Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 44

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ali ccess,-A 'Note in litusic" was 1I ard suprrsouLng aon.-ox, eb- equàilly..f esnioisilv, popuilar, and' tants-ail the people who make Up Olvîa's world of dreanis. Beside these nlow ~Invitation to the \\altz j sophlsticated gils lier new dress looks lîoussto mailtain the 1saie lg frumpy, and lier prograrni s only sparse- liglly filéd. Terror-stricken she hears the leveL . Buit tlwe verv qualjty wilïi music 'strike. up for the.first dance. 1miakes .the latter book sucîxinitterest - But it is ail so ne* to Olivia that the duli pain of "flot belonglng", to. the inig reading rctl(lrs it practically im-i_ gayety of the scene 15 somewliat over- perv iotis to "*igeon-hloling. * Tlie hadowed by the tlirill of,.at least being a part of ii and *watching iL And, there autlior's 1irst,.twýo works.were casie are moments, of real. pleasure for lier, "e.when she danices witli a blind Young to ýcassify: thé cliaracters -were ab- man;, when she meets a pleasant, thougîx normal and theretore stood apart, and1 unexcitlng friend of some neighbors, tuie situations %vere p)art of a <Ileinite,1 when she is introduiced to a bitter and llot Iii.,*ivitatitl on hie Vt. .eccentrie poet Who seems' to need her plot tu \Xatz.coffipany. So the evening piasses, inia liowever. tule characters îiosess ilid(i-i Whirl'0f uhecertainty,. momenitary excite- vidualitv bt htiaitcr:s ment, snatcbes of poignant yeýjrning, tlît i ai, tereis 10and self-conscilous bewildurment. real ýplot. andthé 'eaction is ver%- unii- it <ICCP Kate. rneaniwhile, lias been. more sue- ited. -Vet thlere is about cessful. She, aroused the interest ofan emnotional fascination, asv pt. a erstwhile. nelghbor who belongs- to the trenîbling anticipationî tlat trans- group that hunts and dances with Mari- cends the implortance, of j)it ald tent of this interest is established the te>Chnticai developienit. i e .xt day wlien lie invites Kate to the 1H un t Bail. Olivia realizes that for Kate Tl'he storv I)egins ivitli the Seveni- *Everything is going to begin"-tliings. tc'entli IhirthdavIN of Olivla Cuirtis. wlios.., tini. hicli she, Olivia, can have no part, ~familv is- i«ferent- froin atNvýotlie r j yet Ir. anfd- 4Ir~s. Curiar8~e empleteiy] .atlsfied. Olivia talked to Sir john ani l'.nlîs taîîî~ xc ongng t th ~ 1 Lady Spencer, tliey sent messgstohr per iniddle class and living Ill a sinail parents, slie was Introduced to a few coulitrv- village. .Duriiig the hrhdypeople, sat out wltli the son of the house,1 was present at an important social fune- celebratioii one 15 skillftillv ittro-,ltion. In tlir eyes, the invitation aýlone duced to the variou n embers of the1 was enougli. fail% andI oite inds thiat Olivia is a l The musical beauty of Miss Lehmann's' sensitive child, sliv. dreaming il- prose would bie sufficient reason foi- tenelyof ocal ctiitis viire uereadlng tlils book but there are many tenel ofsoialaciviie ývjee slemore recommendations. l is an as - %voul1d be the center of attraction and tonishing portrait of a young girl on wliere the hiandsoinest mai wotid f al the verge of womianliood ; the author' .iil love %vitli lier at sigit.;. duat Kate, has caughit ail the 'semi-comical, semi- trgeworries of adolescence and pre- lier oler sister, is moure sure of lier- sented tliem with a i. nik nThrsnding 1 er k work Thay'er was Made... tempo-, rarily;, rame's a fickle wench. "Thir-. teen Men" wvas smat; brilliant satire. The, author attempted t o duplicate his success with "Thirteen NWomeni,"' a trave.1sty on feminine foibles. It's pooir ta .ste to tempt fate with a.sec-, ond, success Patterned after the first- it- was inevitable that the book shouhl "flop." But Thayer w%%asn't out. He had becomne a fad and his' carlier works . were brought, forth. "The Greek" was -aiso intended for satire laid on with a flot too light hand;. it concerned a slapý at these, fair states of ours anîd started off cie- ver enough but in. ime got out of control and comme nced to smack of radicalism. "Cali, Her Savage" 'starterl people to really thinking about this, mran Thayer. Was hie giving us uwaý pleasant, but essential, realismn, or mierely so much smtt The. papers began to mention lus, latest book; they said it was dii- ferent, that he had altered his style ...but he hadn't, and' more likclv, because he couldn't. In "Three Sheet" Tiffany Thayer hlas fallen back on his onthieatri- cal background to paint for us a fol- lower of that profession. Hek Knott, beginning his career as a prop, boyv, d Ilt If Il lvadored by1 l is Sx xr'ý; at coinipletely LOlivioti'. to the- decep acheçs andiqetoii~ of adolescence :andl that '-\r. aîxd Nrs. ( urti. an are ot Id'?aces atepttothir Scribner A rt Prize 'l'le 1:250 l)rize ot<Ïered by Charles Scribner's Sons for a design for the cover o tlie. fortlicomning'George Wa1slîi gton lemorial Edition (greatly enlarged andI revisel). of Gould's His- tory of MNasonry. lias been awarded to 'Miss Olivia Deluîi, of New York City. The judges ivere Chiarles. Dana Gib- son. Harrison Fishier. N C. Wyveth andI Howvard Chandler Cliristy. omnitting none of the major vices.and1. ending up ini a complete deflation of lis person. Aspiring to faine in thte forni of a three-sheet billingf. lie de- velops inito a thorough1ly despicable catI, sowng seed., of trouble and de- gradation in lits wake. From earliest youth Hek has been irresistible to the opposite sex and before long is notching his catie ini prideful uîîatiner in lieu of eaclh new conciuest. frïnds- n yý ' . - rnan s Sons pufllisiued a I rendsenjoS'ent, secured for you new anthrulogy. the on1l- one of its f haudler's 1 at standard prices,, and saving you kind last mnnb ti TeBs I ihe tn quare EvhefoC y. Short Shorts of 1932." edited 1w Paul FoutMnSqure vanfonOpe& .venngaAnderson and Lionel ýý,Iite. 1Eng- 119Wime.f. Ave. Ph. Wil. 1158 lish, American and Camidiani writers, I ___________________________________-ire included. BOOKCS FOR-CIIRISTAM Th6 publishiaig season, the best for several years, Offers a wade aseect iou of delightfual booik* for every age and taste and suifit gevery perse. W. ,llwa koaas gifts a,d mail, or deliver them at any specified time. GIFT STAT[ONERY, JIG,-SAW_ PU ZZLES CHRISTMASCARDS Better value* at lower price. A host of "speecial." TABLE XMAS TREES A uew mov.lty. 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