vcceînuber CxIlilur. of original car- toons opencd formially Stunday al - terîîoon with a musical and tea. 'I'Iî nifssic wvas by the Jackson trioandi the elxhib4t was .arranged I1w thé art departmecnt. The sho%ýv hrags (lrawil1gs hv sqmel o f the couîitrv s greatest cartoonists such as 'M cCutchClio, .Shutuiacher. Carey, Orr andl Carl Ed. the lactt wo. 1Shaývne tu.etuherës. ole uio -,cr loane(I by Carev Obrr.Carl Id. hv the Chilcago I)aîl News. and liv* Cl7 7arl17es Il. l)enis, ceditor op. the Cartoonsinfluenýtial OThat carù ns andl conic 1 îl mrield an econt uli influence omer thé Auerican *neispaper public. ait that cartoon illuistratitig is -an art Idenianding a liigl degree f~il Speec(landl a tertile, brati, aréC iats ivhiclideelv iînplrc».sthiccasuial o server of, an cxliibit t is type, Xide varwtut 'ubjcct inatter as inîrcees tdure uàlîostu(thde shomv. 'l'lie <rawî,îigs rangc from iilustra~- tion: iso the niltst ital national andI internatil Ssucs, tormpulatud ini close commence mith editorial de- pàrinet, to trivialjks and nlon- wScîxîcl couic . IXunk e the public laughi, maux- agreu is thec more dif- \'aricty of artistic ,tvle is stili an- oýtlcr ]point .worîh comment. mIe- Cutchci.n's' illust~rai itons . flct. exhibit. For. example, who couii ever attribute a Gl1uiva,, Vllar draiving to anvoum btt 0luya-s 1hi11- -self? Ameong Cartooniats Inclnded aniong the imany fanious .cartooniists relpr(!einted ini the ex- hilit are: \Vortmnan wh1o so clevcrlv .catches the Ainerican wonîan off- guard andI satirizes lier; McCutcheon, Richardson, Bradlev, Ted Bro.wn, 1Your e us trator), Gene Byrnes (1<eg'lar Jiel- lers), and J; 'Miller WNatt. Mr s. J, D. 'McCue. 626 Forest ave- n.ue, entertained bier 'contract bridge club at luncheon osi 5cu Cail our I