'.ilinlette collinîu tec teit tliat atn cx-. teilsive drive for fuuds. to continue a És a ilil)er of 'the counicil cot'ld not 1)("nia(letlîis yea r. f11'lv itlidrawviing fretît the, New Tir Towvnship coun- cil tlu1e operating ex pen se s w~ill be. re- duc'eaCo cnsiderablv. Due to thle factý that tle intt Gjirl Scout ' organizàtion lias with- drawi'î frein thie Nev Trier Towniship coutîcîl a \Vilnette couîîc'il %vll: be o)rgaize (. 'hie entire leadership QI tlle W\ilmctte orgainîzati4-ii cot-iss tioui of a. part time <director,'. In jan - uar.v'a training cour.,e in tirst -class sceu ting will be given for leaders and a >snmîlar course îîvill also' ibe gîvenl for troop conittec nenîbers ini con- nectit»î with the tenderfoot course. 300 Scoute Here 'ruere are about 3M0 Girl Sýouits in -,Wilineteorganaived in eeen t-4)euop a,îd--thrtc Bromie PackIs. i'wenltyv- two le1,aders and about forty mienibers I ut coîîîmnttees are sponsoring àand ltlig the work. 'lli Brow nie 1>c~are special grouip>.ogaî for girls letween the ages (e7t id lU ears. G'lc (irl Scot mo e u i ý\ortli\, f the suppo)(rt (4 t1wi. i i l i iit v,.. reaols a statcnient troin the b calîadquarters. lt'. ure î> to epgls to rcalwze Illeidi ils of k'trlv;ntg aini% andl deals ot the G,url Scouit prograni. its atvttare dut- fMent anid arc based un th( ty pe of activity which . jstuited tlu<girls of thle Browvnie age. Charactezr bîuiding etîterprises iwere tiever mort impor- tant tItan new and tht' local ilterest iii C r] Scouiting is eîdeîce h the large and lcousta,îtly îuîcasîulg tunux11- l)er (if meihers.' -4 P7r. Louis L -Woi»n, rabbi of .Sinai con gregalion, Chicago, and 7cide.-lyketotà'. ierItand lecturer, wi/l l'cflice speaker atftic Wilmette .Çudait Evzeni,:q chlb Decenaber 18. Dr. fl1all coineos to the Sunday II',gClub l'i the plaice of Dr. Ste-1 phil S. I Vise, rabbi of thle Frec svn- a,qoç;u(c, Veu, Vork, wh n's Prc- z-i-itcdlfroin 1 k,,ipin9 lus engyage- nient herr /'Y filueCritical ilbvs.ç of a uunl'u~of lis jak;iI.. Iii àddition to bus services at Sinai congregation. Dr. Mann is a profes- siotia!f lectuirer iui the department of Oriental languiages and literature at the Universitv of Cicago. H-e is a mem-7 ber of the luboard of governurs of He- hrew Union college and promlinent lui severai outstandiing Jexisb organiza- tions. He is a mnember of the Ameri- cati Committec for Outlà\vry of War, "f thé-,Act.ý(rý- .g.lnril of the -Aterican tencled to every owner of a_ single faniily divelling ini the village, it is announceci. The association was organized Moui- day evening, Deceniber 5. at a mieet- .ing hield in the home of Village Pres- ident Dubbs, . t which tiiiie-by-la.%s. and. a "creed" Were forma;llY:adopted1 and officers elected with Roliert E. Ricksen as president. In its by-laws the association- gav.e as' its objectives the promotion of the welfare of the home, owners of the village, protection.1of.their prop- eryt and righ.ts', and,. through the .co- operation of its ffenibers, the main-. tenanice of Wý'ilmette as a village -)t singlé family lhomes. Officers serving with '1r.. Ricksen are Le muel.:F. Owen,, first. vice-pres- ident;- C. Rollin Smith,, second vice-1 president. and Theodore C. Kniep, sectetary- tr*easurer. Directo rs %vere elected on the' basis (, 'ti ,t~froin caciyQtinxg precinct ian îhl.e -village. Optimist Club 1Host to Boys at Yule Party Thle Wilmnette Optimiýt club ivill blod its :econ<fl antnual Christmnas l)artY .Tiesdav. l>ecemj)er 20, for about fr es slected froinalijst i urnishied bu Mý_rs.Lil.Ban 1). Ncrth-1 Santa Claus will, be on- band to present a gift to. each boy. Each inèmber of the Optimist club and. several guests will bring a boy to, the lunicheon. The party i5 in charge of Dr. George D. Upson. The Rcv. James , 1, Veneklaseni. minister of the First Presbyterian chttrch of Wilmette, will be th e sp eaker. varions h Ô mes:in-. the who, on corne to as guests aie. The group is'being brought to' Wilà- mette by the Philathea class of youing wvomen. in the Wilmette -Parish- Methodist church, . which. .annually, sponsors this type of Chirstmas cheer for Îhe. orphan,.. Arriving in Wilmette at 10 o'clock MNonday m rorning, the children willl betaken to the Village hall where they will joi their prospective hnsts for a day of genuine Christma s' joy. Prompt ly at 5 o'clock that afternoon the youngsters will reassemble at the, Wilmette avenue station of -the North Shbore line for the return trip. Cdml Wilmette.7W0-M While a number of the children have been taken by familles who con- sulted the Eist published in last week!s issue of WiimLm Livie, the foliOw- ing are stflltô tbe jwovtded iwith 'hosts. Families interesteçi in providiîig Christmas cheer for one or more orphans on Monday, Deceniber 26,. are invited to scan the appended list and then communicate with Mrs. Roy L. Haskin, Wil1mette 700-M. These Ch.ildren Reupain Naiune Agi- Anigel, B111>'Il Anigul. Lesîie .1 Atiget. Berma.ci fial ipenny, Loren Hialpenn V. Donald Hutcîaft. Patricia fluchra tRose Htjch'rat.Dtckie Mtz.Kenneth Parsons, Jane planes and otheru ývhose parents hia' buvyilhem presents.ý s for cli-ildren Il icreai 11 mloniey to Society .s.... O-21 .....32-33 - Ask for taker I. 'I l'ne pren tdon of Mi Iand choir NP** ****41" 000.0-00 9 0 9,