Nimlble fingers cif Girl Scouts are fashioning yule happiness for manY persons, the reports aitroo)p* scribes reveal. Scrapbooks fuIl of cheer for childrénii ihospitals ; bright red gift stockings;, neatly tied bundies of ciotihinig.Christmnas cards sewî,xg boxes-al these inean busv hours tor Girl 'Scouts and glow-iing holidays foer the persons 'Who receive the gifts. Games, wvork for honors, and ad- vancenhent, -discussions, and îniakiniLz of 'pans are other highilighits of re-ý cent Girl, Scout activities,ý suiinuarý- ized in the cfollowiiiiitrool) ncws' Mrs. Siecks troop in inetka lias spent maiiy happy week-enids at the Primitive camp at Delavanl, Mlich ics un cannectian with Mr. Verdiîi's farin. \VhiIe at camp, the girls spend iinuc.h of their lie at the fari ith-Mr. and Mrs. verdiîn and their eight dar- ling children. These children range Mi ages al the *way f rorni 3 to 17 àiîd * althoughi farins can raise thecir food. the clothing %vas a problein 1fo r à b Iig faily.* So al the girls bro iit in lice burdlcs. of (iscarded cloth- ing and hiad it takeii out to the farin. d lots of fun and I know 1A. :iîîi! I E lepihant Iatrol is prep)aring dinuer Monday nighit before troap îneetiîxg, and the leader, who lias heard the menu, knows it isn't a dintier to bc .missed. December 10, if wveather peruhits. the girls all plan to go ridiîxg at the, Glencoe stables. Best ai aIl, Deceni- ber 16 and 17, the troop memibers are ta spend at Walton Woods cabin. Soîne of the girls haive been there. o'clock in the Unrist unurch rarisn House. Any girls who are f reshmen in.,bigh school are eligible f or mem- bership. "If you are ýinterested, in .jaîn- ing. and are not sure of getting ta thje first meetings, caîl the office and. sign up so we can make a caunt of the girls who wish *to 4écame mem- bers," the troop ýsponsors urge. played sorne observation gaines and discussed having a, Christmas part%- for tîhe scouits- in: Chicago. Then, we talked abou.t the registration dues. \Ve eided the nieeting bysingingý ~'ais."-A.iita Staub), scribe. Troop 18 I.irst- wc, had patrol cQrc, .ior attendance and dues: Then we plaved an ob)servation gaine, a diî- ferent onc for ecd patrol. -Mr. Get- gooe camne and. talkcd to us about Cotnmunity House. Mrs. Clark thiei showed us how to make spatter pririts. You take a piece of paper and cover it withi a design and thc;i take a toothbrush and same paint ; you dip the toothbrush into the paint. take a knife and spatter thxe a tirî lectil bionii This, books morial the fat r axaitolaid us a story about 1, family. WXe sang sevecral se- s, then, sang "Taps" and w.ent, Troop 10 week we worked an our scrap- for the children afi the Ne- hospital. Later weû di-scussedl mily we are going to take care r Christmnas and possiblv later. Al/i culture, idaills Dr. Jolhn 1-Erskiic, corncs ultimatclv tlzrough the ha is andmi-cfd,, a d flic trouble witî inosf educaf ion htietolas bccn- thatitiL îndcd Io dezelop oilv flie liead. D r. Erskine, atithor. comipotser, pro- -ssor at Colunihia university and presi- Icaril t4o do lv doling, thev ate on the rigbt road.IDr. rkiedeclared. *I'Thc 4,nxposcr las ta depend on the, operaI-ýt< ., .t -is, craft, anid wbia- is truc o) MlUSIC, 15ý true of al i te other arts," h'e coiichuded. Toadstool Club Plans to Meet December 9 'llTh'oa(Istcoclub ),the ornrYizatlcm * Xith Christmas just arôund the corner, ilte Girl Scouts are be- giniling to think about Hollv, fir trees and poitîsettias;,,nîia ny troop s are planinig Ch 'ristmnas p)arties, and practîcally .aIl scouts are mak'ing tiienitaliiote-s as ta, how the%, cat play Santa Clans ta athers l11 addition tao making plans for a Chîristmias ïCast at the last iîneeting, Troop 24 -dis-cusscd badge work; an oi the girls will.soohi. have passed ail ai the nilestoues of the secon.d claý.s1 rank. alid they. are anxtous to begtîx on tîxeir proficiency badges ;t lie 1ieeting__also iiiclule.d a nieW gaine kîîown, as double -tait, and a itew song. -0 Soldier, Soôldier, Wî\'ll VOn Marry '\e,"Sung -ith înuich gusto. .Troop. 23*s meeting was-led by the lieutenant of the troop, Bobbsv Schil - -baek, aatiIs thie'ipfratiinal part of the program, she read to the girls extracts front the life of 'Mrs. Jul- iette Lowv, founder of the Girl Scoutsý in this couîntry. Next week the girls plan ta tackle the probleiniaf first aid-bandaging, what to do In case of emiergencies, and safeti. practice. All the girls are requested ta be sure to rcmenibcr tô bring tics and bandages ta the meeting. flieni at the preseit .tune-and tun- decr 'Miss. Burgess' able wINeldinig of the flag. thev hope to cotiquer t4c dlots, and dashes 1w Christinas. iroop 21plans a registration for the nx meeting, -whIere the orditîarv rouitnle af scoutiîg \%-Ill be laid aside un order that the girls mnay eat, mnake inîrrN ' and be glad that they are registered Girl Scouts. Troop 7 bias a ixew scribe, Betty Dodds; hlowev-er, this Rose ~ni' ta scouts at a settleznent in Chi Then we, had patrol-corners. or a. a"eau, .matrJv iejohnfstUT, Igy Mc- Clure and Nancy Warden. Next iweek four other Brownies wilI stir Up more delicious cakes-and Tawny Owl thinks no cakes could smell bet- ter. ry Sue Orr, scribe