Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 55

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Murs. . cltiuer soeof lier. early iiitcrcst iii bettcr nmîc..six vearti ago wlieu she organizeti a .COînînIU- nlitv theater m iii Xerl\ 1lus.Froxi stiliig tu IIfIInS Sut 1>bcamc inter- Shie ri.c;tl.\i 11111 ied frOin a v,îsi* to I flIy3voo<I (1wlîerc She vas a gucst dl seve ofnithe larger studios- She mwasuunîrcs,.ed iiihthe eariiesttiess 01 purî>oSc .1oWîî iMalof tlie studios. T lie iro(uciotl.' at the Fox studios. 'k'alvae'acle. 15 gn>.ig to l)Cone -of te Iiiie.-t ever produce,shet stated. "litete m. th'glit anîd iouîeY ex- îîeîide.. ffr tii prodiuction is alinosI unliclhe va1 d, shie asserîe<1. ",NIovjes aÎre ilier t n <la .r<Ijzeýd prud- LIct but 114atliel,' I t 1 ultiiiiiatinn to stirî. huuî.tlit a tI et'dt, Niris. Mc- ('Iuvr assert..d. 'Vînw. erietha, it costs leweî :,JOîad M000ol soi1w if .111- tîeswe have à fta lt ideà oft' i.' nu lyof the ipro. iîb.Y' voi îain i.Ia rî" atinjust tht. 1) , t<it*Si. . x' lt- ' 11w direc- ti.'s, tiie, s"uu l i ,, h .1w n r: nen. 'N i 11.tI ' ,-i> 'r uîde with th.'v îuiîîV oietIst.ms '. But it dii'., irs nd'(lue' bu 'vd a gî'..':rt u imu- nu'vi"~ t~u th uthl N\(11 fwiaforthe i;unaîn t. kt'... 'r xanph'2:1 ii- Ihîi. ninr" tteîd,îi it.. ivie .1S It 12 mlillion itule 12 ;ilil siX itli- ii':f rih'r7 15 iIýll t ,n4dl inhc iL t.~~'Jï ilt in l !"t.. vu,î' "irld1 forlier patriotic activiis will aise qjeak. Offiers ,of the fnew. erganizatio-n, wý,hÎcl requires no mnem1bership fée or dues, are: president, ýAl!bert A. XMc- K eigh.aii,, 1025 Greenfleaf aveniue;ý y.ice-pres;ideiit, Mrsm. C. B. Cochran. 1605 Walnut avenue: secretarv, Mrs. E~ H. .yln,1517 1Maple avenue; treasurer, D. C. Leachl. 1417 Forest ivciîue:, chiailaiti. Mrs. Arthur Johin-. son., 32?,,Iýourtecîtitl street,., The iuiv."s .of 'Thet' il flévees, it 15 exiaiin'<l **i ext'Iu.'iively that of. oppo inga(lit'aIistii lu whatever guis..' itPO1m.ý .1yapa '-~vaim ('onmunimin, Intérnationalism o r 11aeifisîî. .,ro. en- gage in a sseai' sustaint-d, directed Study1 orflliese ' isms tg) the end that ils nexîîbers nvêy ha V.î a 'omiflete: Untiet- stancdiiig f the iru iieni fiwing i.Anwî'î-ca, anid tu kno..v wha t At ix ;JIil)(jut. 'l'> fPormuiilte arn;. pi-q g 1 a n telefetvl heldUcethe iif>:'.'..'n g îof !edjlon, and te- lo-w so tiagrantiv flouted. 'r'leb1'jniý a1bout the su(Pl"ss,,n if nahi<'tions openliy lta ig hie,v..'î r of oui goveî'îinent lîy \vluîn<'..' and Iliu. dted. Te)o u ielis lfu .etlket-p tradica:l 1propaýg;mda, wiîtelt '..rîtt en 'or spoketi, Nvithin the. ' laI,(et,<.*fret- sp-ech' îas specifiualiy pi>i"v bed by the Sup'emne Cout r t.. t'td Sas. - eevery honorffhie e1'Mîît t<e -ese clool. coli- lege mn(i ehui< hot .r1nti-Amee1(an i- f1u<'nce. anmd t(, <'ut.'uix'u isueh iothe,' a<,tîvitîes a s lmyIiiV 'edgê'e.d a<1Iisabit' o up4hl 114 .gtl.",ititi'.ii <'f lin' Umtefd Slates hu;en(] 'srv' t"is 'sent foi-'i t'gv'n.'