Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 5

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oulu viçe-prsaent; -Ifleotiore C. Kniep, secretar3,-treasurer. Naine Dire«tors Directors chosen last Monidav ivere: Jolin» X-V.Brashears, XViliam i J. %Veldon, , Miles * B. Geringer, John Jacôbson, Lewis G. -Hutchison, >Clar- enlce H. Kavan .agh. Carl A. Peterson. Lpuis S. Becker, James J.,,O'Grady, James. S. Doig, .Jamnes S. Barcus. Avoca Sehool Begins Yule Vacation Dec. 22 C-hristmas vacation at the Avocà school, on Ashland avenue in the northwest. section, of Wilmette, %vil: begin Thursdayafternooni, Deceiber 22. Classes will be resumned on Tucs- day,-.Jaiuary 3. There lhave been a large:- nber of absences au ong thuc Avoci; r.Inl% recentlv hppausé of 1 '-'L )n A.er22L a ireliminiarv ineetjnz (>of' represenitatives of the Commnte outside of Chicafro 'as held, at Oak Park. M.%aypr *H.' W. TOIlsted of, MaFvw-%ood iwas elected t emporilry chairmanl of the orgaiz.,a- tien. It, is the, Plain of thie gro-ur, to op- Pose anviy ezisatio,î that w~otilcltakt, awav governing ftnctjons -from the sulburbs, and centralize, theni. Harry. M. Bachmàn, Paul >A. Hoiff- colds and in flueuza, ris. Glen Cine- SSE ASSA A nman, Jolhn J. Downey, John W. Edge, bell, principal, reports. at wcel Cliton B. Cochran, Ed.Zeutschel, ail of the .Avoca u lvcr i lle , Ilal M s.C . hp er.13 Edgar 1L. Fielding, Anton Engels, physical examinations b% Dr. oA]cnta vnuNe, er 30.lbd to an Arthur C. Youngberg. C.,H'. Smith., Qris, assisted.bv' Mrs. Inlez Biss ' leIi. nNoebr 0 yth i 1 . 1death of the former's sister, MrÈs. S. Daniel J. Cosne, Jr., John'A. Shank. Chicago Tuberculosis, iletîtute iilirst ,i ~~t h a oiel al C. D. Ewver.____________ ____________b er home for a timeý with thle Sliep- FREE DEMONSTRATIONS i erds. Mrs. Aus;tini passe-h aw-,av in Kenilworh A khints iýFree deinonstration shows for per-,I)ecatur but ivas Iburieclin Danville. Fo r Ve P liem n s ihowant to learu. the tai Four N w Polcemenuses of enaîpel. arc off creç& ;t ;Li ..ppointnient of four niew police- it*iine In the. new -3-l1 Buamiel Colo.- nien and thle reinstatement of ant- Craft shiop, 1165 Wilinîtte avenue, S OG other who wvas inijureli ni a inotor- according to Jack E<dîngtoi iM c 'vcle-automnobile collision ini Xoveinî- carge of the shop Iiprtîrh1 ber. 1931, %vas confirned by the Ken-! with Merrill Cramn. Eddington, form __________________ ilwortlî Village board at its regular erly a student at the Ari nsýtitute ,t('f nîiontilv meeting Moinday ilt ChicagO. aîîno(Unccs tlîat ainatenl Aîîthoiv \[onitanaro \vas con- aititers \vil] find enaruel ()i nianv col- 521 MainS ca.ntt (itionialh, reinistated. Hle stuffere.d a irs. as ielas awi a rietu - m~ VU iz, broken lg a broken ari and otlicr, 1oaiiute(î anditi finislicd ftirniiruii- om. Phone Wil. 32 injuries Nlilc on duty more fith a' sale at the shoi). year ago and %vas ini the hospital for _________________________ Gîft Store~ for. Men and Boys Se. our.*>.cflýon Of giffi. I4.re you can, find absoluteIy, *v.ry f, ing uyou relo king for. LINEN H- 15C torilv, the -Village board (lecided. The- four. ne\v policemen are 1R*ob- ert M. Dalev, Johnî Swansoîi. jr. Richard 1).' DouglIas ani d wIard Ab- bott. Tlicy werc given teniporary appointmients for the winter months. Sanies of the ne\ policemleilN er e recomrnended to the Village board bv the police conxnittee after the cani- (idates biad passed both l)hysical and mental examnations. PANEL BOARD for ELECTRIC TgAJNS 5c per sq. ft. $1.25 each $3.50 BELTS for MEN and BOYS .59c fo $1,50 week-nd ty atousnd of Mrs Moran weeend toatn a house r Morant. Mrs. Fanny Spurling. The party was ini honor of Mrs. *Cora Ayers of Ver- mont, also a cousin of Mr. Morgan, w~ho -'is visiting ini thîe 'ýVesf for sev- eral. weeks. MileuHav4wate 1219 WILME1TE AV, or. iIEFS First Nati phone eff. 2é

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