Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 56

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P. T . A I, 01 ne ii.ow~aa.an tB ra schools. They, lmmediate)[y expressedi their wIll1hngneMss to help.. A card pýarty was given.. later a pay, and f rom the proceedu of these a Chlld Welfare fund waa, establlshed.r This year wehad an- ot.her card party and «a radio revue and a Ilittie more was added to this fuùnd.'ý "We have taken. care of 109 eblidren at the dental clinlv. These. lnles were, held Frlday m orning at* the. Health center -and were conducted by t*o of our local dentists.- We.bave had five tonsilectoniles and have furnlshed.eleiren pairs of glasses It ls interêesttng toý know that testÀi show, that some of theme chil- dren' have made a gain of? two, years ln their reading after they. have- beefl Prevlded with glasses. ..TI.wlsh, to say how mu 1ch we aIl ap- prèecate what the P. T«' A,,of. the Howard and Logan schools have doute, for the echool cblIdren. In Junie, 1932, Dr. Martin H. Seifert, Wltnette Jbealth commiqtioner Immnuntaed cehildren agaiist dlphtherla, and 71 cblidren were lm- munized. Later the same number toolz 7allickrodt At 8 o'clock Frida y evening. De- cember 16, the aninual Christmas pro- lb. ....... D12L BUTTER, .2 lis.7fo q HIND- QUARTER SPRING RIB ROAST 0F BEEF, FRESH DRESSED, LAMB, Sih and 7th 19/2cSTEING181 lh, ..... 17 /2 .b........HENS, lb.i2 FANCY *LEG 0OI9É LAMB,- lb ....... 2Ï PRIME BEEF 91 POT ROAST, lb. 12/1 PRIME BEEF1 ]kOAST, ROLLED, lb.. RUMP .22'12 c CURED 1 61/2 whole, lb.C SLICED. BACON, 3 Ibs. for... JONES" LINKS, lN 49c ROLLED SPRING A9 lb. ..... 4 2 JON ESe MEAT, lb.....2$c Fre l Laké Trant, tj. pr lb. I Fresh Lake Superior 2 white Fiah, per lM. . Freali Salmon Steak, 3 per 23c,. Stape L191C Fresh F14llets, 2 per lb ..... ... .23 Fresi, Hemag, 1~ per lb. --.... . . . 12 . FresIE Lake Perch, .121c pr lb. ý.... Standardl Qyst.m's, c at . . . . . .. . . . . 9 RIB PORK91 ROAST, lb. 9/2 C PORK SHOULDER 8> ROAST, lb.......i...8c RUfP VAL 1 LEG 0F VEAL, 1 ROAST, lb. 2 MILK FED SHOULDER V>&AL ROASIifJe lb .......... 1 12 ROLLLD VEAL I1lL . formfance van ne procured roiviMal- inckrodL students 'or at the school. Sodalists of Mallinckrodt witnessed anew the solenin cereniories of re- ception when a large group of fresb.. men joined their ranks as future co- .workers for the cause of Catholic Action. The <ceremoiies were con- ducted by the regional director, the Rev. joseph Reiner, S. J., in the. basket . q . . . . . . . . . . . . TOMATOES, ....... .23c: bc fc ed D a DnentRemem ber the Food Barrels ., 41 ed by a benefit

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