conll)eleu witn tneir tuil strengtli be- catise of illnless. The senior team mas the more seriously affected. Six ()'f * its inemiiers were. unable to par- ticipate in the Englewood mieet or in thellmeet with Omaha Technical Hlighi *'chool \Vdedvof last week. This %vas accounit e& resPonsihie for thec loss of- the nieet to Omnaha' lw a 44 to 31 -score, as w~ell as f or the sniall 'nargin. b%. which Enl~odwas (le-_ .feat.ed. 'Mler places won by thle New Trier Juniors against Eglwod Vere: Rich;- third i A he 40-yard breast stroke;Wat third, in the 40-y ard free style;, sec ond. Fitz'- ug.third j»n the, 40-yard back strok-e; Patton, ,third' in the60ar free style, ýand -Seiberg, second,-atid Weekler Stars Barnard, thi'rd in the divin91vet lini Weckler, iorînerl' of Senn 1 f igh school, Chicago, %vas the tout-. Cycist njured. When standing star for' New Trier, in l)oth Struck by -Automobilei the 1-nIglewood and Omaha., meets. Ini the formierý lie tookthre-frs Frank. Ferretti, 2028 llmwood ave- places. and 'in the -latter two firsts, nue,,-ridiiig a bicycle south on Ridge ;1aiu a third. road, ivas struck by a car near the Wecker on 1f)-vrd reeintersection- of Ridge road and Roger ti 10-yrd ¼k srokeandavenue, Kenilworth, at about 7,:15 styl. îeo'clock Wednesdav niglit. December the (iving events iii the 1.ntglewoodg 1iwet. Hlis tinie of fiftv-six and one I 4 .Gifno h ninHl tent secndsfor he 10-yrd sinîRiding club, driver of the car, re- teasthSecodfasrtheer in-ad in ti! ported the accident to the Kenilworth rv~n ii th' Nw Tiernattrîinii police. the following day. 1r. rîfn. acc.'rding to Edgar B3. Jac.kson, the idta. sh wsdivn ouho 'l Triercac.i Ridge road, with another car ap- 'n te Oahamee X ekle ~vît roaching frorn the south. he struck tîri pacs ' tu .the mani riding the bicycle. The tue100yar bak srok bicycle carried no light. -Mr. Griffin thid ven, ndsaid. Fei'retti wvas taken to a physi- thie pacea in the 00-yard--swîiii n. i cian'by Griffin. A small bone inFer- Oniaha woîi first place, swiin ii. -f tea giet the I(00 yards ini fift\,-inle seconds.: teaciet Ia>î f New, Trier wvas secoid. Omah TooStrog I PARTY FOR MOTHER Oniaa tok irs plaes n al jMrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, 1311 Vvenits except those won lby W\eckler, Greenwood avenue, is hostess to old HAST op WOUNX $OUA=. - Choice No.* 1 Northem a A large ecto to choos. fromr Faesh sheBed PECAN New crop, fresh * 271c MIxED NUTS, lb. i5 IL 2 1 Fresh mew stop Fresh shelld WAL- BRAZIL WtJT Z&!AT Sp . F e ..r Fu'esh thelled -FrALONwS 216p 3-5 ALMODSlb.-9 me iuei.ê Xasgift 1 A fancy Freali Halloway I g Fruit basket DATES. 2',-b5 as Iw es ý,ý$1 79 Vi.#t Our *Cordial Dept. a Complete Assortiment * n1 p110 e in inis mI1CV VwCI .\%VU i'J' ii 4tl i ei gntet VIl.L I iiLtjlV. 'Shapker and Roger. Palews~,scn and third, respectively. In th.e 40- NIlarv *Pat Daly of .1238 Ashland. yard -ii;i 'joc Byrne, third iun the avenue, is recovering fromn a severe 100l-yard back' stroke; jack 1)avis,, cold. Her sister, Elizabeth, who is second in diving and Bob WVatt. third attending the Academ\ fteSce in. thie 220-yard swim. . lleart, is t.o be: ivth lier familv for N~ew Trier's senior teamn won fouir the c- holida,, s'eason. fiuÊst places in the Enigle\voodl nîet., the three accredited to Weckler andN1 Mrs. Gabe Wegener, 30 Kenilworth miue bY Roger Palenisku in the 40-i avenuie, entertained her bridge club yard free style event. Other N\\- I at luncheoui MLýôndav-. 0F LAMBS bolb. 4½e IGENUINE SPRING I/ - Bosc Eating flARS 23a Criop Tender Mic~higan Bot qualify oak leather baif soles and strong,c rubber heels will be put on shoes of any size. manshp and materiaIsgquarante.d. Wieboldt's *9osemet-Bvanston Ili mu. ý 1