Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Dec 1932, p. 18

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w %a"a ' %P.F - Onie of the most efficiently. organ- _ized and'managed bodies around NeWv Trier: is 'the, Usher corps, Perhaps it does flot receive the credit that it deserve S because it takes care ofit duies so -quietly and efficientlý.' The, Usher, corps 'was organized about three years ago 'by- the Tri- Ship. club to meet the demand for a caalàroup of ushersr activitits. about. school. At once it p roved to be a success, and it bas been improv- ing steadily. Harry Kinne wa.s head of the.corps last ycar, and Sani Rock- weli heads the organization tlis year., Mr. Frishie, faculty sponsor of the Tri-Ship club, àiso ýdirects the Usher corps. Th'le duties of the lJsler corps are numerous, to say the least. The corps lias ushered at banquets, plays,. tea.ch-. er's meetings, concerts, and. lectures. Those of _Von who attend the Williani Beebe lecture will 'once more observe the Usher corps doing its work with admirable precision. A selected group of ushers will work at the coming motion pictures in the Mess hall dur- *On .Wednesdays during the j'ies(iy, ieckciiiUi Yr, me V 11Ç111 News içeel rrojeet vacation, New Trier is iii charge bers oi thé Drainatic club ifèt 1i n Te Lens club began its'niews 'reci of collecting sandwiches for the the auditoriumi for teCliri.s.tmas j project with a. winter. scene on the Chicago. achool children. The metilg.Thi' e wll-ko pla y, *Mr.. front campu stIatFriday. Kris Triý-Ship Club Charity committee ScrooQge," wa ien. as a, wai.king1- Kringie, -ably represented, by John under the direction of Dik Stee bas arranged *te have students at rehecarsal by dîfferent memibers ot Danley rsided while a bev.y of the North Western stations where ti. lb "i a the clsub.. euiflgil i a colored ski sandwiches will, be welcomied on we 'd gîven ia. .Walking rehtearsal on suits comfplet.ed the.picture. Santa- WVednesdaymrig.Tefi the stage and it iv-as uniusuaily:,etfec- greeted the 'girl s as they grouped lowîg bos wil bein harg of ive.Theshades liad been draw.niinl around him and.cibduo i th vriussttins Hbbrd the auditorium, throwing.it into seiniî- knee while the steadily. whirring Wood 1s, Stanton S chuni1an; ,Gien- darkness, . and miaking it sceeni verv camera recorded the festivities. coe BiI Mlle; WnnekaEd i uch like a teal play. '1The, play, itscfi The club plans to presýent a news Schildberg; idian Hill,, BobSeil- was weii dôue, -due partly' te the cdi- reel in conjunýction with the Tri-Ship er; Keniwrh EreMss i- r ectors, Eugene Harp er anîd1 Sallv 'club1 movies to be shown during mete rdh, arey, Locke Ro- Roii*9. and gave t o us the ChristmnasI lunch. periods after the Yule holi- ers,: and Phil Osborne. Spirit. i .das Tien we ail went up to the lac- According to Samuel Rock well, who uly inn ron ud gahrp i harge of the movie division, arouuld the fireplace. atAlhc .farththe news reel wiil consist of- schoc4 Omaha Tankersi end. Our oiy iiht %%as that of -the activiètiesý and projectsadi .t ; candes ad crcklig tie. flmedarideditsd a théis to eie- Take N'eet Here; Dcau s ad racling e. filme eds'and edîoft ebtleluybe n- DehIu r 4 eeserved, cbes. Coi ste e ybepo W'ecklér Is Star b)ut best of al was the reîiruiscinlg crda ot t1 ttd The New Trier swimmers lost their1 done by our directors. }irst our opening ineet of the seasoni last .giest of hoinor, M\iss Grover, »Nýhose, New Trier Grad Wins Wednesday afternoon to the Omaha hielp is so necessary to us ini putting lu isas Sn e Tech Higb in the north shore pool, on plays, told of the days before aULU Sige 44 to 31. Although facing somne of -Iraiiiatic orgànization hiad started' Miss Virginia Sprague, '31, of M-\1 the stiffest competition ever encouni- ain d the first struggliug atteînipts at waulcee, formerly of Wilmette is do- tered in the N. T. pool, the Grey- gîvîng of plays. She finislied bi' ing more beautifuliy than ever wt Green tankers performed in inost iooking forward iiuto the futur 'e wlien her voice work. Mýanv people wî encouraging style. we would have a stili better auditor-1 read this will doubtless remeihelr 1"Ironan" Weckler of N. T. %waý; mm. MNr. VaniKirk, the niext speaker, Yirgiiïia's wonderful work whvleti Ther th.-~ .tnr n fli . tii.'2heartiiv seconded lier aspirations. I. Pirates of Penzance" was. Eiven at Tho se whose work, bas proved ac-_ ceptable are selected and become mnembers. of the corps. Thus the fnest ushers in schIool make up the corps. The Usher corps is made up of the following boys this year: The- -odore Smith, Harrison Stàrins, Fos- ter Gilgis, Jack Winter, Arthur West, Bill Smith, Dwight Green, Bob these three events, whicb, by the nia king uis up. Then Miss Stanwood, way, were negotiated withi only an told us sonie'ainusing experiences of1 exhibition swim between them, gave past p;ays and gave an .1arusîngi him a otie-point advantage over sketch of how we would feci iuifiu- Co-captain Anderson of the Omiaha ture years when we returned hiere to s(luad. Anderson scored his ten on a visît. Thle meeting wvas concludcd by first in the 40-yard freestyle, a sec- Jack Broad. our last vear's president, ond in the 100-yard backstroke, and who told Ils 1ho\v ruch lhe lad cen- in the 160 re1iay. joyed the afternoon. The Oniala squad won four of the six events, the 100-yard breast "A lice n W nelad <,.uotîng the Miwauke-e Journal: "Tlhe cheerful purpose of this re- port is to assure the indefatigable people responsible for the presenta,- tion of "The Pirates of Penzance' that the.v have done a completel 'v satisfving job. ln fact, the present disposition of this astonished sp)ec-ý tator is to cali it the finest amateutr production given to the town in the last dozen years.- The work -was Parents aund interested students are urged to attend future auctions anld the annual exhibit, states Eýd John- son, the club, pré.sident., A fn( (.T. -d.fret by Weckler a) second; ý, 1:10. )y Lundl Wnby M ,iler (Omahai tfeated Murphy 22-24, 20-15, and 20-11. . ), second; Ellis (Omaha), The gamnes after vacation wvill be rely (0-y. bck,60-d.even moôre exciting than those .be- relay 60-yd. baesye, 60ydu fore and the girls are urged to corne ,Won by Omaha .(Arnatto, out and, cheer their adviser room and Smith). feamns to. victory.

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