Sunday mornlng the Induction of the new church council wilI take place. These gentlemen assumed office on the flr!3t day of the year. First Presbyterian Woman's club rooms Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, miniater Aivite fuU. The choira will meet on, Frtday for rehearsal at 4 p. m. and. 7 p. ru. Mêthodist Ckurch *The mue le for next Sunday, mornling Organi Prelude-"Andjante con Moto" (Flefth Symphony).........Beethoven Choir .Anthem-"*GlorIa"' (Twelfth Ma8s)............Mozart OffertorY Solo by Mr. Robert Kessler- "My Soul ia Athirît for God"ý (Holy City),..ý..............Gn Organ Postlude-"Toccatta" ..Reiss ýDr. Oison wIll have as his sermon subjeet: -Religion as Expierience." The- Chureh .sehool in the Wilnîette Parish MethodIst Episcopal church is conlpfletely organized and represenits one of the finest expressions of rellg- lous education lu ail «the' country, There are célasses for everyone from bJegiJners teadult.. The IIigh School ilague will meet at 5:30 Sunday evening at th homne of Poster Gilgis, 727 Ashland avenue. The Young Peopfle's group will meet for an infor maI social .hour Sunday evening a't 5:45. Followlng this. Prof. 1. G. Whltchurch of Northwestern uni- versity wiIl speak on "The Motives oft Presen t-day Living.,, A week frrwn SundnAieht ,1oh n ln,..... Dr. Willett's subject fatr Sunday, January ,wIlll be ,'flethinking Ms sion," an Interprétation of the recent Laymen's >Survey. The WednesdaY eyenting meeting for- Bible study and conference wlIi be. hel<i JTanuary 14 at 8 o'clock., at Dr., Wiliett's residence. Al are:,Iinvited., The sub- ject, wili, be "'The Gospel of Maàrk." The Wonîen's guild wvill restitue its work, Mionday mornlng, January 94 The, hor f meeting' are froni 10 to o'clock. The, wome n are asked téo core ln for as much time as possible. The Invitation Isflot only for menîbers of the guild and conigregation but for, any on1e lu the village who may be inter-. ested., Trhe Suniday school wlll mieet as usual at- 9:45 o'clock Alil children between the ages of three and the high sho are cordially irivited to visit and tii bo- come regula>r ifembers, Babitist C hure/v W ilmette and Forest avenue-s George D. Allison, minister "A Church that Cares" A great deal of appréciation and141in- terest has been evidenced ini the pztstort',s sermons on the Book of Genesis and, by popular request, he will continue uslng thernes fromi this book of. be-gin- nings durlng January. developing them f'rom- the Point of vie.w of application Greenleaf avenue imnd Seventh Wilmette "A House of Worship"' Rov. David R. Kabele, Pasto F& ana asse.vei strêet. are the pers be said to bi secret of t] -study these The musilo Sunday School...... ...... 9:45 a. m. Morning Worahip..........il 1 a. m. Music-Sunday, January 8 Prelude-Rex Glora .....Day . ~1*d, "'j. ire ai program will be as ade, "Noc.turne," Respi Allegro Glubilanti," Èe r- - - - ..... -- - zig anuary zz-"Josepl1-Froni Conceijt altheir own sandwiches. Coffee wivll b, 'to Concern."1 iserved. 1January 29-"EIlijah-Tlie Bane ('f ý' The. First Quarterly conference and Mos' le theý January meeting -of the Officiail h tedne ttemdwe 1board wIil be merged and held on Mon- meetings on Wednesday eveningý, bas day evening, January 9 at 8 o'clock lu been encouraging and everyone whgo the Junior room. The district superin- comes is greatly enriched throughi th- .tendent, the Rev. Aubrey S. Moore, wIll study, discussion and prayers whielh preside. .* take place during this hour. The psî e- The Woman's Foreign Mi 'ssionary sn- has selected personal triples for this ,at 10:30 tri do hosrnitad l ,,12'monh.Nex wek.th - 1----ua oiteu ocioK i me secnd Sî nnay evening the 'Young People's d Church f ,Chicage. "A SYmposium~ of J rganiration *111 meet ln the Clubj Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law, Jr.. 178 S, 'News Flashes Frofm Foreign Mlsonary House at 5:30. After refreshmnents there Rpbsart road, Kenilworth, enter-, e, Fields"' wil be given. wilI be an election of ellicers.. tandtabuftlneoon o- The session of the church wili ineet I Monday, Janua.ry 9, the Diocenan day. I

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