Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 53

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43 131T. WT.-MALE AND VFEMALK SITUATION -WANTED BY WHITE couple.: ife. genxera1, nurse, or sèec- ond nîaid; >husband. exper. carpenter andall-around mechanic. Good. refS3. Write Box 373. Highland ]Park.' 43LTN31-îtp (;ERMANI% COUPLE WISHES PÔSI- tion; wife, cook and bouse wOrk: mnan.- housework. butler, ehbauffëur.. N. S. refs. Ph.. Buckingham 0978. ___________________43LTN31-tip GAE11MAN COU-.PLE WISHES POSI- tion: wife. cook and housework, Man, tioli.ework. butter, chauffeur.. S.! re'fs. Ph., Buckingham 0978. - 43LTN.11-ltp YOZ(>N COUPLE D ESIRE PO7SITIONS .à. cook and housemnan. Referencesý. 1Phý .%Morton Grove 1968. ,434TlNSI-Itp Fi, (UIXPHENE OUPLES CALL Paln',Winnietka 2662. 3017 or.2703 .1fter 7) P. M. 43LTN31-Itc 44 -lgP WA!YNEEgJALg WANTEIi AT ONC-EXP. DOmES- tic help). $10 to $15 wk. Pauline's, 522" Center St.. Winnetka. 44LTN31-1tc EXP'. dIRT FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Alsjst in care of (child, age 2. Ph. Wilniîeti(e1539. 44LTN31-1te, EXPI. STIEXOGKRAPHIEIt ANI) TYPIST. Shoýrt hotirs. $10 per week. Phone Wnika907. 44L31-ltp lw.t., flSeneW5,x.W aMa ain. m. r*V.f l. Private entrance. gar. Wlmette 801. 57LTN31-ltp ,6 pro*R ENT-sHOUSE NEWY URNISHED Recentiy built . . a wonderful Glencoe home, 7 beauttiful rooms. 3 .tMe baths; ýover $60,000 in- vested.. Owner lias lef t town, wlIl lase furnished -Immedi.' ately. or ýsel at sacrifice. See. Mr. Hart, 1071.,Skokie Ridge, Dr., Gjenc'oQ 1554. BAIRD & WARXER 6OLTN31-1 te, ATTRACTIVE E NG LI SH BRICK home, .3 bedrlms., 2,baths, att.,garage, où1 heat. $100:a,,nionth. Other gond rentaIs. also some remark- abfe'buys. f'rances J. X\Tnscot.t -42 pruç St.Wiuu*lka. 267 a 6OLTN31 -1 tu S. E. WINNETKA. CLOSE TO TRANS. and schools. A dandy 6 rm. home with ' 3 bedrmis.. sun and sleeping porches, ohl heat. gar. Rentai $80. Caji Winnetka 1800. 68OLTN3i-lte ONLY $50 A MONTH. ATTRACTIVE 6 rm. Winnetk-a home in choice neigh- borhood, hot air lit., gar. HEFINSES' REALTY CO.. 660 Center St., Win- netka 824. 60LTN31-1te oppor>uni tAAy SIUw as weW 1. in no'J1I.e itemns at such prices after the holi- day seaéonm. SCROST FURNITURE STORE 1004-6 Emierson. St. Universltyr 0189 Established 1898 Evanston, 111. SîLTN31-1te For SALE-LARGE THOft IRONER.ý motor perfect, been tti storage, cheap; also pair high Tôrchieres and fine wicker upholstered set, davenport and chaitr.' Cali after 6. P. M. Wil- mette985.86L3l-ltc 9)x12 ALL-oVER PATTERN.RUG. new; beautiful walnutIliv. rm. furn.; also table lnens.. 1220, Forest Ave.. Willnette. 86LTN31-ltp WHITTE SEWTNG. MACHINE IXý GOOD condition. Wll se-izl reasoniable for cash., Phone Winnetka 2fl 86LTN31-ltpl FOR SALE -F'LSI-ZED. GREEN 1inted baby bed. withnnttres-. Good condition. $6. Caîl Wilmotto 6Mb. S6LTN11-Ilp FOR qAiEr.OGNY 1-NT rarved wall chair,. Was $100, liei for $20. Call Gi'eenleaf ,5531. 