ing in person s o that Chicago and north shore cbildren .may ,sec biii. WVhere will he be-, and when?-you. boys anid girls WilI ask. On Decem- ber 29, 3Q, and 31, ai the Playhouse theater on Michigan avenue, in, two P erf ormances daily,- at 11l in the nîorîiing and at 2 ý30 in the after-iooit. How will lie cone!, As'a puppet, for Ivith thirty7.five others of the cartoon. cast, Wait, Disney's famnous charae- ter, M ickey Mous,! b las 'been. made into a marionette. And so lie will comée,;il a stage show, flot -in aa motion 'picture. His coming. is .sponsored by the Chlicago j unior league. From Hollywood to New Yark the Mickev Mouse . Marionette Stage show Mr. Disneyaild the Hestwood Marionette cônipany lbas been acclaimcd. To parents,- the Jutniorlegu sugkes1s that twô tickets to Mickey Mouse be placed Ini * children's stockings on Christmnas eve, for .what cbild does flot enjoy the joy- mis, funny Mý,ickey!." * "Mickey Mouse Becomnes a Chamn- pion," is the namne of the puppet shiow wvich. comies tiuider the personal management of Jean Cros, producer of the famous Frenchi Marioniettes. It is the story of Mickey and M.innwc ments. In the evening of the sainîe day die c-lu.b will bave. a college blonieco ming dance. The children's stories will be given as usuial at 7:10 o'c lock- on Thtrrsd av evening, December 29. and at 8 there in play the regular progressive auction*.bridge. Supper and Musicale or Younpg Musicians Mrs.' Roland. D. -Whitmnan of 547 Hill terrace, Winnetka,' was hostess, at a buffet supper and m usicale Sun11- <lay evýeùing, at whicli lier guests, were, for the mostpart, voutig nôrth, shore musicians who hiave rccently returned from study in Europe. A delightful program was given bv T'atne Manchester, Katheri'"e flam- ilton, Mrs. George Allen, biead of voice at New Trier High school, and the Swigart trio consisting of George and Estelle Swigart,, and Paulfine To Wed Evanston Girl Aninounicement was made last ofabetrothal1 um p nxs X\Ieil entire, .north out bouises; at every performance for thiree weeks, and people were turned away » \ Vith NMickey will appear bis caper- ing playmates, Gertie the (;ossil>: Bozo Butclî, Mirînie, Pluto the Pt,1>. Hforace Horsecollar, Clarabelle C:o, thé Mincing MNice ballet, ttvelve pre- cîsion inouse (lancers, and . rnanv other.s. More than 1,M0 strings are iieces- interest along tht.o re. On Saturdav, p road, Hubbard Woods, Miss Slade was graduatéd front the Wbleeler scbool ait Providence, R. .1. a vear ago., Mr. McKeown atten(led the Unîiversity of Michigan. Reading Circle Hostess Mrs. Ralphi Potter, 925 Chestnult àventie, will entertain lier Readling circle on Monday, *January 16, there being nio meeting of the circle during 01 l*S.SS4% ici.!*Slu cr -.ý. On Monday, january 2, from 4. until 7, a -New Year's Day tea dance islthe diversion.planned with Dorelle Moultoin, Carlton Ross, Pevcke, and Jôbn lSinding,e Jr.,'the hôsts and hostes ses.. Christmas Bridge Gala E vent. of Shawnee Club The special Christmas-card party given at Shawnee Country club> last Monday afternooli was. a gala holi- day affair with many a ttending. Some of the mnembers who were pýres-> ent were Mrs. Ephraim ' and Mrs. Sanborn Hale of WVinnùtka. Mrs. W. F. Sweazea (if Ketilwtoth, and from, Wilmette Mrs. N. P. I. inde: .Mrs. William T. Laine, MIrs. Charles WV. Moody, Mrs. Charles Mf. Buirllit- gaie, Mrs. Williamu. Mason, Mrs. Kerry C. Mcagher, INrs. George F. Iliff, 'Mrs. Clifford WV. Lawrence, Mrs,. W. A.. Kendrick, NMrs. J, \V. Brashears, Mrsý Earl R. Neir. and Mrs. Edwin B. Knudtson of Ea~ ton, forinerly of Wilinette. Betrothed mit was mia( the University of Illinois to Signia Chi fraternity. Art Class Meeting .Mrs. George.W. Kibbh ineeting Monday, Januar North Shiore Art class. I)c no meeting of the clas5 <lay. The group will ni ;s. Marv Btake Roberts of Wilmette ivilli serve, Mr. Matthias as best man and the ushers will be Arthurý B. Seibold, Jr. of Evanston and Warrenis Sei- boil-- of Battie Creek, Mich. Dr Stephen A. Lloy-d: of East Lanig Mich., formerly pastôr of the Con- gregational church in-Wilmette, w.ill1 perform the, marriage cere1m ony. Miss Seibold and her mother will, be hostess at 'a trousseau. tea on Friday., Next Monday morning Mi,ýs' Harwood, will give a breakfast at th.e Homestead in MUiss Seibold's honor., Mr. and Mrs. Seibold will ýhave the bridaidinnier at theirt home on'Tues- day evening. Mr.ý and Mrs., Carlyle V'. Christie. of Kenilworth'entertained at a din- ner party last evening for the bride and bridegroom-to-be, and Miss Stolp ivas hostess at a tea last Sunda-%. The junior SétbôOcts entertainéd a .t dinner. las t Saturday prec-edipg the Fortnightly dance ait the Evanston Country club. Bothi Miss Seibold andi Mr. Mat- thias are graduates of Northwestern university. The former is a member àf Pi Beta Phi sorority and Mr. 'Matthias, belongs to the Phi Delta Theta. - uren's partv given by thie Nomiains nk, attended club of Wilmette at 2 co'clock. Feath- and belon-s. ered and furry creatures, pets af al kinds, f romn Australian cockatoo,, gorgeous Braizilian maicaws witlî ramn- hoiv plumage, to dogs an(i birds. y, 835 Lake Paimashikas' Pets, will go througli al ave the next Of theiT stunts for the entertain- ry 9, of the nment of the sons and daughiters of There is to club members, and their friends ;s next Mon- whom tley may invite upon. payient ýeet at Il :45 yof a guest fee. "i pears.' . -wnrcln lias as its In sponsoring these performances Lyons 'of Ken of Mfickey Mouse, thre Chicagô Christmas ho!i junior league is pursuing anothér December 27, idea to raise money for charity. hotel ini town. tea, ' t7 frorîr 4 New Forest guests Vear's* and M.\rs. S; E.1 avenue, mvill cuteri at a dinnier par .day. Ils. 1508 ii twenty on New.