Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 7

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1129 Cenfrêl Av*., Phone Wil. 29 termns of meir annuai Pilgrimage. to Wilmette. Christmas, morning, each year, wit- iesses a trainload of these children bearinig down .upon Wilmette homes where, the youngsters are. guests, for. the. hIoliday. The project dates back many, iany years and, for, several seasons, has enjoyedsponsorship by tfhe Philathea class Thie children will arrive in the vil- lage at 10 o'clôck Christmas morning and proceed to the Village hall where. theY, will te parcelled out to XVWil-. mette families Wvho have volunteered, to provide holiday cheer.. This year, what %wiih Christmas falling :on, a Sunday, the children, will be enter- tainedîii the homes of thieir friends on Monday, December 26. *Wilmiette ..families wishing to etn- tertain one or more of these children are invited to conirnunicate with .Nrs. Rov L. H1askin., telephione \\"il- This y ears prospective guest list fol Iowvs: NA ME GI Arigel, Billy 14 Angel, Lesfie .Ilj Angt- BertIha 13 Allen. IRuth il Booth1Pauil7 -Buchanian. i>egjgy 1 D)eW i tt, Mar y DN UBobby Exn. xiiierniue Exoiix Tomniy Elliot Nlay Il tmelt Ella 2-ja t 1iiklin, Janiice t ufke. h.llira <'ianioudes, Anigelo tc;i noudes.. Katheuine ItI' .ii,,,, iv Loren 6 17 14 13 11 13 l I.canvassing every bIoCk in the village. M.P.Gàffney to Speak at Civie League Luncheoýn Supt. M. P. Gaffney of New Trier Hîigh schooL wiîl be 'the speaker at the, next luncheon meeting of. the WVilniette Civic league., The: meeting %vIll be hield ,in, Marshall Field andi conipany's State street restaurant on, F1-riday, Decemnber 16, at 12:1i5,dock. "Culture, the Stedaà htr-o'Eu- cation" is. the subject Superitendeîit Ga'ffney will use for his tal1k. What 1makes education really -worth while is flot mere book knowledge but'the training it gives in interpreting liie's varioms ex-periemes wil* be the gen- eral theme of the talk.. The Civic league holds a luncheon, meeting once each month. Ail resi- dents of the village are invited to attend and are, by token of their res- i dence hiere, eligible to tnemliershiip in the Civic league. Start Sehool Holiday Christmas carol prograins to I)e giveli at meetings of the 'logaii-I-owvard and Central-Laurel parent-teacher as- sociations. The Lpgan-1-oward par- etit-teaclher group mieets next Tues- day and the Central -ILautre 1 group the folowing Tuesday. THURSDAYo, DEC. FRIDAY, DEC.S9 *PIaIn ROIS, 8vareties ...... >.a1 SATrURDA-Y, DEC. le TeDeliclous Chilitunau * Itlleu TheCotfee Cake 'O Other CoeE.. Cakes .... .5o-ZSo-3k-35e *GnltmmCvaokew Cake ...... 390 *Big ams<tmmt of fanqy Cookies. l. SOS50 *Spedial Holiday CoekleS...Ib. 350 to 600 *Frit Cakes ... lb. 60o Decoerated ... lb. 750 . .Riotv A. 3. V.. Deue.p Phone &ltiE Ph... WL M Il I 71I1 a .l m

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