"eceiii)er z, 4L. j ociocký, toi- their annual Christmas meeting, thev xiiI hear a reading. as wjell as Christmas music. The prograin wi1l be given a. usual ini the attractive liviing rooni witiî its blazing log fire, and wil ini- clude 'Mrs. ..Henry A. \V.ehýsterread- ing of a Christmxas story, afid the group~ singing of the traditional old carols, for many years favorites \vith WeI!es- Iey college choirs. Miss R va1)Hye~ and. Nrs. Walter Hl. Kuimiiever xvilI Iead the chorus and wvi11 ý,sing the solos. An%. ùw meruber of tle ciréle, oi an 1 other onre intereste(l in siigiigt'> in the chorus, is invited to meet 7ti Mrs. Rew's home at 2 o'clock for -otu hour of rehearsal before thie prograîn. It -tvas hoped that MIrs. William Slierînian .Hay. as lias heen iber cs tol o everail vears, i\oildb ll to co:nplete tht .programi with vioýliln selections. but owilig to a board meetin~g ýhe ,is uiiable to- be rsft The Chicago XVellesle clb liasl sent cards. to its 'members iinviiting them to a Christmas meeting Satuir- day afternoon, Decenîber 17, at-2:30 o',clock, at 5Q East H uron street. A, prograin of Christmas tmuisic wilI bel given bv Mrs. Aima Seipp Hay Ms WVilliamn Sherman Hav') of 'Wimnet- ka: ~Mrs. Harriet Cuirtis, Flower, 'celi- ist, with MNrs. Raymond Cook of Ey-1 anst on, at the piano: ail*by Miss Store open tIl 9:30i P. M. ili Christnasu-cloting at 6:00 P. M. Christm«a Ev.. Womben'aprint .îfor 1.0 1.0* .25 *.25 ..25 for 1.00 Meu's pritit Mea's corded' haunkies (ail, Wht.) 4 for WOMEN'S:HANKIES Hand blocked ýpriats Hand appliquedi Appenizelli.. lnitiaied Appenzell hankies ~MenIt -h1and boter prints .4 ..~ .. . . *Menus fine corded haRkeS........3for D'Orsales "Casino"P perfuane ... Poucolicompact Misses' wool scarfs Chiffon home Meth, hose ... .... Service chiffon os Tissue chiffon home lmported tweed si lk home AU il 1k service hose Sheer chiffon hose Mà1f ta4hunmed compact 1.80 .50 .50 .65 .65 .75 .85 .85 1.00 i... 100 1.00 FlapJack compact 1.00 Be&ded evenimg baga. 18 Double woven fabrie D'Orsay's UComtss..n perfume . l lmport.d wool scarfs 1.00 Triangle .11k scarfs 1.0 Metai clipsi...........M Pearl or rhinoito!ne clips 1.0 Bracelets ..1.0 Necklacem . .8 Earrings ... 10 Sewlnj kits ........1»8 Haa ca,ýveâ glas* perumue ý botties 1.00 rnug hankies..' scarfa the \ý,elesle-v-clübuîll I assst dritil the tea 'hour. Ainong them Will be four f roin the north siiore. Nliss Bettv Mulford and M iss Miant-ni Page, of Wilmette. Mliss Býernice Bul- lev of Kenilworth, and Ms Elsic W\atkits <ýf Highland Park. Gala Yule Pro gram at Junior Auxiliary Todayu Crepe or satin nîghtgowais .95 Crepe sleeinzg pajainas 2.95 Hand made atepin. ......ý2.9S Pi. seul oves Howard school Wednesday of Iast I~N 4 week for parents and teachers of the t seVentb grade pupils. *et-dq 1 ý ý 7--7