(on the. lake front at the f..îof Iak' avenue. l>eceîulwr 14, 19321 MNr. j. \V. Brashears. 1241. Asbland Ave., Dear Sir: I have, noted with interest the. vani- ous correspondence, received f roni Mr. Smith and also fromn the clul'x (Shawnee) committéeand; .iiithis connection, woffld state tatIarn flot making any comment on the, card as to how 1 would. vote, because I1 feel that ibhis bas been. a matter: of misrepresentation from the time the, pumping station project was startcd. *while it is true tbe voters . ap- proved of the project, a numnber of then did as 1 did in voting for it because just prior to the balloting OH this question it was clainued and stated ini open meetings that a "Ves- vote Would not necessarily nlean that the trustees. would go ahead witî i th project, but that thev wanted the ap- proval» so that tbev could then. go to Evanston and lise it as a. cluinii luo- taining a better rate for the water supplied to us 1) v Evanistoni, and, a-1 1 understand it, this lias uiot been laut up to Eaniston in sucb a way that thev could bave an opportunlitv to wVork out a better basis thaut we now, others ofrthe sanie horizon flas been suminarized about as follows: L. His daughter actually mnarried a Russian and lives with ber husba .nd and his people'in..Russia. 1(That gîi's choice .may not have been the best. in the. world, 'but she might have doue 'worse' if',she 'had come al the ivay to America *and sellected' a bus- bandl from among some of our avail- able citizenry such as. Indians, Afric ans,> Chinam en, Russians, "Reds," 1 .W. and ariotic reformners,' which are nîarked With.thestamip of otir aï>proval. 2. Einstein, is or Was a m ember of the WVorld Comnmittee o f the World Congress against Iraperiafist, \ar. (Jmperialistic warfare bas ruiined CIVIlizat.ion.. It is time for a crusade against botb imperialisrniarid war- fare. International, disarmament coiiferences are in nteed of jpublic sentiment against national aggres- siveness and selflsbness. In social purpose, as in science, Eiustein is an age in advance of bis traducers in furtherin.g offensive against sucb ýna- tionalisun as the House of Hapsburg bias been guilty of in bis own fathier- lanîd.) 3. It is cbarged that IFinstein en- dorsed a "Xorkers' li'tertiatioil Relief." (Tho.se who condeni iilor or ziatiaitne. in resuits and op- erationi it could hardly be wvorse thaq ýour present constitutional license to plunder, rob, and ensiave our fellow men. Concededly .Einstein is the one out- standing private citiz 1en of the -world today. By the universities and scien- tists the world over'be is heraded as the equal, if.flot -the superior., of .Sir Isaac Newton. Undoubtedly Elu- Stein bas acbieved the peak of intel- lectual, attainment of the specie's Homo, and bas, revolutionized the world, of tbought. A fulli generation passed before the. law, of gravitation was generally, comprehended; and. another g eneration wýill pass before the* members of the Wornan.'s Pa- triotic Corporation will. understand1 the A. B. C.'s of Relativityý or com- prebend the curvature of space-tinie.1 The scientific.forecast of new hutuan. relations and responsibilities brougbt1 GaIlileo to the inquisition. Nev and creative thought caused the first per- son who ever dissected a hunian body to be burned at the stake. And now that age worn spirit of lex ta! fouis is leveIed against any sug- gested change from the establisbed and accepted industrial system. If Einstein has in. mid, any plan or program 'wbich lie thinks m-ould be at the Moore residence about 1 :30 o.clock Sunday afternoon. The chim- ney burned out and set fire to' the roof. The roof a~nd upper part oi the house were damaged to the ex- tent of about $3,500, according to:, Fire. Chief W*%alter Zibble. Monday moôriiiig, about 6:30 o'clock the firemen were calledl to the Weli- mani home, where a defective, fire- place was responsible fora blaze that caused approximately $3,000 damagé., Another fire caused by a defective fireplace, but of less serio us conse- quence, occurred, at, the Harold L.. Brownvt residence, 11>9 Lake avenuie. Iast Thursday afternoon short!y be- fore 3 o'clock. The damage arnounted to ab.out thirtv-five dollars. Chbiei Zibble states. The ýWilmette- firemfen made tbrce runs in the past week to extinguishi automobile fires. Only one of the3e blazes resulted in damage. An. auto- mobile owned by E~. 1-. Çolegrove. 1227 Ashland avenue, was damaged to the extent of tbirty-five dollars. Giving Family Dinner Parties at Christmnas Mr.. and Mrs. S. Van Inwagen, 308 Seventeenth street, will give two fam7 ily dinner parties at Christmas time. Sunday they wvilJ have as their guests Mrs. Van InwaEen's sister anld familv, --x- il 1 Morý "l%î i and support to a work- [O lecture upon that suh)ject. 014 the%- wauit to carry ont their promis.s ers' relief fund-whether national or U.. S. A. was neyer more sorely in thev sbôuld frst have madie everyI international. Einstein thinks that need of. the creative -thought ani effort t 'o obtain a satisfactorv con- 1crysta.llized egousun in national pur- vision of some tùuly great mind. tract nltih Evanston before 1 iiIu1~poebs gone far eniougi. IHe nîay -E. H. the mionev and going ahead, with thlie 1P ( ri ght.1. water works project as thcy have. 4. Hle authorized the establishmeint Suifer Minor Injury In other words, the last question OH1of a"\V trRstr' Fl" ' ThoCras your card, reading as follows : o- ressCs nn.~o-in AutomobileCrs "Do ou fvorîîavng ur c ~ ands of our worthy citizens are con- t"eD oston faohng c hl)scienitiotisly. ojposed to war service. Two ersons suffered iniinor jiini- inteapoi1gc wcuetion onaLvcIike Gandhi . in India many good ries in an automobile accident at s was at the instigation 0of the Ï wha-tever oman's Patriot- Corporatioli of j accepted Inivagen's mother, -Mrs. L. J. Van In- *wagen.of Hinsdale and ber famnilv. WILL HAVE HOUSE GUESTS Robert LUndslev, 260 Oxford road. Kenilworth, who is atteîîding North- western university, is spendilng bis vacation with hus parents. H.e wil have two bouse guésts over the holi- days-Çleveland Claytoui of HIv wood, Cal., aind Richard Tunis oï St. LIouis.. hoth b-iug i, dete tg.................................L . m-jKea -is '."ou rhain. Party games aind daic-. -o- ioned reflex and irn»erative. ing featured the evening. Refresh- Robert Ellis, 823 Greenwood ave- ýnnot help but see "Red" in ments in the motif. of the season nue, and James Adler, 931 Green- rconflicts ivith the presen t were served and favors ivere distri- wood avenue, returned Satur 1dav notion of governmental buted. from Dartmouth.