86111N31-ltp 87 WTD. TO B WrANTED TO Jewel gas ,with oven ri ove in gon làla to r.Gl ing took place in the Marine dining The first meeting of. this new league wvas held at the home -of Mrs., William MUarshall O'Connell, 305 Six- teenth.street, Wilmette. The follow- ing officers, committee members- and precinct workers were elected:. Officers, ame EIeite. Offters-Mrs. Wliam Marshall O'Con- niele president; John Patterson, vice- presîdent; Bernadette Patterson, se- cretary, and Edward Schager treasurer. Executive commhittee-Ellinore O'Brien and Eugene O'Brien, representing Win- netka; Mr. 'and Mrs., Thomiag Lynchi,. representing Glence; Elleen O'Conneil and Robert Wiland, representing Wl!- mette. .Chatrrman of, cic affaIrse-William EB. Connor. Chairmnan of entertainment-Leo J. Hassenauer. Precinct -workers -Valentine Cum- mickey, Bernice Hassetiauer, Donald O~'onnel], Philflp Ô Connell, Charles Patterson, «Mary Patterson. Charles Ramsey, Virginla Roth and George Walkey. Expiai,,. League'. Purpose Eric G. Oden of Glenview, origin- ator of the Illinois Young, People's Demicratic league in the country towns, ex"plained the purpose back of this young Democratic movement. He said: >.14VPecet 01 IVII Il ývutteI-s. lji: GOOL)DliDNTISTRY Depretssion fees. Fillings (iml) Treatnients, 50c. Office 1209 Wiimetti* Ave-, hete 9. 47-A-%LTN:,i1-1 ù 131 FOR RENT-ROOMS - E. WOQÙED SEC., N.LK.GOL'Fi "1,," -N. S." BeaLu., quiet, Ige.. Ivarni front, or cozy -maller romrs. 1-21 gue-ts, 2 baths. New corner residenc-,ý. 5 minutes to Linden "1,," sta. tvwo- blks. Bkfýst. opt. Rleas. Ph. Wiimnetteý 1297. 51L31-Itp LEASE EXCHANGE 6 ornm, baths. attract i %( Dutch Colonial brick homie in choice sèëction of Ravinia, on ravine lot nuar lake, hot water heat. Weli finnnced. Owner ýd-- sires Immediate action. See Mr. Harris, 1071 Skokie Ridig, Dr., Glencoe 1554. IDW~i - - - - j ýrs our country needs." CiUEST 0F DP1AWERS. $1.5 -.MI' 'i Plan Néxt Meeting ioodrcontio l. size 40, reasona7.). The next meeting of the Newv Trier goodcondtion Ph.Wiln~tte27P .bra nch of the league will be an open FORSAL - TONETJET.CTR'5 orîn i under the direction of W'illiami train. 431-ft.,trick andrnuch ,ouinrncnt. E. Connor. He will arrange for a $19.00f) Ph <enn 4*8LN-i speaker prominent in civic affairs, it ýq WANTIED TO BUY-MISC, 1.s announced. Open discussion will, 1WVýNTED TO BIUY - WARflROPÉ folov t,-iink in gooýd condition. rensonhl The Illinois Young People's Demo- ~Vinetn gq!.89Tll 1lfn cratic league of New Trier township fias e\tenided an invitation to ali PUPtf 1800 1. icii 5 ROO M ibbard Woods.F or 1657. i for 5 yrs. needed. S Winnetka & Gosu. of Genesis) in the bands of God, flot 0O of mian, in the keepiiîg of Spirit, flot Mr. and, Mrs. William Harridge, matter-joyfully acknowvledging now 1440 Forest avenue, are Ieaving Sun- and forever God's supremacy, omnip- day for Nem, York where 'they will, otence, and omnipresence" (p. 521)i pàss about a week. ant ln, netka.1 g4eene,

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