. The decoration of The Purple Heart. recently awarded to Comrade B. F. . McNaughton, Will, be formatly presented to him at this meeting. Each Pos tnieniber is. requested to bring at ieast, one Pièce of service-' able. wearing apparel, for, cbildren from ' .to, 15 . years,, or for aduits, which-will be distributed* by th'e Post to folks.lu need. The Lego Christmnas Party is s et for Fridày, Decenîber 16;, fuili details will be given in next week's Wxt- The Children's Party will be held Saturday, December 24, ii St. Augus- tine'*s Parish 'House, as usual, witb Comrade E. H. Mlyrlatîd in charge. ,Se et week's i",e for particu1evs.' -John B. Stanton. Junior A uxiliary Has YuIe Pro gram Dec. 15 By H. C. A' 'l'le au>xiiia;rý of the \'ua' club of Wilnîette \%-Ill hold its regular seini-nioîthly meceting ini the club house liexîtrhursday evening,. This -'spn >earsdî tor thet irst meeting- 01 the lkistoricai society tes) years, ago, telling oôf the touinding ci Ken- ilworth. "lis was very. interesting, especially -to the newet' members.. Six Young girls servecd tomato cocktails betoie e wnner at two attrac-- ove wagon 'boutlis.ý àliss'isabeit Iovedaie of l-,ýenilwortii avenue hiac charge Pl tue entertailn- tuent., 'I atweaux,.were set in thec, pages oU a targe alb)um .buiit on thie stage, wîth tw o penuîngs. Wheoi tabîeaiwas ueînig .Ilowù thle othier was int preparation back of a large page.' BilIy Taylor, son of «the- -H. Ji. Taylors, dressed ini a.black velvet Lord- Fauntleroy suit,' turned tue pages. Old. fashioned soiîgs;,wereil lustrated, "wluîle the chorus sang the words assisietib v Isabel Clime and Jamîes Gatlii-er %vita Mrs. Clint ai, the 'puanôo. 'l'le tableaux %were '-The. kenîuck3y Bab)e* by Nirs. Henry Taylor; -Coin- îîîg Througîx the ve"bhirley iRoss and( 'Tom Glet; '-Wlen You and 1 Were Young, lMaggie," Mirs., Williami .1. Taylor aiid G.uy S. Osborn; -Drink te Me Offly WVitli Trhine Eves." Kath- eritie Stolp; 'Tle Bowery," Charlts W\ýare aîîd KarI korrady; -See Saw. Margerv D)au-," Narjorie Clark and <~[ ti.' pIs't '.'..a i's\\' fi'it il îiiisît- 1'1 1 ( - n v i tît ' i d 1< t t'l'laeiter r e " ît upit-;'îu1îav ii l i r tiîttittî a uî'h' 11 vte rsi.. - Mrs. Thîomias Covne. 240) * elrosetl lier lunicîeon club) on Friday. IerýsutNý of Mîit tugail foria- 1sgu . - 11ocal - _ N[l(Ic ili, bt wll ettnifor Chlristmias. %'),a group and Christinas carols- Mlgl Kiut alformetîr \ wttk, ov\V . besuulg b)' tic entire grouj>. %u Kî d trie inta o Chtristmnas tinie wili he .crowding ~vith w hoin FIred ~stdseverai lia- in i upon evervone lw nexi rhrlursdlai'. tionai parks ini the \%-est tinis Stifli- the Spil it of the: seasoni i1 rea tuer, us atteuîdîtsi (heli colluge tht'. the. atmosplbere anîd a reai jolis' tit) v car. His parents. tit C. C. Kidds, ~pandfral are 'id t now ive ii Ccvelnd. v.oocl wili iead the singgiwr of te old carols titat evervone loves - nw HOLD DEPRESSION PARTY- Christmas is cenîplete -witlhouîthiei, 'l'lie Paretit-Teaclier association,, i with their storv of the Nativity and Saiturdlay. .1 cceîflber I1, 1)egiînnîng at10 (),(-lockl. -Rose of Suflmer,' Mrs. Kari Kor- ra(IN; *'Vhieîî the Roll I-s Called Up Yoner" Rev. ,leland H. Danfortb *Miss Lo0vedale Nvas* called on the stage and preIsented with a buinch of piink roses and the tcnth Historical dinnier of Kenilworth was adjourned Iaveue. lid als nvr guests o uritîgthe. , -0- ThanksR'iving holida<v't;. her brother- Mrs. Harold B. Taylor. 852 hîl-la%\, and sister, .%Mr:< and Mrs. Park avenue, e'ntertai,îed twenty-four -Chester Richards, anîdlier neffiîew, guests at a bridge luncheon Tuesday Williamn Richards, of Urbana. o f iast' week.

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