I Fo Porivday and Satuvrday cheken Fo -to 8-lb. avg ., 190 fotRatFrom 1the Ribt,27 Gv@uudB I b%.ar~~~ reh 290 Poipk Roast 1Jus) or Loin, Whole o'r iait, 11~ Sweet Uvoada ,rom Fresh 1 JIîIedCles 9 Joe.issNo Wase. 20 I EheleuSalmon Lii. a rang.3501 ne.. Extra assistant to Dr. llockefeller insti- .ifiss 1-ollister shozîïu herc iwith lier diiug hëliiet Prqroilg ta stiudy undersea Iiile at the- o<eai's depth near Bermutida.. tute, Miss Hollister becanie technical associate to Dr. Williami Beebe. *She 1?s,,bent idetificd f rom the beginning with the extraorclinary work whih s being done by the Bermuda Ocean- ographic expedlition of the New York Zoological society, hcaded hy Dr. Beebe, and lias made many valuabie contribu- tions tothe success of the expedition. Miss Ilollister holds the diý ing rec- ord for wonmen 410 f ect below the surface of the sea. Last scason sh!e penetrated the Qcean deptlbs to this W VEýSTE RN STATEFS: Montana, Wyoming, Utah-Decembeir 16 to 19. SOUTH WE STERN %'STATES: Arizonýa, New -Mexico, Oklahoma, TCxýtç-De- cember 16, to'19. NEÂRL WESTERN STATES: North Dakota, South Dakota,. Nebra.-ka, Kansas, -ColoraLd-December 1? to 20.. SOUTHERN STATES:ý Arkansas. Lo"sana' Tennessee, Migssissippi, Ala- bamna, Florida,' Virginia, West Virginia, North Carôli na, -South Carolina, Georgia -Deember 17 to 20. NEIGHBORING 'STATUS.-Minnesota, 10wa, MI"sOuri, Wiesconsln,, lilinouis, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio ,and Kefltueky1 -Decemhber 19 t 1 EASTERN STA TES: New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and New England. States- December 17 to 20 LOCAL: Iowa and liInois-Decemiber 21 and 22.. Closed Chrîstmas Day Both the Wilmette and' Kenilworth postoikes wwll be clo",d on Christ- mas day, which falis on Sunday thlis year, as well as on the Mfondav after Christmas, December 26. There %vil! be no mail deliveries either dav. %witih the exception of the usuial special de- liverv service. Kenilworth Welfare> Eleets New Offleers The Kenilworthi Infant \Velfare f4avy 13ans, Michiw- lOc gan, 3 Ibs. ... Spaghetti or Macaro- ni, Beech Nut, 3 pkgs. jC Centrella Soiaps, &Il 25 flavrw, 3 cans .... 1 PIçg. Hasty Tasty Biscuit Blend and 1 pIkg. Batter Creamn, Nothing to add but water. Both for .. Corn Flakes or Post Toa.ties, Z pkgs. Miass Ho-lister as ctiaracterizca as a charrning speaker, niodest, cultur-ed and pli-asing. Audiences are fascinated by this lecture. of hers, which tells of the magic world beancath the sparkling waters off Bermuda. She. confines her- self largely to the relating of her thrill- ing diving experiences and to the study of marine life ina the sub-surface waters. In the course of naaking her fishi trans- parencies she bas Prepared over 1.3f0 Helene Se'boicI of Wilmette, presi- dent; Mfrs. John McDow.eII of Evans- ton, vice-president ; Nirs. George: Da vis of E vanston, recording secretarv , Katherine Stolp of Kenilivorth, cor- responding secreta ry; -Mary Branna- gar of Evanston, treasurer; Virg-inia Prussing of Kcnilivort h, social c hair- man; Mrs. William .H.' Cooley of Ev- anston, voluinteer chairman ; Virginia Beit of Kenilworth, pubuicity chair- ,man; Mrs. Cedric Sith and Mfrs. eliéted with Sitider-Cazel Drat C..--). B. SeyIur, Mgr. and Lake Aves. Phone Wilmette 316 Mem ber WUlmette Clamber of Commerce 1" a*& Remember the Food N errela t