SGrade Separation Will Save Lif e Letesa Hasten the, Dagi In a day or two the Christias holidavs w~ili ýbe reminding p)eople al -over the world of the birth of olne W~ho %%,as to reveal Go flot nierel: as the luer of The the universebut a's a Loviig H-olidays Fa -ther. At.the t1imG of Hîis, corning Uhe gospel, of. good. ivili .among nien Nvas proclaimied. Cheering news it was, auid ,fronii thaàtbirthi(iav% there hias coine do-wn to us these glad tidinigs. It is miost fittiiug that at a t imie like this biIIJVandstoires should presenta festive appearance. Old and y-oiiiÏl love to see festoons of mnany colored: lighits ouipil and evergreen. Store NNindow\\s aud comnt- ers abundantly gay' withi a thousatd and ,one holiday suggestions do their ttost to inake older people forget unpropitious conditions and urge mien anid Nwoiei to inake the,. hoiidays a happy tinie. There, are somne -who thi.nk jit best this *niake expensive gitts. A snall thing ggiven ini the spirit of love and friendship blesses. hirn xvho gives and i.m xvho receives. WcT personaily don't mutchi care Nht e get. At preseut Nwe could get alon iý without a knife or a pair of ami bauds, but w\\e coid use profitably a* ten-cent cake of shiav-iug( soap or a handkerchief. We understanld that there xxill be a tickets iwoulbe surprisingly, Iessen ed. If ail of uiswoutid take ouir laws 'a littie ,more seriouisly, realiziîg that thev are' our lamvs, ouir police wouiluîot 1)e of)liged to use hertneokepus frfoîî endang- erîug .our. own lives, and, tliose. of .0mur chi id rel. If .hiap pin ess is the suiprcîe 1.g1oi . od. then- health is a close. seconld, becauise, thouigli one_ eau ilie happN.v even ýif tiot in perfect hiea.lth:.stili gôod health Our HeaIth coutributes greatIy t o Officers happiniless. Iuicidentallv Officrsit is reinarkable that ýotie tiëeed go à far to find .sick or érippied peop>le who are happier than înany able- boijed pevopie Btiit the genearàide lèabove stili hiolds truc. . Our uorth sJiorc~ heal th officers have (jole nîùch 'tou lainitain at a hig-hl le\-el. hecalth conditions ini our several cçôniniiu-. ities. Natuiral hieaith conditions to be Sure are l)etter in the sub.urbs thau in the citv. But otir sul>uirban living is 1*rendered xiii iih ideai 1w the service. rendièx-ed bv mir publ.ic health officiais. Thiese health officers do. ail they can to Inaîuta iuni lg1 strict q ua ranti iie, wh ene ve r necessary, lh e a i t h condition.can st rengthened. When au epidemi 'lIkeni- fluieuza att.acks a coilinutnitv victinis can be helped by folloinig thie advice of hecalth officers. For exanîpie, if a suifferer froin il]- fluenza wvill remain in bed for sornle tiIlle after the fever subsides lie may preýveit an attack of that dread disease, pfleurnonîa. Gave honor to.' the holy night., Fortt ta the wiood did rnerry mien go 7'o gaiher in: the inistletoe. AUI hailed z(-th uncoutrolled delight,. Ajnd general viice, the happy nig/zt i'Izt ta flhe cottage, asthe crown, Broughttdis of salvtation dowm. i'hef ireý , ith well-dried logs sq'pied,> tUentaring u/' the chiinney ide;- The huge haI tablés oaken facé,. .s'crubbed fi it.shone, the. day ta grace,_ BJore, theit. upoit ifs assive'board Vo imark ta Part the squire and lord., Then came the n:errynaskers ein, And, carols roared, wihblithesame din; 1 w::nelodious u'as the sang, f was a hearty, note, and st rang., 1 Ch rist mas gambal Ol t cou Id cheer 'he poa r man's heart through haif the year. <An excerpt froin Sir \Valter cott',, AcRMION> 1>Iasing iindeed at this hioliday season is the giad- so>fin intelligence that the North Shore Mosquito A)atement district has cenjoyed a successftîl year (jûst terminated)~. Now, imagine if you can, read- i ng that Mr. Skeeter was ni f ull flight toward perdi- tiori whilst l'ou were engaged ini a f rantic fanning. and slapping session on some particularly sultry nighit in mid-sunimer. WVe rathur. enjoy discussing niosquitoes wlhen the teniperature hovers around the h-'count vorc blessin's' ane by one, ln' donmi dere hain't no meed ob sun, If m look for trouble, van'!! shore find it lý von l uok for* loY, vv'l nbbah nind it, *SOP ro'tYor'C ile.ssuz'Is: 011eby one Sid !,!t - Jarsc Trouble on dle runi. --Contributed. a reputation as Wlnnetk-ain 50 short a an inc tinie as onie week there occur 218 discov- 000. -rcl violations of the niiotor la\\vs of that to pr, vilgAnd the numliber of unidisco\-ere.d extra es And you mnight toiss in a stand for titat Webster "s >fn Unabridged. Mqe