CH1USTMAS SPECIALTIES AT "SPECIALLOW PRICES * Fwult Cake:60e The eryChoiceat, Beautlfàlly Pertd *_ Cvlstaas iolen, sedallypriCed...30o * Swigere 600 *Peppewnuts (Gerinan ieney nuts) lb. 35o *Anime Dropa...... S00 * oey Cke..... loz. 450 eacli 4é *r IGroud AMàond Csoie-nhng fluer . 600 )t Colkies, trenendus variety....... Ibo 500 *Impipw. Wreuoh-,Glace F- uts A gorgeouls sasortinent packed in S IL. wood box-$27 a $500 V.alue for.$ o7 *mawmipan Fruits, Vegetables andl Other Cleve.r Imitations NOTE--Our usual daily specials will be continued ecd .50 1as always. side of the picture and sec the 'totals" tion. 1 do ïîot kxnow just lîow you as rpreeîîcd ii sffeing cod ad miglit regard a 100,000 attendance ai; starvation.. and even death, thev sfobal aen (ii ices ranging 4totally" iina(Ieqiiate. It. -is 'tien' tîat -, ro 0 $.0to,$25.00) in . hese' days, I believe, (and I think that you: vil1;but. to nie the spectacle. recaIlis Nero, agree mrith mh.e).' that our hoasted fbis fiddle. and 1hurning Rome. liberality is far-very far-fromi sacri,- He ia.ltoftaeai(prfs fical.* *'~sions represented by men and women Instad f getin *weked U lto, -ailresidents of Xilmetteý-%ho ARE a fever of fecar that the. Reds or ilhe O1 r:0F f'il K oki vr Anarchists aràe about to "knock us off AtssiBiei es. 17 Clerival 5C(arl)eJItv1s . ouir perch,". I would like to see sonie- Phtv*ri thing that Ioslike * 'irreisisýtil)le 0i-'hanius 'jntr thusiasm" in a iovene >nti( Ch TiElevtrieîaxi i 'unbt If'ORK for thîe:unemiploed (produc- !>riners 3 8!4er tive or now-productive> tlhat would re-! neres 7eIa If<,s ni n .iSI 1INCi hatNO T.Wenty-four wvomnf want house-. sufer f ro mi c4 .d or' lîuîiger. o f rom r thfe nr e s;a re e e iii tue I i*ludrses an the lack of hiefter in V1932 or 193.3. tgra îwactcal tiuses, a In aii-'*èxti-ciiie" sittatbon: , teîe hta Idont know yla ou biave for a nieasures ýCuu 1 Colservative. 'l'le a t o do ao ()rhmbt1 t)f- aiddo know that TH-IS artist, *ust at this ýsuarls., ..COfecandtuaof fCý'tîrne. is not insisting uipon art work years ago \%cre al]lNTkiI meas- an(] none of the gardeners are spend- tirs, ut c al flt huywer nees nganv tinme Iooking for jobs to cut sary. X d.,we are Mn a 1! . il today. lawns, . The men ini the building trades an army. Th)is w, a raiîîvoles e liýiare alinost ini the sanie class with the an~ irect. "hrar vle s ý(Fgardeners so far as available vork in US drecty. lier ar in hisCotIli tlieir huies is c(ncerned. 'l'le question try more than three turnes More me is \'OT,:-'*\Vhat are TUHEl' going OU(W fl'Il'OIK thanî we lhad ni i pur, to do about it?" They GANNÀOT do entire army i;n 1917 and 191. anytliing about it! The question IS: * ** "~AL.~~.. I'[' A e- A- mintdustry; which sliould1 ividual in CREATIANG ý%I l ..,.. 10....iiç-,U Vi f ll am8Pt s8tI. a ivelv, interest ini tlis nattr-right ini 'our. home town. 0f. course you fel-. )rMCAT MARKETC AU Telephone and C. 0. 1D. Orders Carefully andi Quiq Charge Accouaits Solicited f rom Reliable F THFiE PE RF ECT Read In C( Delhrnred GI-1FT o>mf ort Student8, Invalids, Winnetka M MiEn St. lVlnnetka 4 and33 Edward J. Flynn -s ;FAVORITE- Telephone 2048 Chicago